Wake up people, if you really think legalization is about your freedom to smoke or grow you're mistaken, it's about the government's ability to control you and your habits regarding it. Like "big tobacco"? There is absolutely NOTHING to stop it from becoming the exact same thing, yet so many fools think otherwise. Indoor hydroponic or even indoor soil gardening will become a thing of the past as it'll become too expensive to do so. Even if you fall into the category that thinks that's a good thing, you've got another thing coming. Prices will drop........DRAMATICALLY, and many, MANY, people will be out of "work". At the moment, they are surviving, getting by, and driving the economy as they've done in a clandestine fashion for many years. Full on legalization will destroy that entire subculture and the entire population that relies upon it. Some may think this has been long overdue, but I've actually seen these communities, and they are no different than any other; bottom line, replacing the structure of these economies would be devastating and basically make welfare recipients out of perfectly good, hard-working people that are land owners/farmers and taxpaying citizens.