Marijuana and God.

Guys this is preety simple . If you smoke for no other reason than to get high it is a sin . God put this wonderful plant on earth for a reason . To medicate the ailing . If you are sick and you use cannabis for medicine . Not a problem . Anything can be abused ,people in Jesus's era drank wine with dinner but they didn,t abuse it .
It is a natural medicine put here to help us . I rely on cannabis everyday . I suffer from chrones disease and feel its pain everyday . I have no appetite in the mornings ,I can't eat a breakfest without smoking .

So ask yourself why do I smoke ? Are you a Christian ? You will get your answer .
Guys this is preety simple . If you smoke for no other reason than to get high it is a sin . God put this wonderful plant on earth for a reason . To medicate the ailing . If you are sick and you use cannabis for medicine . Not a problem . Anything can be abused ,people in Jesus's era drank wine with dinner but they didn,t abuse it .
It is a natural medicine put here to help us . I rely on cannabis everyday . I suffer from chrones disease and feel its pain everyday . I have no appetite in the mornings ,I can't eat a breakfest without smoking .

So ask yourself why do I smoke ? Are you a Christian ? You will get your answer .
So who exactly decided it was a sin to smoke for pleasure? You? I don't recall God saying "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for MEDICINE."
Sorry to burst your little bubble, but there were drunks ever since wine was invented. Just because you don't read about it in your bible doesn't mean people didn't abuse alcohol.

BTW, sorry about your Crohn's. It's a shitty disease (no pun intended).
Well the biggest thing I think to be concerned with here would be abuse . By abuse I'm mean excessivly to the point where your not useful to help others .

And if your questioning whether it is wrong or not , I,m saying to listen to that voice inside your head and you will get your answer.
So who exactly decided it was a sin to smoke for pleasure? You? I don't recall God saying "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for MEDICINE."
Sorry to burst your little bubble, but there were drunks ever since wine was invented. Just because you don't read about it in your bible doesn't mean people didn't abuse alcohol.

BTW, sorry about your Crohn's. It's a shitty disease (no pun intended).

Wow i didnt read your whole post way togo putting words in my mouth nothing you quoted me on is nothing I said .Obviously you must be struggling with somthing if you came to read this thread .
Hmm! *looks at his siggy* you EVER think before you open your trap?

kOq~ i understand where your coming from 100%! do i AGREE 100%.?..not so much.

ANYthing we over-endulge in is considered a sinful act..gluttony..right? ;) and while the Bible is (over) specific about deadly sins AND sins of daily life..most of those laws governing man were also outlined in the old testament..and once we hit the new, we are even told we are not bound by it anymore. there is a rebirth! right?! ^_^

we are told in Genesis 1:29-30: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

meat is considered to be a generalization of common use..most eat meat everyday in their meals..ive said it before and ill say it again..if God created anything better then pot, he kept it for himself!

so i truely believe it was a gift for everyone to enjoy, use and produce goods...there are many other ways to deal with pain...natural and man-made. so i cant fully support the medicinal angle..even tho i have adult ADHD, it has medicines for treatment, i just find weed is the safest way to reach normalcy and not feel like a robot. ya know?
Wow i didnt read your whole post way togo putting words in my mouth nothing you quoted me on is nothing I said .Obviously you must be struggling with somthing if you came to read this thread .
What words exactly did I 'put in your mouth?' You said smoking only to get high is a sin did you not?
All I asked is where you got that idea.

@DaLeftHandMan- He didn't mention overindulgence, if he had I would have agreed. Do you also agree that recreational use is a sin? That was the implication.
if you believe in christianity, you have to agree that God made or inspired everything. The point isn't if it is black or white, it is grey. I believe we all have different needs but more importantly personal convictions. i'm sure your friends do things that you could point a stick at and that is what they are doing to you. we will never agree with everyone. we need to quit pointing and just accept people for who and where there at. let everyone work out the grey areas in their lives in moderation. we don't answer for others.
... I used to be an atheist as well.... I never grew up in church... MY parents are atheist. But science can't explain the life changing force that over took MY mind and body. ... I was finally exposed to the Truth of Gods word that I physically felt the holy spirit... flowing through MY body. ... I went from the worst kind of thug... It's not because I wanted to change. I loved the life I was living. I was all about selling dope .... But then all the sudden I felt an overwhelming force pushing me in a different direction. Maybe you all just don't under stand because not everyone is called to the purposes of God. And for that I am sorry for you. But the good news is that if you seek him than he will reveal himself to you(You say this but you clearly stated that you didn't want to change??? Then you weren't seeking him then!). . Either way you will never change the mind of a true believer. We truly know something you don't even if we can't always explain it.

