Marijuana and God.

You can argue about the reality of God all you want. Science this and reason that. I used to be an atheist as well. I never grew up in church. Both of my parents are atheist. But science can't explain the life changing force that over took my mind and body. Science can't explain how when I was finally exposed to the Truth of Gods word that I physically felt the holy spirit coursing through my veins and flowing through my body. Science can't explain how I went from the worst kind of thug in the worst position in life to a God fearing law abiding productive member of society. It's not because I wanted to change. I loved the life I was living. I was all about selling dope and riding on 10,000 dollar rims. But then all the sudden I felt an overwhelming force pushing me in a different direction. Maybe you all just don't under stand because not everyone is called to the purposes of God. And for that I am sorry for you. But the good news is that if you seek him than he will reveal himself to you. But the fact that you keep feeling compelled to jump into these threads and want to discuss the topic of God tells me that maybe you really want to find him. Either way you will never change the mind of a true believer. We truly know something you don't even if we can't always explain it.
This isn't just about science. Science uses the the same logic but a general life philosophy taking the skeptical position things unprovable and have zero empirical evidence has done just fine for mankind since the enlightenment. It has eliminated most magical beings including dragons, leprechauns, faeries, Thor, Zeus, etc. all of which at one point was used as an explanation for things we now know is due to nature. What happened you personally, we can speculate but never know for sure. We are moral beings, we evolved empathy in order to live in a cooperative society. It should make us feel bad to hurt other people. People that don't feel bad are sociopaths, maybe you had deep guilt and your brain expressed it so subtlety, it registered in your conscious mind as your experience. Have you heard of the god helmet? The brain can do strange things to our perceptions. I cannot prove a god didn't do the things you attribute to him but Occam's Razor makes me consider the naturalistic explanations are more probable. Whatever the reason, I say good for you and if you believe it was a god, then I see why you believe so strongly.

I've been having many debates in the past month or so in regards to this subject. I believe god made everything for a reason and that marijuana is can be used for healing of the nations... But my friends say that god made marijuna as a kind of "temptation" so that we could practice self control.. What is a good argument to counter this?

To miss out on some of lifes greatest experiences for fear of an invisible being, is to not live life to the fullest. Contrarily, to live a "wholesome" selfless life for hope to get rewarded after, is a corrupting thought in itself. Yet to live carelessly with no reguard for self respect or respect for others and playing the sorry card on your death bed moments before passing, is to not take (your) religion seriously. Be your own judge, and as long as you are happy with your life, how you lived it , and how you treated those around you, there should be nothing to be sorry for.
You can argue about the reality of God all you want. Science this and reason that. I used to be an atheist as well. I never grew up in church. Both of my parents are atheist. But science can't explain the life changing force that over took my mind and body. Science can't explain how when I was finally exposed to the Truth of Gods word that I physically felt the holy spirit coursing through my veins and flowing through my body. Science can't explain how I went from the worst kind of thug in the worst position in life to a God fearing law abiding productive member of society. It's not because I wanted to change. I loved the life I was living. I was all about selling dope and riding on 10,000 dollar rims. But then all the sudden I felt an overwhelming force pushing me in a different direction. Maybe you all just don't under stand because not everyone is called to the purposes of God. And for that I am sorry for you. But the good news is that if you seek him than he will reveal himself to you. But the fact that you keep feeling compelled to jump into these threads and want to discuss the topic of God tells me that maybe you really want to find him. Either way you will never change the mind of a true believer. We truly know something you don't even if we can't always explain it.

it's called a hallucination, you're hallucinating. when you experience something, and "can't always explain it"... sounds like a drug trip.

like the point i made earlier why is your religious experience more real, or what you experienced more significant than that of a Hindu or Muslim, it's not.

fucking social darwinism: "Maybe you all just don't under stand because not everyone is called to the purposes of God".

i smoke all the time and go to church although theyd never know because i keep what goes on in my house well in my house but i think there nothing wrong with it and i bet half the people in church are probably high
This is the ish right here:
GEN 1:26 And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

That tells me that God was not alone. Who is "us" and "our" that share a likeness with God?
GEN 1:29 And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all earth.

