Hi all
cant upload any more photos until fri im almost capped goto stop downloading porn um i mean playing games online
things are looking ok shes getting real bushy still managing to keep her height down
looks like i may have some nute build up in the pot i noticed it wasnt draining probly when i last watered and the new growth was like a yellowing lime colour instead of the usual rich green so i pulled the pot out start to put a couple more holes in it and what ever was bloking it up must have unbloked cause while i was piss farting around with it a heap of water just started puring out the bottom so i guess blockage is fixed and we got a few more holes now to
flushed her with ph water no nutes
the water coming out was loaded with nutes was reading 700ppm so i gave her another flush and now have her on straight ph water with a lil oxy-plus after 1 water and letting the plant drain and return to reservoir the ppm went upto 150ppm so im hoping that means i got it more or less sorted
i will leave it another day or two then i will get the water back up to 800ppm
i go away for a week on sat so hopefully things will start swinging back to norm b4 i go so the babysitter wont have much to worry bout cept topping the res
after i get back i will most likely switch her over to flower and let the bud porn begin