WOW. This is classic narcisism! You weren't seeking god, which you said, he would reveal himself to those that do; yet he revealed himself to YOU, hmmm. Did you notice how many times you said "I" and "My" and "Me" in that quote? And "We" speaking of the "true" believers; which you are counting yourself as...NINETEEN TIMES!

Which is it, God reveals himself to those who seek....or as you put it...."But then all the sudden I felt an overwhelming force pushing me in a different direction". If that is true, then we don't need to worry, because god will "push" all of those special people into heaven! And you felt the "spirit" of this "god" coarsing through your physical body? Shouldn't you rather say that everyone who has the breathe of life has the spirit of god coarsing through their bodies? Or don't they? Do you have to seek him or is he gonna "push" you into it? C'mon bro get outside of yourself for awhile. If God exists, he/she exists apart from our believing it or not. If we all were honest about the whole thing we could sincerely say I really DON'T have a clue as to the nature of God or his relationship to us, apart from the fact that there are certain physical laws that we must abide by to survive in this life. How did the world get here....I really don't know, whoever put it here didn't ask my opinion on the matter. Is there an afterlife? I don't know, I haven't been there yet if there is. Be honest about these things and stop trying to convince everyone else that you were so special that the creator of the universe pushed you into a relationship with him when you didn't want to have one. The fact of the matter is, is that you desperately wanted this to happen and have fabricated this "story" in your mind to validify your higher "beliefs" about God, that you are trying to convince everyone you can that you have something that they don't, when in fact, YOU DON'T!

And to everyone who "quotes" the bible to validify their beliefs...Look, all you are doing in quoting it is validifying someone elses ideas about god, not yours. The biblical creation account in Genesis is nearly word for word copied from Babylonian texts. So who's account are you putting your trust in? I believe in God, but not the jewish version of him/her. Not because I'm anti-semitic, because I'm not. The fact of the matter is, that ANYONE who claims exclusivicity in the matter is showing just how far away from the truth they are. "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the world"?

Now to answer the oringinal question....The answer is simple...if whoever put us, and everything else here; did they do it for our good or our destruction? If for our destruction, why? If for our good, then we should wholeheartedly embrace that/those gifts and treat them as such with rejoicing and thanksgiving always! True religion is not about I but rather WE. Does Marijuana harm or heal? CASE CLOSED! ROLL ONE UP AND ENJOY THE GIFTS THAT THE CREATOR HAS GIVEN US! Whoever he/she/they may be....THANK YOU TO THE CREATOR OF MARIJUANA, IT IS TRULY A WONDEROUS GIFT!
@DaLeftHandMan- He didn't mention overindulgence, if he had I would have agreed. Do you also agree that recreational use is a sin? That was the implication.


No i dont...if taken in literal terms, technically, taking a shit is a sin. so...i wont deny my mind or body the relaxing vibes of a plant that grows from the ground, its too generalized to be exclusive.
So who exactly decided it was a sin to smoke for pleasure? You? I don't recall God saying "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for MEDICINE."
Sorry to burst your little bubble, but there were drunks ever since wine was invented. Just because you don't read about it in your bible doesn't mean people didn't abuse alcohol.

BTW, sorry about your Crohn's. It's a shitty disease (no pun intended).

Actually if you read the story of Noah you will see that after the water recedes he gets drunk and falls passes out naked in his tent. And yet Noah had favor with God. Its all about self control. If you have it then its not a sin. If you let it control you than it becomes a sin. when it gets placed before God it is a problem.
WOW. This is classic narcisism! You weren't seeking god, which you said, he would reveal himself to those that do; yet he revealed himself to YOU, hmmm. Did you notice how many times you said "I" and "My" and "Me" in that quote? And "We" speaking of the "true" believers; which you are counting yourself as...NINETEEN TIMES!