There is his permission. Followed by his satisfaction;
Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

:clap:Haha yes, it is very good!

Now, I have been agnostic for years; how can there be a God, when evolution is so solid and viable? That has been my debate.

:idea:These days, though, I have been contemplating a different theory. It supports other theories, that pot, is an alien plant. Haha and somehow, God and evolution might fit into the same story...

God was/is an alien and he gifted our planet with an out-of-this-world herb; Mary Jane... that is, if he did/does exist.
This isn't just about science. Science uses the the same logic but a general life philosophy taking the skeptical position things unprovable and have zero empirical evidence has done just fine for mankind since the enlightenment. It has eliminated most magical beings including dragons, leprechauns, faeries, Thor, Zeus, etc. all of which at one point was used as an explanation for things we now know is due to nature. What happened you personally, we can speculate but never know for sure. We are moral beings, we evolved empathy in order to live in a cooperative society. It should make us feel bad to hurt other people. People that don't feel bad are sociopaths, maybe you had deep guilt and your brain expressed it so subtlety, it registered in your conscious mind as your experience. Have you heard of the god helmet? The brain can do strange things to our perceptions. I cannot prove a god didn't do the things you attribute to him but Occam's Razor makes me consider the naturalistic explanations are more probable. Whatever the reason, I say good for you and if you believe it was a god, then I see why you believe so strongly.


Well let me say this first of all, I am not one of these Christians that deny science. I believe that science is just another way for god to reveal his workings to us. I believe that all life and all the physics show the evidence of intelligent design. Life is to intricate to just have happened. It is the design of an intelligent creator. Even the big bang theory relies on some form of faith. It is just the chicken and the egg debate. What came first. Where did matter originate. You can't make something out of nothing. There had to always be something in the beginning.On a different note. As far as I am concerned Darwin is taken way out of context. Most people don't even know the entire name of his most well known book. "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or, The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life". If you ask most people the name of his book they will say The origin of species and no one ever wants to talk about the preservation of favored races portion. Some Christians deny evolution completely. I don't deny every form of evolution. I believe that there is evidence of micro evolution. Which means that if an animal such as a bird is taken out of its normal environment and placed into another, it can and will adapt in many different ways such as color change. What I have not seen any evidence of is macro evolution, which is the transition from one species to the next. Which is why the missing link has never been found. We have found fossils of animals of one species or another but never a fossil that shows the transition from one species to the next. So for someone to use Darwin's theories in today's time to discount God and creation means that you have to completely ignore scientific facts. I know most of this has absolutely nothing to do with the video but it just kinda came to me. So anyway I do not deny that most of what this guy says may be true. I just say great he may have discovered how to access the part of the brain that God uses to reveal the spiritual world. Gods revelations are always great.
Well let me say this first of all, I am not one of these Christians that deny science. I believe that science is just another way for god to reveal his workings to us. I believe that all life and all the physics show the evidence of intelligent design. Life is to intricate to just have happened. It is the design of an intelligent creator. Even the big bang theory relies on some form of faith. It is just the chicken and the egg debate. What came first. Where did matter originate. You can't make something out of nothing. There had to always be something in the beginning.On a different note. As far as I am concerned Darwin is taken way out of context. Most people don't even know the entire name of his most well known book. "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or, The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life". If you ask most people the name of his book they will say The origin of species and no one ever wants to talk about the preservation of favored races portion. Some Christians deny evolution completely. I don't deny every form of evolution. I believe that there is evidence of micro evolution. Which means that if an animal such as a bird is taken out of its normal environment and placed into another, it can and will adapt in many different ways such as color change. What I have not seen any evidence of is macro evolution, which is the transition from one species to the next. Which is why the missing link has never been found. We have found fossils of animals of one species or another but never a fossil that shows the transition from one species to the next. So for someone to use Darwin's theories in today's time to discount God and creation means that you have to completely ignore scientific facts. I know most of this has absolutely nothing to do with the video but it just kinda came to me. So anyway I do not deny that most of what this guy says may be true. I just say great he may have discovered how to access the part of the brain that God uses to reveal the spiritual world. Gods revelations are always great.
If you're interested in evolution I really think you should read some on the topic. You are mischaracterizing some areas and completely wrong in others. In short, we do have fossils that show a link, not only between species, but between complete classes of animals and plants. We actually have speciation evidence in extant species, not just fossils. Just google and you can see on the first page, hundreds of examples to observed speciation events. Denying macro evolution as you call it, is not acceptance of evolution. You can't accept parts of it and then grant special access to magic for other parts. That isn't science but some hybrid that denies the mountain of evidence in addition to the fossil record that says you are wrong. There is no "missing link" as you call it but hundreds of them. There is a continuum of stages from apes to humans as well as very solid genetic evidence.
However, this is not the place to discuss it and much of it is just rehashing old material, so I invite you to take this part of the conversation to one of the threads dedicated to evolution vs. ID and creationism. Here's one that I have posted some more rebuttals to your claims, most of which reveal some basic misunderstandings of the evolution, including the meaning behind the full title of Origin.
Wow! I am really enjoying reading this!!!
I have one question or another topic...
Why do you suppose we are here? Are we here for a bigger plan or are we just part of a science experiment?

