CFL grow startedd 9/11/10


Well-Known Member
Damn jr. You got six already? I started on the eleventh and my 6th node is popping up right now. Ill be looking out for those pics tomorrow though.


Active Member
ok so my temps are varying from 100 degrees at night when the lights are on and im asleep to 80 degrees when the door is open and has full ventilation when the light are on and then finally when the lights are off the temp is a cool 75 degrees so i know i need to keep temps down at all costs.

ok but more importantly for you guys here is the picture update
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Active Member
ok so i re-arranged my fans and now its never gets over 90 degrees(baby steps guys; i know 75 is the goal). the even better news is that it get down to about 78 degrees when the door is open to the grow room. I think im gunna buy a few quality fans from walmart (oxymoron; i know. lol) but i think once i do that i can get the temps down to 80 at night and posibly 70-75 when the door is open. thats my goal for right now. i hope once i get the temps down i can see more growth cus as of right now this is gunna take all year to get a mature plant... really lame but i guess its all i got for now.


Well-Known Member
damn junior, idk what the deal is with your babies there, no offense. i'll upload a pic of mine at the end of this, but you started on the 11th, i started on the 15th and look where i'm at, even after topping them for (i guess) two main colas. i wanted four, but oh well, perfectly happy with two for first grow. i know you said your lights are on at night, any way you could change em to be on in the daytime? i was just thinking that way you could leave the door open or something and not draw as much attention to it as you would with lights on at night and get a little cross-ventilation going to cool it down a bit. mine is ranging between 68/70 at night with lights off to 80/82 at most with lights on mid-day.IMAG0005.jpg

i'd say you need to get your lights way way closer and stop watering so much.


Well-Known Member
damn junior, idk what the deal is with your babies there, no offense. i'll upload a pic of mine at the end of this, but you started on the 11th, i started on the 15th and look where i'm at, even after topping them for (i guess) two main colas. i wanted four, but oh well, perfectly happy with two for first grow. i know you said your lights are on at night, any way you could change em to be on in the daytime? i was just thinking that way you could leave the door open or something and not draw as much attention to it as you would with lights on at night and get a little cross-ventilation going to cool it down a bit. mine is ranging between 68/70 at night with lights off to 80/82 at most with lights on mid-day.View attachment 1192057

i'd say you need to get your lights way way closer and stop watering so much.
^^ Looking good. That dark green is sign of a healthy plant. I'll take some pictures of mine here in a few days on my third indoor session I germinated on the 12th and another 4 around 6 days ago.


Well-Known Member
Thanks doc! Only thing I'm concerned about is that I'm actually not watering enough now. In smb's book he waters with almost a gallon every 3 days at this point... also, its not growing up at all. It's only about 3" high and really wide.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply noobgrower.... yea your deff right, i got to admit this isn't really working out the way i thought it would. i wonder if its even worth continuing. i just bought a new fan, but idk if it will really help much. this blows pretty hard. i never thought the heat was gunna fuck me, i deff thought it would be lack of light or something in that regard. well yea i guess thats all for now. i raised the light up a bit to see if it would cool them down at all. it might jsut strech them but w/e im getting desperate. so gay i have this room to grow but its worthless due to the over heating.....GAY to the max. im really pissed about this now, so dumb this is gunna ruin my whole chance for anything worth while..... typical..... life sucks, this is jsut starting to turn into a rant put honestly this is so typical in my life.... i finally find something that i can be happy about and then it doesn't work out.... so typical. w/e, good luck to everyone else with solid grows....


Well-Known Member
It takes time mine are very small in height still too. I don't remember it being like this in my passed grows but give it time. I remember last time after it got about 8 inches tall it started growing an inch to 1.5" a day. As for watering I always use the rule of thumb sticking your finger in the soil 3-4"s if moist dont water let them dry for a day.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply noobgrower.... yea your deff right, i got to admit this isn't really working out the way i thought it would. i wonder if its even worth continuing. i just bought a new fan, but idk if it will really help much. this blows pretty hard. i never thought the heat was gunna fuck me, i deff thought it would be lack of light or something in that regard. well yea i guess thats all for now. i raised the light up a bit to see if it would cool them down at all. it might jsut strech them but w/e im getting desperate. so gay i have this room to grow but its worthless due to the over heating.....GAY to the max. im really pissed about this now, so dumb this is gunna ruin my whole chance for anything worth while..... typical..... life sucks, this is jsut starting to turn into a rant put honestly this is so typical in my life.... i finally find something that i can be happy about and then it doesn't work out.... so typical. w/e, good luck to everyone else with solid grows....

You'll be alright your about where I'am they will get bigger. Work on your heat issue


Well-Known Member
yeah junior, don't get down! figure out a way around the problem. did you create a passive intake at the bottom of one side and run pc fans out the top on the other side? cool air in at bottom because of the negative air pressure created by the pc fan blowing hot air out the top. give it a try bro


Active Member
thanks guys... woke up today in a funk, and then i saw the posts and was like damn. but i think im gunna at least put in a passive intake... i doubt i can make a heat output but im gunna put my a/c in my grow room very soon... i jsut hope the damage hasn't been done to the point more it will grow slow the rest of the plants life.

i just checked on the plants for the first time today and the temp was only 85! so im making progress... i need that fan and a/c stat tho


Well-Known Member
thatta boy, don't get down, get growin! idk what soil you're using, but maybe they need to be transplanted to something more ph-stable and nutrient rich. i'm just using plain old scott's potting mix. says it's got food for like 6 months in it and comes premixed with perlite. workin like a charm


Active Member
that is a good point too, i really do need to ph my water to see what it at. i have yet to do that yet.


Well-Known Member
well that may be your primary problem right there. the yellowing could be a way off ph. do you use tap water? if you do, you should ph it, then let it sit out for 2-3 days. this will let the chlorine evaporate.


Well-Known Member
well that's good. keep us posted. i'm a little worried about mine as it hasn't really grown upwards at all. it's all wide growth


Well-Known Member
just changed over to flowering two days ago. so i went into flowering day 19. just a quick update.


Mines a little bit younger than yours by a week or so...I only have 2 26w on it now (daylight bulbs) but plan to expand when $$ says so...i just want to get a good feel for it plus gain some insight on issues i may have before ordering the big guns (payin for seeds). Unless some nice donor out there wants to give me some good seeds lol....I think for my next go around (first real attempt, but second set of plants) I want to try Caramelicious...anyone know good things about it??

Can't wait to watch your plants and in turn hope mine follow along (if you do well that is)...rooting for swell crop, subscribed.


Active Member
Thanks for the wishful thinking guys.... picture update tommorow. bob you should totally try to get that caramelious growing. i have been eyeing that strain since before i could grow for my self, i would deff try it if i was you. The one strain i HAVE TO TRY before i die would have to be Medijuana... heres the link..... so headyyyyyyy, but i can't risk getting seeds shipped to my house so only bag seed for me : (. One day i wanna grow that medijuana tho.... one day