Which is it, God reveals himself to those who seek....or as you put it...."But then all the sudden I felt an overwhelming force pushing me in a different direction". If that is true, then we don't need to worry, because god will "push" all of those special people into heaven! And you felt the "spirit" of this "god" coarsing through your physical body? Shouldn't you rather say that everyone who has the breathe of life has the spirit of god coarsing through their bodies? Or don't they? Do you have to seek him or is he gonna "push" you into it? C'mon bro get outside of yourself for awhile. If God exists, he/she exists apart from our believing it or not. If we all were honest about the whole thing we could sincerely say I really DON'T have a clue as to the nature of God or his relationship to us, apart from the fact that there are certain physical laws that we must abide by to survive in this life. How did the world get here....I really don't know, whoever put it here didn't ask my opinion on the matter. Is there an afterlife? I don't know, I haven't been there yet if there is. Be honest about these things and stop trying to convince everyone else that you were so special that the creator of the universe pushed you into a relationship with him when you didn't want to have one. The fact of the matter is, is that you desperately wanted this to happen and have fabricated this "story" in your mind to validify your higher "beliefs" about God, that you are trying to convince everyone you can that you have something that they don't, when in fact, YOU DON'T!

And to everyone who "quotes" the bible to validify their beliefs...Look, all you are doing in quoting it is validifying someone elses ideas about god, not yours. The biblical creation account in Genesis is nearly word for word copied from Babylonian texts. So who's account are you putting your trust in? I believe in God, but not the jewish version of him/her. Not because I'm anti-semitic, because I'm not. The fact of the matter is, that ANYONE who claims exclusivicity in the matter is showing just how far away from the truth they are. "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the world"?

Now to answer the oringinal question....The answer is simple...if whoever put us, and everything else here; did they do it for our good or our destruction? If for our destruction, why? If for our good, then we should wholeheartedly embrace that/those gifts and treat them as such with rejoicing and thanksgiving always! True religion is not about I but rather WE. Does Marijuana harm or heal? CASE CLOSED! ROLL ONE UP AND ENJOY THE GIFTS THAT THE CREATOR HAS GIVEN US! Whoever he/she/they may be....THANK YOU TO THE CREATOR OF MARIJUANA, IT IS TRULY A WONDEROUS GIFT!

Well the reason I say me and I so many times was because I was telling you about MY experience. It has nothing to do with narcissism. Should I pretend I'm talking about someone else and replace me with you? So anyways it is both. Jesus constantly pursues you and you also have to pursue him. That is what makes it a relationship. So when I heard his word I responded by trying to learn more. As for the Bible, when viewed with the same standards that are used to authenticate ancient writings it blows all other documents away. The Bible was written by many different men over several thousand years and it still carries the same theme all the way through. From beginning to end the whole book tells us about Jesus. Its not just one persons opinion of God. The Bible is Gods way of communicating to us who He is and what He expects from us as well as what He has done for us. We can claim exclusivity because God told us to. We are commanded to have no other Gods before Him. All scripture is good and profitable.
Jesus constantly pursues you and you also have to pursue him.

This is not necessarily true. It's true if Jesus is your god, but not if you have a different god. Gods choose us rather than us choosing them. I know several people who were pursued by Thor, Hades, Hecate, Merlin, and so forth. The second part is accurate, however, that it comes from both side. They give you a push and reveal themselves, but from that point you need to put in the work yourself as well.
Hey cannibis is a healing gift from GOD... Like honestly I used to be a twig but now I get enough of my vitamins by eating well after every toke so I am very grateful for this god given remedy. :)
... So when I heard his word I responded ... As for the Bible, ... it blows all other documents away. The Bible was written by many different men over several thousand years and it still carries the same theme all the way through. From beginning to end the whole book tells us about Jesus. Its not just one persons opinion of God. The Bible is Gods way of communicating to us who He is and what He expects from us as well as what He has done for us. We can claim exclusivity because God told us to. We are commanded to have no other Gods before Him. All scripture is good and profitable.

You heard "his" word? Okay, which single word of the bible did Jesus write. NONE! It blows ALL other documents away? In who's opinion? YOURS! I agree when you said it was written by many different MEN over sever thousand years. But I do not believe it carries the same theme all the way through. Historically its a story about the jewish people and the god they invented to be on their side against ALL other people named Jehovah not Jesus. So the creator of the universe needs several men over thousands of years to communicate his will to us? I highly doubt it. So just what did people do to understand this person and his will for them over the course of thousands of years? Cmon really? People invented religion PERIOD. And why you are on here debating if it's a sin to smoke weed or not is beyond me. If you dont want to do it don't; if you do, then do. But leave all this religion shit out of it. The plant was here before we were according to your book anyway. Just for shits and giggles look up "murder in the bible" in your search engine and see what kind of god jehovah was.

