What is Jail Like?

It's like finding someone that annoys you the most then taking everything out of your bathroom, then locking the two of you in it for 6-18 months(depending on what you do). Not fun.
Is there any relevance between "never drop the soap in the shower" and jail? oh and I'm talking about jail, not prison beardo.
I was arrested for stealing a car and crossing state lines and spend a few nights in jail with the largest marijuana dealer in *I.

He taught me that a 454 Rocket will beat a 455 Interceptor on a straight away.

And marijuana is the most profitable if you have family dealing.

I also had time with a girl that had a .42 BAC. SCARRRYYYYYY CHICCCKKK..built like a NFL linebacker
just asking...............


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dam, jail sounds like it sucks. From growing two plants and having no previous convictions I figure I would face a couple of years probation at the most and a hefty fine.
yeah jail sucks i went to jail on a 4 month sentence and the three months i was in there i lost 30 lbs. i was in marion county florida which is ranked the worst jail in florida.
ive done about 12 years in my past and ya it suks but not like we sea on tv or movioes. best advice is do your own time and stay away from the polotics
jail prison it doesnt matter your gonna get raped or tried, no longer can u just deck the biggest guy in the yard on the first day u gotta bend him over and fuck him in the yard infront of every one so they kno ur not fucking around. its like 24/7 all boys boarding Highschool with no teachers and alot of anal rape