What is Jail Like?

haha...you watch to much tv. its not like that at all., ive never been touched once in 12 years inside. idiots get fuked up is about all...
Maybe in prison, not in county jail though. Besides that it's real boring, the food sucks, you have two outfits, people argue over stupid shit, black people watch Rachel Ray every morning, spades games can lead to all out brawls, black people with public defender on attempted murder charges brag about their $200 Jordans, very hard to get away with smoking, always have to find creative ways to fall asleep at 12:30 PM from lunch till dinner, lot of reading, collect calls, letters, etc.

Oh and the best part is every time you get a visitor some faggy guard that enjoys his job too much strip searches you and looks at your dick, sack, asshole, under the sack. Then while you got your draws down he tells you to face him and run your fingers through your hair. It's gay as shit.
It's like finding someone that annoys you the most then taking everything out of your bathroom, then locking the two of you in it for 6-18 months(depending on what you do). Not fun.
now this is a good explanation

jail prison it doesnt matter your gonna get raped or tried, no longer can u just deck the biggest guy in the yard on the first day u gotta bend him over and fuck him in the yard infront of every one so they kno ur not fucking around. its like 24/7 all boys boarding Highschool with no teachers and alot of anal rape

this is a bad one and what movies and tv portray
Ever watch American History X? Don't matter the color of their skin, I think I'd rather have them kill me.
the ass rape dont happen like people think, thats the movies, they have trannies in there to provide that service and prisons actualy pay for the fukin freeks surgery
Jail= The Royal Treatment....

In Jail...You get three meals a day.
At Work....You only get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay for it.

In Jail...A guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
At home....You must carry around a key and unlock and open all the doors yourself.

In Jail...You get your own toilet.
In Public/Home....You have to share.

In Jail...All expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required.
In Society/Work/Home ....You get to pay all the expenses, go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

Sounds real great huh?? lol jk..It will change you forever ;)
i did 66 days, 14 days, and a few weekends and none of them were fun but i never felt in danger. didnt trust anyone, but minded my business and i was cool. like it was said before, food sucks, over crowded, always a couple knuckleheads arguing over some bs. i do my best to live a good life in hopes i never go back. the food thought is making me sick thinking bout it! shit on a shingle!!! i was trading most of my main meals for fruit and milks.

It's like ya motha, but cleana.
Jail= The Royal Treatment....

In Jail...You get three meals a day.
At Work....You only get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay for it.

In Jail...A guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
At home....You must carry around a key and unlock and open all the doors yourself.

In Jail...You get your own toilet.
In Public/Home....You have to share.

In Jail...All expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required.
In Society/Work/Home ....You get to pay all the expenses, go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

Sounds real great huh?? lol jk..It will change you forever ;)
lol! think about that every time i have a bad day at work.
jail prison it doesnt matter your gonna get raped or tried, no longer can u just deck the biggest guy in the yard on the first day u gotta bend him over and fuck him in the yard infront of every one so they kno ur not fucking around. its like 24/7 all boys boarding Highschool with no teachers and alot of anal rape
he's right on your first day you want to find the tough guy with the rep and push him down on his face hold his head down with one hand and get his pants down with the other and take that ass make sure you really tear it up if he's yellin and everyones hearin it then you'll be cool try to really get in their so he has trouble walking the next day and after that whenever it's meal time take some of his food take a milk or egg or whatever if you want to be respected you have to show everyone its your place even their asses are yours don't mess with the trannys that won't prove anything
he's right on your first day you want to find the tough guy with the rep and push him down on his face hold his head down with one hand and get his pants down with the other and take that ass make sure you really tear it up if he's yellin and everyones hearin it then you'll be cool try to really get in their so he has trouble walking the next day and after that whenever it's meal time take some of his food take a milk or egg or whatever
Guaranteed boss. Gay, but boss. Lol.
last time i was in i was withdrawing something fierce and some special ed type dude with a speech impediment wouldnt quit talkin while i was trying to sleep. hard ass metal bunk was hurting my back and the potato soup was nothing to write home about lol.
he's right on your first day you want to find the tough guy with the rep and push him down on his face hold his head down with one hand and get his pants down with the other and take that ass make sure you really tear it up if he's yellin and everyones hearin it then you'll be cool try to really get in their so he has trouble walking the next day and after that whenever it's meal time take some of his food take a milk or egg or whatever if you want to be respected you have to show everyone its your place even their asses are yours don't mess with the trannys that won't prove anything

this is very gay and i mean that, my dick would never go near a mans ass, plus now you got others thinkin you like men so whats next. better off just beating the shit out of him real good
last time i was in i was withdrawing something fierce and some special ed type dude with a speech impediment wouldnt quit talkin while i was trying to sleep. hard ass metal bunk was hurting my back and the potato soup was nothing to write home about lol.


ive done about 12 years in my past and ya it suks but not like we sea on tv or movioes. best advice is do your own time and stay away from the polotics

God damn dude, I'm really curious why you spent 12 years behind bars?! If you don't mind me, that's up to you to disclose, that's a lot of time!

I spent 2 days in Roland Oklahoma County jail. It was such bullshit! Haha! The biggest redneck I'd ever seen worked in there!

They fed us McDonalds for 2 days. Lmfao, then on the 3rd day they gave us some mashed potatoes, cold toast, spinach, or I think that's what it was, that stunk up the entire jail like ass, and a cold piece of meat slathered in some...gravy... haha...

I went in with a buddy of mine, they stuck me in a different cell the first night, my cellmates were gone in the morning, and they grouped 4 of us together when we all woke up, me, my buddy, this other guy who was around the same age who was INSANE, or just took some of your guys' advice and exaggerated and embellished the shit out of his stories to give us the impression he's INSANE.. Then this other guy who was a little older who was knocked the fuck out 90% of the time coming down off a binge of oxycontin (sp?).. lmfao, he had the shakes and chills and was telling us about it. I'd never even heard of that drug before that, it was a pretty interesting experience..

I remember when that guy was in one of his oxy comas that other dude, the INSANE guy, grabbed the whole box of domino's and like leveled them out at about shoulder level, and just emptied the WHOLE THING onto the concrete ground! I seriously almost pissed myself laughing! BUT THE GUY DIDN'T WAKE UP!!! HAHA! FUCK!

So then the final day they separated us all again, me and my buddy got to stick in the same cell, and they brought in this new guy, much older, probably around like 35 or 40, who was also from California, that was also some funny shit! We got to asking him why he was there and he told us he got all spun out on meth and came home from work and found his girlfriend outside in a tent with some guy and he just started beating the tent with a baseball bat!! Then the cops showed up and he tore the lights off with his bear hands because he "felt like the fuckin' HULK!" LMFAO!! Shit I'm laughing just remembering all this... hahah!

We finally get bailed out at like 7pm that Monday... Long boring ass expensive fuckin' time... :-P
ha...wrote a story here and lost it all...timed out afer hitting enter.

ill keep it short this time. not all 12 was at once, last bit i did was 2 years at once. mainly drugs or assaults.
this is very gay and i mean that, my dick would never go near a mans ass, plus now you got others thinkin you like men so whats next. better off just beating the shit out of him real good

No shit. What I can't understand is how a man can even get hard to buttfuck someone else, unless they are truly gay. I know I could never (nor want to) get it up to go down the ol' Hershey Highway