What are your Beliefs on Spirits, Ghosts, and All Other Paranormal?


Active Member
Just trying to see what most people think about these subjects. Do you believe in ghosts? Is the paranormal real? Give me you opinions. Have you had any experiences with fortune tellers or spirits?
I personally don't believe in ghost.but my x said see saw ghost at this grave yard she yous to hang out at but i sure it was just to much speed..she never would tell me why she hung out at a grave yard..... Crazy bitch
Yeah I'm not really sure the grave yard is where I usually want to spend most of my nights. But yeah if you stay up long enough you will trip.
that shsits real man no shit i saw a curtain move in my house with no explaination no wind or anything my mom and bro seen a black figure too that shit is fuckin real man
I believe in energy and the energy living beings carry with them has to go somewhere when the body dies. I think there are spirits in this sense. They sometimes make themselves present, I think in places that were meaningful in their lives. Personally, I haven't encountered an incident myself but my best friend disclosed with me that she's positive she saw a hovering corporeal figure in the oldest corner of her 106 year old house when she went downstairs to get a cup of water when she was 7 years old. I believe she is telling the truth. I'd love to experience something paranormal but unfortunately, nothing I've noticed has happened in my life thus far...
TAPS, and other orgs have been doing alot of research on them, and have collected some valid data on the topic if you want to look them up. At this point for me its not a matter of belief, but more that I want to understand. If some people do stick around after they die and can materialize from time to time, I want to know is that going to end up being me?
TAPS, and other orgs have been doing alot of research on them, and have collected some valid data on the topic if you want to look them up. At this point for me its not a matter of belief, but more that I want to understand. If some people do stick around after they die and can materialize from time to time, I want to know is that going to end up being me?

I'd like to understand as well. I don't think all people stick around though...
Bullocks, or however the brits say it,lol. I guarantee,no athiest ever saw a ghost.

Atheists also deny any existence of a high power so it doesn't surprise me that most of them wouldn't believe in spirits and whatnot. As an Agnostic, I say I'm not about to rule it out...
I suppose a lot of people would have to personally see something in order to open their minds to the idea
Atheists also deny any existence of a high power so it doesn't surprise me that most of them wouldn't believe in spirits and whatnot. As an Agnostic, I say I'm not about to rule it out...
I suppose a lot of people would have to personally see something in order to open their minds to the idea

kinda like GOD, I'd have to see him to believe in him. If I was GOD, I wouldn't need to hide for millions of years, or have a little planet full of people fighting over whether I exsist or not, or haunting them with spirits I won't let into my pleasure zone.lol
kinda like GOD, I'd have to see him to believe in him. If I was GOD, I wouldn't need to hide for millions of years, or have a little planet full of people fighting over whether I exsist or not, or haunting them with spirits I won't let into my pleasure zone.lol

Lol yes, but we're not clued into any of that.There are so many possibilities that it is impossible to pick one. It is possible that there is a higher power such as "God" running the show and doing all this shit for a reason. There is also a possibility that we and all existence is all just a coincidence. I personally think it would be pretty hilarious if there is a "God" and he/she is just doing like a science experiment with us here on Earth :grin: like just to see what would happen with our planet. This idea would explain why he/she hasn't made him/herself visibly known to us or why he/she isn't getting too involved...but this is just one out of millions of ideas ;)
check out this one kooks theory.
One day computers will be as fast as a human brain, therefore the computer can generate a world(matrix) that it wouldn't know the difference between reality and the matrix, and we may already be that matrix and we are just a computer generated world.
check out this one kooks theory.
One day computers will be as fast as a human brain, therefore the computer can generate a world(matrix) that it wouldn't know the difference between reality and the matrix, and we may already be that matrix and we are just a computer generated world.

The matrix is also an option we've had in mind ;)
Last night when i was about to go to sleep, i started hearing this wooooo woooooooooo sound, next thing i kno dishes are flying at me. I thought it was a ghost, but then i realized my dog was having puppies and my gf was pissed cause i didnt take out the trash out.

No but seriously, i wanna believe so bad, but im just the type i gotta see it myself. Ive heard alot of differenct stories from people, but the only one ive always believed(now im starting to wonder again) is this story my dad told me about when he was a little boy, he use to always see this indian chief in his house. He had 7 other siblings, and he was the only one to ever see it.
He said it would never say anything and always had the same blank expression and it always scared the shit out of him. Then he said one day he asked the chief what he wanted, and that was the last time he ever saw him. He said that he told his mom about it and they just kinda nodded there head and went along with it. But then he said about 30 years later, his mom found out that their house was built on an indian burial ground. So that makes me kinda wonder, is it really true? But theni begin to think, well he was a child with a wild imagination. Seems like most ghost stories occur when their a child. Makes me think that they were imagining this to a point where they really do think its real and they really do think they saw something
their real my moms is got a ghost but its linked to tha property you can ee a dark figure in the yard late some nights and sometimes you can see or hear it in the house beleive what you want there is an afterlife im not a religous freak either lol
But theni begin to think, well he was a child with a wild imagination. Seems like most ghost stories occur when their a child. Makes me think that they were imagining this to a point where they really do think its real and they really do think they saw something

Great story man, I believe it. Personally, I think that a child's senses are heightened compared with an adult's. Just like kids can hear that really high pitched sound that adults can't hear, I think it goes the same for some visuals. Children probably see corporeal sights more often than adults...I think kids have an easier time to spot/notice something because they have less distracting things on their minds in comparison to adults. At least, this is one explanation :\