Come on in and meet Icky (ice kush) my firsst grow


Active Member
hey how was your trip man, icky must be huge now she'll grow heaps once you switch her to 12/12
trip was good got to pat a real tiger what a rush
icky is scaring me lol she has grown heaps in the time i been away lol got alot of tyin to do


Active Member
here is a couple quick snaps i just took ill go in tomorrow and tie her down and will probly switch her to 12/12



Well-Known Member
wow shes grown heaps look at all those bud sites haha!!
much taller aswell your babysitter looked after it like a pro :bigjoint:


Active Member
yeah i made it as simple as i could for the babysitter told all they had to do was check ph daily ,top the reservoir up with ph water no nutes when needed and raise light the only thing the sitter stuffed up a lil is she got a bit worried bout the light and raise it a lil more than it prob needed but thats better than having burnt tips :P so the node sights have stretched a lil but im very happy with what she has done


Active Member
ok tied her down as best i could
also emptied the reservoir topped it up with water at ph5.7 and 5ml oxy-pjus will leave it like that for a day then i will flip her to 12/12 and add flower nutes
gunna take some cuttings but have to wait until thursday as i spent all my cash on my holiday lol and i need some rooting gel and a couple cfls for my vegy cab oh and a heat mat
heres some pics after i tied her down



Well-Known Member
you better flip the switch soon then lol
are you going to be cloning in rockwool cubes or something else
im thinking of giving rockwool a try for cloning, soil takes too long, do you have to soak the cubes for 24 hours


Active Member
you better flip the switch soon then lol
are you going to be cloning in rockwool cubes or something else
im thinking of giving rockwool a try for cloning, soil takes too long, do you have to soak the cubes for 24 hours
yeah my lights just went off so when the globe cools down im swapping out the mh and changing to 12/12

i am going to use rockwool cubes for my clones will take them thursday/friday after i get the bits n pieces i still need for veg cab
give them a good flush to start with but be carefull not to squish the cube when its wet as this crushs the pores in the cube and makes it harder for the cutting to breath so im lead to believe
as long as u flush well u should only need to soak in ph 5.5ish water for about an hr
from what ive read peeps soak anywhere from an hr to 24hrs


Active Member
ok took out the 400w mh and put in the 400w hps and switched the timer to 12/12
will add flower nutes when lights come on tonight


Active Member
took some cuttings tonight bit nerve racking first time ever doing it just doesnt feel right cutting her :P


raised ppm up to 700 from 500
Icky looks pretty happy
cant even tell she had six cuttings taken from her lol cant wait for the bud porn :p



Active Member
finished my cutting/veg cab today
looks pretty good to if i do say so myself :P
heres a couple pics



Active Member
Nice little clone cab you have there odlaw
cheers man was easy to make its just a tiny freezer(better than bar fridge has a shelf that slides in almost at the top perfect for mounting light) i got the globes from bunnings 2x 45w 6500k enregy savers 17 bucks each and i also got a flood light bar with 2 globe holders on it from bunnings 25 bucks wired up a small extension lead to that computer fan for exhaust and a tiny fan inside for circulation the lights swivel so u can actually adjust the height of the light a fair bit just from that but i can also move the shelf they sitting on up and down

heres a couple pics of icky and her babys

16/10/10 ph6 ppm900

17/10/10 ph5.5 with a lil superthrive