dude, you really suck at debating. tell me WHY i don't get it....don't just keep chanting it. chanting =/= debating.
still ambiguous, and inconsistent with your previous statements. you previously stated "when the life of the mother is physically or mentally endangered", and now you come out with this different version. and i could also say that a fetus is a parasite that can not exist if not for the mother's womb, and thus is not life and thus has no right to life.
you could have made this all so much easier on yourself had you simply asnwered up or down, yay or nay to my previous clealy-worded examples that depended on no amount of interpretation. in fact, i will give you another chance to do so:
if my wife was simply not ready to mother a child (let's say it threatened her career goals) and i lived in the society of the gospel of parker, would the almighty parker allow for an abortion to proceed?