Must Read About Barack Obama!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Gravel or Kucinich would be the Democratic nominee if we lived in a smart country. But, that doesn't mean a black muslim shouldn't have an equal shot at it. Trying to paint him as some kind of radical muslim is pretty fucked up if you ask me. You deserve to be bitch-slapped for even making this thread:evil:


Well-Known Member
Gravel or Kucinich would be the Democratic nominee if we lived in a smart country. But, that doesn't mean a black muslim shouldn't have an equal shot at it. Trying to paint him as some kind of radical muslim is pretty fucked up if you ask me. You deserve to be bitch-slapped for even making this thread:evil:
Preach. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sworn in with the Koran, are you fucking kidding? That is the kind of nonsense that is being pushed by christian zealots and just idiots in general. Just yersterday as he was being interviewed, he was asked about that, the Koran thing. He got a chuckle and denied that it was true. He went on to say that it was this type of mis-information about him that was being circulated by a group similar to the Swiftboat tards of the Bush-Kerry elections. People that would believe this shit are retarded rascists, prejudiced assholes. BTW, he also addressed the salute the flag thing and showed clips of him leading the pledge of allegiance. This guy is 100% American. I caucased for him yesterday
So WHO produced this piece of liable, Butch Clinton or the Republican machine?


New Member
This is the most bigoted rascist crap I've ever seen on this site. Hey SensI420, you must be a member of the KKK, eh, go pedal this crap somewhere else. This just shows your infinite ignorance.
Yea..jus because he put the truth up about that muslim faggot that you love so much, it offends you..its ok i understand!!


New Member
I think if it's that big and long, you ought to suck it your self. You'd probably make a good cocksuker as your retarded toothless head could do some righteous bobbing, especially since it is obviously so void of brains. Bitch!

wow....that was gay. you dont even try!.


New Member
Gravel or Kucinich would be the Democratic nominee if we lived in a smart country. But, that doesn't mean a black muslim shouldn't have an equal shot at it. Trying to paint him as some kind of radical muslim is pretty fucked up if you ask me. You deserve to be bitch-slapped for even making this thread:evil:
i love how you can only say this on a forum!! Lmao!!l your weak kid.. you wont slap shit


New Member
Who the fuck are you?
Must be another racist cocksucker.
what the fuck is up with you people calling us ''racist'' because we dont want to vote for a muslim? i guess ANYONE who doesnt vote for the muslim is racist..
ive never seen so many people cry over this offense but im sure the black folks dont need worthless people who stay on forums all day to take up for them.


Well-Known Member
what the fuck is up with you people calling us ''racist'' because we dont want to vote for a muslim?
ive never seen so many people cry over this offense but im sure the black folks dont need worthless people who stay on forums all day to take up for them.
Nobody said shit to you, so why are you in here attacking people? The original poster is obviously racist so that's why I said something. What the fuck is your problem, buddy?


New Member
Nobody said shit to you, so why are you in here attacking people? The original poster is obviously racist so that's why I said something. What the fuck is your problem, buddy?
because im reading all this shit...every post i see about someone hating obama or jus not wanting him to win they get called RACIST..racism has nothing to do with that ..AT ALL!!
From what i read and hear , hes muslim and there proof anywhere you look ..
his name is barack hussein obama for fuck sake..that weird ..sounds like the 2 leaders in iraq.


Well-Known Member
because im reading all this shit...every post i see about someone hating obama or jus not wanting him to win they get called RACIST..racism has nothing to do with that ..AT ALL!!
From what i read and hear , hes muslim and there proof anywhere you look ..
his name is barack hussein obama for fuck sake..that weird ..sounds like the 2 leaders in iraq.
1)You sound ignorant
2)No one called anybody racist except for the OP. If your going to make shit up about him somebody is going to call you on it. Sorry.
3)If you don't like Obama that's fine but you should really come up with a better reason than his name sounds funny.


Active Member
I agree Obama seems to have good views on a lot of things. I say this because I am not voting for him. I just respect his views without being an asshole or slandering his name. Last time I checked all that stuff about him going to a mosque and being Muslim was false. I believe fox ran the original story and CNN did some research on it.


Well-Known Member
I'm racist, I have racist views and I still don't agree with the thread starter, so now what?
keepin it real, I would hold it against Obama if he was muslim,just because of the times we live in.
in reality,could we be that foolish to vote for a muslim while at war with two,maybe three muslim countrys?


New Member
I agree Obama seems to have good views on a lot of things. I say this because I am not voting for him. I just respect his views without being an asshole or slandering his name. Last time I checked all that stuff about him going to a mosque and being Muslim was false. I believe fox ran the original story and CNN did some research on it.
fox news lies about everything
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