New CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
I have not used the penetrator or gold stuff.. i stick with just the liquid light, and i think anyone thats growing with a t5 or cfl would love the results. I have 2 different bloom tables, a 1000W HPS and a HOT5 8-Bulber that I SOG on and I spray the girls down twice a week and my oh my I swear by the stuff.. And honestly, I really dont care what kind of nutes people use or how they use them, I used all the AN products etc and I don't "swear" by any of it except this liquid light from dutch master...
AH, awsum thanks reefcouple,, maybe I invest in some liquid light, thanks for the advice and take it easy..

The Steve

Looks like that seedling is going nicely. Be pateint with the others. Sometimes they can take awhile to fully sprout. How did you germinate? Well I'm subbed. check out my grow the link is in my signature. I just threw two more seeds in yesterday morning. They should be sprouted soon. Our progress should stay pretty close.


Removed the topsoil from the other germinated luck. This SLH seedling is officially the last living plant in my household...fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
They look healthy!! don't worry about the curl... that's a sign of fast growth. I've had them look almost mutated one time they were growing so fast. They will grow slow for the next two weeks then they will explode and you won't be able to keep up!


Word, thanks for the input...just seems like they're small for 9 day old plants...but either way, here's pics.



Day 11 Pictures...I put in a Day 11 picture of one of the SLH seedling from the last failed grow as a comparison...this new one looks better, but it's still coming along really slow imo.

IMAG0113.jpgIMAG0111.jpgDay 11 SLH.jpg


Active Member
yeah bro there's def something going on stress wise... what are the temps of the room? that stem looks awefully dark could be getting too cold at some point during the lights out. what are the variant temps in the room?


Active Member
yeah if you've seen it at 68 it prob drops a bit more when ur not peeking... i'd try upping the temp a bit if you can


Well-Known Member
i have a 2day old seed it looks like yours but the 2 leafs are very small, im thinkin in 7-8days they will look like yours. im growing Jamaican Purple (Purple Kush x Jamaican Sish) a little creation of mine, its a slow growing plant for the first 1-2weeks then it explodes, you can have a similiar strain, the thing i dont get is the browning of your two starter leafs (the weird ones)...