jail is like p.e. but the teachers dont care what you have to say , the bullies take more then your lunch , and on a good day you can spend 24 hours with only crack heads trying to convince you a car with 7 shades of primer spray paint ups the resell value .
Jail is nothing.People are more worried about there case then hurting/raping you lmfao.But everybody is still out to get theres and will try and make you pay taxes.
Prison is a lot different.
[youtube]RpYrmWuWMgU[/youtube]Toss my salad..... WTF? ROFL we straight...
never been in myself and hope i never will but i've heard first hand that staying out of trouble is the hardest part. guys always trying to start shit and getting in fights
That guy looks like a preying mantis - just before it rips the head off of the weaker bug.Just look for this guy;
BIGGEST UNDERSTATEMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!dam, jail sounds like it sucks. From growing two plants and having no previous convictions I figure I would face a couple of years probation at the most and a hefty fine.
got sent up for 13 mo.s, it's like being fuckin grounded, but your 25!! (at the time) they tell ya when to eat. go out, go to bed, etc, etc, et fuckin cetera!!!!! I never wanted to actually kill a person, UNTIL I GOT LOCKED UP!!!! then there were guards i would've liked to have killed, other prisoners, even some of my so called friends who left me hangin hi and dry!