I have never picked up a book and read it out of enjoyment. I recently started reading The Shack, and it has stirred up SOO many questions about god. You can't beat, smoking a blunt and enjoying a book in a nice hammock!
Wow! I am really enjoying reading this!!!
I have one question or another topic...
Why do you suppose we are here? Are we here for a bigger plan or are we just part of a science experiment?

I have never picked up a book and read it out of enjoyment. I recently started reading The Shack, and it has stirred up SOO many questions about god. You can't beat, smoking a blunt and enjoying a book in a nice hammock!

In short yes we are part of a bigger plan. As for the that book you are reading The Shack. I will admit I have never read it but I hear that it has some rather non Biblical representations of God. With that said I heard its a really good read. The best way to answer those questions about God is to read your Bible.
The video doesn't mean a thing...

She goes into sensory deprivation and has some kind of spiritual experience? Sounds like what shamans, mystics, monks, hippies, and other spiritual people have been doing for eons. As far as the helmet? Seems like it would be useful if you aren't experienced at meditation and would like a device to help your mind get to the alpha state, similar to brainwave entrainment. You can't have a spiritual experience if you aren't in trance(or alpha state, theta state, whatever you feel like calling it)

Even if Jesus spoke to her directly while she was wearing the helmet, she'd be incredibly lucky, and that couldn't be discounted. So her brain was in a state that is more receptive to a spiritual experience. It's called meditation - this time it was forced by an electrical impulse.
Sitting in front of the computer on on a Sunday morning & what do I find.

I am a Christian. ALthough, not a good one based on various denominations. I swear, smoke, smoke pot etc. All lifestyle "sins" I guess. BUt I am married to my beautiful wife, have 3 beautiful children. DOnt steal, live as moral & as close to the bible instructions as I care too.

My father is a pastor & I have heard since I was a kid that it was ok to be closed minded when you know your right... Laugh.. I never prescribed to that. I try to search out thing & make up my own mind.

NOw, after lots of research, reading & what not including person experience & what not i have noticed a few things.

CHristians RUN from the Big Bang THeory, I embrace it. If (as I believe) that God spoke the universe into existence then it would make sense that there would have been a HUGE release of energy to do it. Evidenced by the microwave (echos) that scientist are listening too.

