You also seem to believe a government is a evil corrupt living person who hates freedom and not a system of public ownership
government is comprised of people, inherently corruptible and invested, as a whole, with far too much power. they aren't subject to the oversight of any marketplace other than the occasional ballot and are cloaked behind the secrecy characteristic of any such massive body. there is no
public ownership of the government's power. it is wielded
in the name of the public, but it is wielded
by the few.
.....a person or private entity should never have more power or influence than the public as a whole are you insane? Why is it conservatives are so concerned with oppressive government but you think its perfectly acceptable for a single individual to have more power than the public.
private enterprise cannot create power greater than that wielded by the people.
without the intervention of the state, any power within the private sector is subject to the whims of the marketplace and the people themselves. wealth, even great wealth, is fleeting and must be constantly reinvested to renew itself. those investments are directly in the hands of the people and their marketplace, unlike the much more massive power wielded by government's denizens.
the one individual power which should supercede that of the whole is the power of self-ownership, to do with yourself and what you own as you please. included in this is the power to attempt to influence, without undue coercion, those around you to act for your own benefit. that this power should be regulated to keep wealth from interfering in the rights of others is obvious, but what you and your ilk demand is that this right be curtailed for the benefit of those who fail to succeed. you the word government= less freedom to me concentrated power = less freedom.
the blindness of today's liberalism is that it sees the power of wealth and screams "unfair!", but it sees the power wielded by the state and falsely believes that it is somehow in the hands of the people. the jealous mob cannot hope to control the powers of law enforcement, the military and the judicial system and it wouldn't know what to do with them if it could. it does, however, covet the power of the almighty dollar and zeros in on those who amass great wealth as the enemies of the myth of equality. when the mob invests in government the power to seize and redistribute that wealth or to regulate the ways in which that wealth may be used, it concentrates the power of the marketplace and the violent powers already in the hands of the state into one unmanageable body. this is the real concentration of power to be feared.
I suppose you think we need even less regulations for the "free market" even after what just happened. fuckin moron.
what is needed is the intelligent application of regulations already in place, not the creation of ever more complicated and onerous restrictions on the private sector. with each failure of government comes a call for tighter restrictions, placing even more power in the hands of the very same body that has proven itself incapable of handling even its current duties. what "fuckin' moron" would propose such a course of action? does this sound like anyone you know?