Nothing against you personally cause I don't know you. But I have respect for all. Freedom of religion, as well as, freedom from it.

You heard "his" word? Okay, which single word of the bible did Jesus write. NONE! It blows ALL other documents away? In who's opinion? YOURS! I agree when you said it was written by many different MEN over sever thousand years. But I do not believe it carries the same theme all the way through. Historically its a story about the jewish people and the god they invented to be on their side against ALL other people named Jehovah not Jesus. So the creator of the universe needs several men over thousands of years to communicate his will to us? I highly doubt it. So just what did people do to understand this person and his will for them over the course of thousands of years? Cmon really? People invented religion PERIOD. And why you are on here debating if it's a sin to smoke weed or not is beyond me. If you dont want to do it don't; if you do, then do. But leave all this religion shit out of it. The plant was here before we were according to your book anyway. Just for shits and giggles look up "murder in the bible" in your search engine and see what kind of god jehovah was.

Nothing against you personally cause I don't know you. But I have respect for all. Freedom of religion, as well as, freedom from it.

There are a set of criteria used by historians to validate historical writing. These standards are used for all historical documents and are internationally recognized and have been standardized. So when using these criteria and standards, the Bible stands in a class by itself. No other historical document even comes close. The chart below is just one of the many examples. Its not my opinion it is historical facts. Do the research.

Author Date Written Earliest Copy Approximate Time Span between original & copy Number of Copies Accuracy of Copies
Lucretius died 55 or 53 B.C. 1100 yrs 2 ----
Pliny 61-113 A.D. 850 A.D. 750 yrs 7 ----
Plato 427-347 B.C. 900 A.D. 1200 yrs 7 ----
Demosthenes 4th Cent. B.C. 1100 A.D. 800 yrs 8 ----
Herodotus 480-425 B.C. 900 A.D. 1300 yrs 8 ----
Suetonius 75-160 A.D. 950 A.D. 800 yrs 8 ----
Thucydides 460-400 B.C. 900 A.D. 1300 yrs 8 ----
Euripides 480-406 B.C. 1100 A.D. 1300 yrs 9 ----
Aristophanes 450-385 B.C. 900 A.D. 1200 yrs 10 ----
Caesar 100-44 B.C. 900 A.D. 1000 yrs 10 ----
Livy 59 BC-AD 17 ---- ??? 20 ----
Tacitus circa 100 A.D. 1100 A.D. 1000 yrs 20 ----
Aristotle 384-322 B.C. 1100 A.D. 1400 yrs 49 ----
Sophocles 496-406 B.C. 1000 A.D 1400 yrs 193 ----
Homer (Iliad) 900 B.C. 400 B.C. 500 yrs 643 95%
New Testament 1st Cent. A.D. (50-100 A.D. 2nd Cent. A.D. (c. 130 A.D. f.) less than 100 years 5600 99.5%
I agree with that and wish to add this....

If god is the all forgiving one as we are led to believe then it shouldnt matter what we do as long we seek for his forgiveness in the end so temptation or not it never mattered in the first place ;)

why would god need to forgive in the first place? an allknowing allwise creature, that created you in the first place, knowing what you´d do throughout your life.
if not, then a bit fallible creator,owing us an apology and promise of amends if it can.

and if a parent, then he´s a bit absent isnt he?
so, crackerboy, when the spirit of god came over you, did it feel kinda like the first hit of exstacy?
so, crackerboy, when the spirit of god came over you, did it feel kinda like the first hit of exstacy?

Much better than that. It was like no other feeling I have ever had. And believe me, I have done my fair share of drugs.
New Testament 1st Cent. A.D. (50-100 A.D. 2nd Cent. A.D. (c. 130 A.D. f.) less than 100 years 5600 99.5%
When the research is done you will find out that there are only a few fragments of the Gospel John dating around 130 C.E. This gives no validity to any other part of the NT including the rest of John.
Much better than that. It was like no other feeling I have ever had. And believe me, I have done my fair share of drugs.
I am with ya crackerboy. No matter what anybody says on here about you, nobody can take that experience from you. I have experienced the same.