BUMP 1 year old thread LOL! I remember this like it was yesterday...and I still stand by my actions. I have been pulled over again since this event with more and more bud on me, and each time I consented to searches. The cops STILL haven't found anything. Also, for all those saying "stand up for your rights..." and "people like this are the reason cops treat us like idiots..." You all need to observe a very important fact. I live in Texas...better yet...EL PASO, Texas. You DO NOT...i repeat DO NOT fuck around over here. Because of what's going on in Juarez, the police here crack down on marijuana and cocaine possession offenders more than anyone else. The only people who get treated worse over here are murderers and rapists. Just last night a CAMPUS PD officer...not even a REAL cop...was shot dead in his cruiser on the Northwest campus of El Paso Community College. I went there for about half a semester and dropped the one class I was taking so that I could go back to the university. Anyway, the point is that as long as I live in El Paso, or anywhere in Texas, I will ALWAYS consent to any police searches of my vehicle, unless of course I actually don't have anything on me.