Marijuana and God.


New Member
I've been having many debates in the past month or so in regards to this subject. I believe god made everything for a reason and that marijuana is can be used for healing of the nations... But my friends say that god made marijuna as a kind of "temptation" so that we could practice self control.. What is a good argument to counter this?


Active Member
I suppose Oxygen is also a "temptation" being it can also be used to achieve a euphoric state of being... I win. There you go!
I find it funny that your friend is making statements about what God intended. I can make statements about what I or my family intends to do...but making such a statement about God is silly for one reason. HOW THE FUCK DOES YOUR FRIEND KNOW WHAT GOD INTENDED?
God created the Earth and everything within it and as He says in the Bible, ".......I have given you every seed bearing fruit....", and the classic, "Go forth and multiply."
It is my duty as a bible and God fearing person to USE what he gave us, either a plant that grows form the ground organically with no man made products, or use his golf course that I love so much. He gave it to us to use.

Cause the Bible tells me so!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Prove "God" exists and that sed God is the creator of all and you will have your answer....

I picked up and a read a book about a cat that took over the world then pee'd on its mother and became a frog so it must be true..
Before you get your question answered you should first find out if theres even an answer in the first place. If you cant prove "God" exists then why even bring "God" into a conversation.

Instead use the cat that turned into a frog...

Im someone who does have religious beliefs, but I also believe that religion is something to believe in, a standard. A set of rules to live by to have good fortune and a way to a better place. So if what I said above makes you think im some tongue speaking devil worshiper your wrong ;P)


New Member
Prove he doesn't. I rather believe were here for a reason not just some mistake. And i intended this to be a thread about HELPING my point. Not debating it. End of Convo.


Genesis 1:11
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. (12) The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

Your friends are entitled to their own opinion. However it appears to me they are another victim of D.A.R.E.

I say this because they clearly stand on the "Anti" side of the argument. They see MJ not a plant with medicinal properties, but as a bad street drug associated with crime.

If they looked at this more, (AHEM) scientifically, they would notice that the headache medicine they use, the coffee they drink, the aloe in their kleenex; all these are drugs and all are derived from plants.

Not to mention unless your friends are SUPER religious, Beer, wine, tobacco; All drugs and all from plants.


Well-Known Member
Lol I never said we were here by mistake please dont put words in my mouth thats very very rude.. And if your gonna cut a convo off just because I expressed my beliefs in your thread, well thats pretty sad and very childish of you and you prob shouldn't make anymore threads if your gonna get your panties in a bunch when you dont like what you read in them mate.. For a second there I thought intelligent people were having an intelligent conversation...

Apparently I was wrong..........

I feel sad for people like you...


Well-Known Member
marijuana can be used for MANY reasons, healing, political reasons, to make money, ETC.

did your god take that into consideration? it's quite trivial to say some god created something for some specific reason



Well-Known Member
marijuana can be used for MANY reasons, healing, political reasons, to make money, ETC.

did your god take that into consideration? it's quite trivial to say some god created something for some specific reason

I agree with that and wish to add this....

If god is the all forgiving one as we are led to believe then it shouldnt matter what we do as long we seek for his forgiveness in the end so temptation or not it never mattered in the first place ;)


Well-Known Member

About 2 minutes in he will say "If you repent your sins will turn white as snow", He says it plain as day, so temptation or not in the end if we repent were fine ;) Unless your gonna say the bible is lying? (and no I didnt put words in your mouth I said "unless" meaning if your gonna try to prove me wrong.)


Well-Known Member
Prove he doesn't. I rather believe were here for a reason not just some mistake. And i intended this to be a thread about HELPING my point. Not debating it. End of Convo.
Prove that I don't have an invisible, fire-breathing dragon in my garage. Asking someone to prove the non-existence of a magical being is impossible and fails the burden of proof test. The burden of proof is on the one making the positive claims, that a god actually exists, not the other way around.

Nature and evolution created cannabis. It is ridiculous to try to ban nature and create laws against a simple plant that grows anywhere. This website is a testament to the ineffectiveness of trying to outlaw this incredibly useful plant.


Active Member
Prove that I don't have an invisible, fire-breathing dragon in my garage. Asking someone to prove the non-existence of a magical being is impossible and fails the burden of proof test. The burden of proof is on the one making the positive claims, that a god actually exists, not the other way around.

Nature and evolution created cannabis. It is ridiculous to try to ban nature and create laws against a simple plant that grows anywhere. This website is a testament to the ineffectiveness of trying to outlaw this incredibly useful plant.

You can argue about the reality of God all you want. Science this and reason that. I used to be an atheist as well. I never grew up in church. Both of my parents are atheist. But science can't explain the life changing force that over took my mind and body. Science can't explain how when I was finally exposed to the Truth of Gods word that I physically felt the holy spirit coursing through my veins and flowing through my body. Science can't explain how I went from the worst kind of thug in the worst position in life to a God fearing law abiding productive member of society. It's not because I wanted to change. I loved the life I was living. I was all about selling dope and riding on 10,000 dollar rims. But then all the sudden I felt an overwhelming force pushing me in a different direction. Maybe you all just don't under stand because not everyone is called to the purposes of God. And for that I am sorry for you. But the good news is that if you seek him than he will reveal himself to you. But the fact that you keep feeling compelled to jump into these threads and want to discuss the topic of God tells me that maybe you really want to find him. Either way you will never change the mind of a true believer. We truly know something you don't even if we can't always explain it.