Come on in and meet Icky (ice kush) my firsst grow


Active Member
Haha, nice. I make all my stuff myself too. Macgyver is my hero. Good idea for a heater too. I couldn't find a heating mat that didn't have a two hour limit timer on it so I tried riging a coffee mug warmer to sprout some seeds and burnt a circle in my hardwood floor. Plus the mug warmer half melted. I guess they aren't meant to be on for a week straight. I think your idea is much better and I'll make something like that for this winter when I need to sprout some.
yeah if ya do do it try to get something fairly shallow but not shallow enough you got to check the water everyday and make sure u got a nice size stone in there to keep the water moving to keep an even temp in there i just set the the water heater to 28*c as that seemed the keep the base of the greenhouse around 23*c


Active Member
How's it going odlaw? Will be keeping an eye on this good luck.
Good man and you?

Great welcome aboard Serious Weeds feel free to make any comments/sugestions im allways open to new ideas etc...

well i was starting to get a lil worried as she looks fine but still isnt that big read somewhere that kush type plants like it a lil warmer so i uped the temp a couple degrees and looked in there today and wow man she looks so alive and perky and she got roots showing so im gunna put her into her final home in a few will take pics and post em l8r


Well-Known Member
nice man so does it look like the added temp is helping them grow better?
im going to be starting 2 bubba kush seeds in a week or 2 and might need high temps too because it's kush
maybe your plants just focusing on root development right now and are about to blast off in new growth? :hump:


Active Member
well its probly to soon to tell but man they are really looking perky today with the day temp running between 27 and 30

u could be right about the root growth to as her roots are comming out of the base of a large rockwool cube now and man they are white and healthy
i was thinking that to but its been almost a month from seed and she still has stuff all nodes but when i look at other grows there babys seem way more advanced than icky for the same time frame could just be a genetic thing to

i cant find any other info on this strain other than seed bank pages which all say the same im gunna do some more looking around l8r on kush and slighty higher temps and see what i can come up with


Active Member
Icky started showing nice healthy roots through the base of her current home so she decided to move into the penthouse
Coco Perlite mix 80/20
water 330ppm a+b h202 superthrive
ph 6



Well-Known Member
looking good, cant wait for this thing to be big!
are you only doing the 1 plant? how long are you planning on vegging for?
you should get an awesome yield with the 400watt, my first harvest i only got few grams short of 1 ounce and that was because i was using shitty cfls lol
now that im using 400watt also im hoping for atleast 2 ounce per plant or better yet more lol


Active Member
if i only get 2 ounces from a grow ill throw out all the equipment as it wouldnt be worth it in my opinion man the end result needs to justify the running/maintenance costs
yeah just one for now this is kinda a test run to see how ill go for room etc although ive been offered a cutting so i may grab that and throw it in there to
around 4 weeks may go a lil longer im in no hurry man
i plan on letting it get a couple more nodes then im gunna top her and then wrap the 2 colas in opposite directions around the pot so ideally i should end up with 2 colas wrapped around top of pot and meeting at other side and all my branches should become main colas to a degree lol

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
if i only get 2 ounces from a grow ill throw out all the equipment as it wouldnt be worth it in my opinion man the end result needs to justify the running/maintenance costs
Man I'm so with you on that I have tried many times never realy got much bud but never like this time so I hope it is worth it.


Active Member
i almost changed my mind of even doing the setup when i seen how much electricity was/has gone up here in aust but i just dont have anywhere outdoor to grow and well arthritis aint gunna let me go bush walking and find a nice spot so fingers crossed lol


Well-Known Member
if i only get 2 ounces from a grow ill throw out all the equipment as it wouldnt be worth it in my opinion man the end result needs to justify the running/maintenance costs
yeah just one for now this is kinda a test run to see how ill go for room etc although ive been offered a cutting so i may grab that and throw it in there to
around 4 weeks may go a lil longer im in no hurry man
i plan on letting it get a couple more nodes then im gunna top her and then wrap the 2 colas in opposite directions around the pot so ideally i should end up with 2 colas wrapped around top of pot and meeting at other side and all my branches should become main colas to a degree lol
oh yeah thats going to look crazy, a nice way to maximize your yield even more :hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with both of you about a worthy end result, i definitely wouldn't be growing if the end result wasn't worth it
my first grow i had the crappiest yield, but im not surprised because i only had 3-4 lights on the thing im lucky i even got bud of that lol
if i dont get a good result from my current grow im throwing all my equipment too lol
1 plant under 1 400watt hps should yield you way more then 2oz bro for sure!
my 2oz per plant was a guesstimate for me because i have 6 plants under 1 400watt -
i read somewhere that alot of smaller plants will yield the same as a few big plants


Active Member
ah kewl i see now that makes sense masterhemp 6 plants at 2oz each would def justify the running costs
i also remeber reading about more plants but smaller size should get same results as 1 or 2 big plants to lol
did ya get ya light sorted out with disc hydro man


Well-Known Member
yeah i ordered the rest of the things i needed today including the mh bulb and they are going to throw in a hps bulb with it for free, discount hydro is awesome i wont buy from anywhere else now lol im even buying nutes from them


Well-Known Member
Plus you have a shorter veg time with a lot of smaller plants compared to a few large plants.
yeah jebus right on, which is why im doing alot more plants at the moment for a quicker but still big harvest
odlaw has more patience then me :p


Active Member
Still not much to see lol but im happy

Topped up reservoir with 10ltr water ppm was at 256 so got that back up to 300ppm ph is sitting at a constant 6 added 5ml h202(oxy-plus) soup temp is at 23*c

here is some pics of icky and a couple of the clone/veg home im building