Curing: jars versus tupperware

I'm always reading about curing buds in jars, but never a mention of tupperware or other plastic sealable containers. Does it really matter long as they get no air.

We have no jars but shitloads of plastic containers

didnt read past OP so if somone said already tupperware / plastic bags = most common forms of leaching plastic the only one i beleive that wont leach is celephane
go to a ace hardware or goto acehardware online and get 64 oz mason jars a 6 pack for 8.99 thats right halfgalon mason jars
Anyone have experience with water curing? Someone gave me some info in another post about it. Was wondering if anyone else has any thought about it.
I highly recommend mason jars. You can but a case of them at any grocery store for $10 dollars of less and the ability to see thru the glass if great to monitor the cure. I swear by them. I'll use plastic for short term. I've got grow from three-four years ago tucked away in computer paper boxes that still kicks butt. They also make great housewarming gifts!
I highly recommend mason jars. You can but a case of them at any grocery store for $10 dollars of less and the ability to see thru the glass if great to monitor the cure. I swear by them. I'll use plastic for short term. I've got grow from three-four years ago tucked away in computer paper boxes that still kicks butt. They also make great housewarming gifts!

You can warm my house with a jar full any day.
Glass jars are the way to go, and even still THC sticks to them too.
Advantage is they are not AS porous as plastic, but porous still.
Plastic will leach into the taste after a prolonged storage.
Lastly, Wal Fart sells the big one gallon cookie-like jars with the vaccum sealed top, plus a plethora of sizes.
Anyone growing a little weight for personal storage or otherwise should really try to think everything through as much as possible, before starting to grow or at least plan accordingly as you go along.
No offense, but why grow 12lbs and have no idea how to or what to store them in !?
I bought a dozen 32oz jars along with all my equipment, before I even planted my first indoor seed.
plastic doesnt only leach into taste it creates fluorine when it comes in contact with thc that foggy color of a old bag even degrading but yah with glass it will just stick to it but you can also scrape it:D get your credit cards and razers
Tupperware has a way of collecting strong food odors that may effect your cured smell. That and plastic things always have a plastic sort of smell. Clean glass does not.
You can do either, it just depends if you can tell the difference or not. I have seen cures being done in black garbage bags.

This is true. I've also found that used containers...(Tomato Sauce Jars, Tupperware, Pickle Jars, etc...) attract unwanted smells as well, even when washed out repeatedly.

I would just recommend using either clean, new tupperware...or New glass jars.

Jars being the best.
Glass jars are the way to go, and even still THC sticks to them too.
Advantage is they are not AS porous as plastic, but porous still.
Plastic will leach into the taste after a prolonged storage.
Lastly, Wal Fart sells the big one gallon cookie-like jars with the vaccum sealed top, plus a plethora of sizes.
Anyone growing a little weight for personal storage or otherwise should really try to think everything through as much as possible, before starting to grow or at least plan accordingly as you go along.
No offense, but why grow 12lbs and have no idea how to or what to store them in !?
I bought a dozen 32oz jars along with all my equipment, before I even planted my first indoor seed.

i live in a very dry environment.
i've seen over one ounce out a pound dissapear into the air
when it comes from where it's grown to here. vacum bags are
great, one day you are gonna drop one of your jars fulla weed and as you are
picking glass out of it, you'll probably be wishing you had used a food saver bag.
been doing this for a while now, don't sweat the technique.
i live in a very dry environment.
i've seen over one ounce out a pound dissapear into the air
when it comes from where it's grown to here. vacum bags are
great, one day you are gonna drop one of your jars fulla weed and as you are
picking glass out of it, you'll probably be wishing you had used a food saver bag.
been doing this for a while now, don't sweat the technique.
And some how you deduced that vacuum sealed bags are the cure-all in your "very dry environment" where you've "seen over one ounce out a pound" DISAPPEAR "into the air" !!

Weed, a solid plant material, doesn't dissipate or DISSAPEAR as you stated. View attachment 1217115

That would be the moisture that was still left in the marijuana PRIOR to being transported to your oasis. View attachment 1217126

And it would be amazing to see a glass jar full of dank ass buds, fall off of a shelf that's 4 inches above carpet, in my big beautiful walk-in closet ! View attachment 1217127

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary:


noun \ˈhwī(-ə)l, ˈwī(-ə)l\
Definition of WHILE

: a period of time especially when short and marked by the occurrence of an action or a condition : time <stay here for a while>

View attachment 1217132Another words, you don't know shit because you haven't been doing it LONG and therefore have no technique to sweat ! View attachment 1217131

But here's some intel for you. Look into Tight Pacs !
That's probably my next move.
Thought I'd toss you that one for free !

Now keep it movin' pimpin'.............View attachment 1217134

.................before you get that ass spanked !!View attachment 1217133

My bad TinyTurtle !
I apologize for that up above !
Seriously !
If it's cool with you, we can agree to disagree.

But I'm not deleting it b/c that some funny shit right there !
I don't care what you say ! ROFLMAO
Get it..... Larry the Cable Guy
you go on ahead thiniking you know everything about what you're talking about, that's fine.
of course if i just had weed sitting in my closet, it would be in a jar. but weed never sits around for very long.
and i'm not starting som kinda jar recycling program like the breweries in mexico.
you get a zip fro me and it comes vacum sealed and weighed .4 over.
it keeps the weed in perfect condition and also people can't pinch the sack.
my personals i leave in a jar in my bedside table, and in ajar under my coffee table.
i've seen a few dozen pounds vacum sealed and stacked like firewood, for transport and storage.
that few dozen was the first half of a seventy pound crop.
put that in jars and move it around, little geek.
jars are good up to a point, beyond that they are a burden and way beyond impractical.
little? most of the jars ppl use are 16 oz'ers yah i use 64 and 128 oz jars yep hafl gallon and 1 gal jars i have one 2 gal i get to put cola's in there and its niceee