I read that Monkeys have 48 pairs of Chromosomes & humans have 46. Proof of evolution because the 2 Chromosomes have fused together but it shows that we all have the same ancestors. Well, if the same "person" created everything wouldn't it make sense the everything would have similarities at the building block stage of life?

Instead of saying NO EVolution because its evil, look at it closely. I think an all knowing Creator would make it so his creation would be able to adapt to things. I don't think there is evolution as described by some scientists but there certainly is adaptations.

I find every time I look into this sort of thing it just proved that there is a creator to all this.

THe video I just watched with the magnets on the right side of the brain causing religious feelings & visions. THe description the girl gave was very similar to where the bible talks about thing unseen. I think it was Daniel that God opened his eyes & he could see all the angels on the mountains etc. So to me this makes sense that we have closed in on the part of our brain that deals with communication with God.

TO be sure, for myself, I follow my personal Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ but I am by no means an expert & hope that you find your own path & that it leads to where the Lord wants you to be.

PS, I don't think God has an issue with smoking pot other that similar to booze, keep it all balanced. Didn't say you couldn't drink.. Just cant get drunk. Same same..
Why are the non-believers even commenting? It's like starting a thread asking which you think is better, red or blue, and some jack ass comes in and says they like green.
From all my experiences, ive stopped thinking that pot is such a sin and see it more as a tool. Not like shamanistic crap, just a natural herbal supplement but still cant be abused.
I've thought about this subject a great many of times, and I've come to the conclusion that the only thing God created for this earth that wasn't to be touched my human hands was the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. And guess what, we (i mean woman) fck'ed that up in no time (thanks a lot! lol stupid women no wonder they can't drive good); too bad she (Eve) didn't go for the Tree of life. Thus God banished mankind from paradise for not practicing the only required use of self-control and thereafter took away both these virtuous trees from our realm. I also believe these two trees were the only things on earth, besides man, with spirit and/or soul. All and all everything natural is fair game but just watch out for man-made things, that's a whole different arena. Just remember "for what sets itself up to be admired by men is detestable in the sight of God."

Also Evolution is real and so is Creativity: Watch this to find out how!!! Fast forwarded to the importance of relativity of time. Watch all 5 parts to get a better understanding of his message!

Why do you need an argument to counter this? why don't you just accept their opinions as what they are? God gave us what we have on this Earth for a reason yes.. Marijuana was given to us just as many of the other plants were that are now being converted into hard drugs.. The key is moderation. If you indulge in it then you are no better then the gluttonous pigs that eat, eat, eat, and eat some more when they need not to.
You can argue about the reality of God all you want. Science this and reason that. I used to be an atheist as well. I never grew up in church. Both of my parents are atheist. But science can't explain the life changing force that over took my mind and body. Science can't explain how when I was finally exposed to the Truth of Gods word that I physically felt the holy spirit coursing through my veins and flowing through my body. Science can't explain how I went from the worst kind of thug in the worst position in life to a God fearing law abiding productive member of society. It's not because I wanted to change. I loved the life I was living. I was all about selling dope and riding on 10,000 dollar rims. But then all the sudden I felt an overwhelming force pushing me in a different direction. Maybe you all just don't under stand because not everyone is called to the purposes of God. And for that I am sorry for you. But the good news is that if you seek him than he will reveal himself to you. But the fact that you keep feeling compelled to jump into these threads and want to discuss the topic of God tells me that maybe you really want to find him. Either way you will never change the mind of a true believer. We truly know something you don't even if we can't always explain it.

science can explain those things... it happens with EVERY religion, even cults that kill people in the name of "god"
You could say God made marijuana as a temptation but I would have to disagree because for something to be wrong in the eyes of God I think it would have to be something that harms us. For instance Violence is something I see as a temptation because it could result in a negative end but on the other hand I feel emotionally tempted to engage in violence ( I have anxiety and anger disorders). The ingesting of a herb that grows naturally is a temptation? Well I see marijuana no different from the coffee bean and tea leaves. But this is just my opinion live your life how you wish.