This election was terrible for MM

Almost half the population voted in favour of prop 19 and other related proposals. This factor alone means that these governments have to make concessions, unless they are prepared to condemn almost half of the citizens that reside in these regions.
unfortunately thats how our democratic republic works, the majority gets the final say.
Just because something failed its first time around doesn't mean it's never going to pass. The fact of the matter is most states want to be able to smoke marijuana and not be a criminal. It is becoming known nationwide, if not worldwide. Just getting an initiative on the ballot is a HUGE first step. Keep on making those steps and you'll get to the top of the staircase. I foresee weed being legal in Cali in 2012, Colorado and Oregon will probably have it sometime around then too. Don't give up and don't get discouraged, weed will be legal.
Just because something failed its first time around doesn't mean it's never going to pass. The fact of the matter is most states want to be able to smoke marijuana and not be a criminal. It is becoming known nationwide, if not worldwide. Just getting an initiative on the ballot is a HUGE first step. Keep on making those steps and you'll get to the top of the staircase. I foresee weed being legal in Cali in 2012, Colorado and Oregon will probably have it sometime around then too. Don't give up and don't get discouraged, weed will be legal.

this the 2 time it failed,it failed in the 1970s and me personal i voted no on prop 19 because i sell to the clubs out here in the bay area in cail and they would put me out of business fast,while i grow 5 pound they got 100s of pounds
Wake up people, if you really think legalization is about your freedom to smoke or grow you're mistaken, it's about the government's ability to control you and your habits regarding it. Like "big tobacco"? There is absolutely NOTHING to stop it from becoming the exact same thing, yet so many fools think otherwise. Indoor hydroponic or even indoor soil gardening will become a thing of the past as it'll become too expensive to do so. Even if you fall into the category that thinks that's a good thing, you've got another thing coming. Prices will drop........DRAMATICALLY, and many, MANY, people will be out of "work". At the moment, they are surviving, getting by, and driving the economy as they've done in a clandestine fashion for many years. Full on legalization will destroy that entire subculture and the entire population that relies upon it. Some may think this has been long overdue, but I've actually seen these communities, and they are no different than any other; bottom line, replacing the structure of these economies would be devastating and basically make welfare recipients out of perfectly good, hard-working people that are land owners/farmers and taxpaying citizens.
Mcgician, I was just in Willow creek and its ~Booming~. It was a GHOST TOWN in its previous incarnation. Its got a great big hardware store with a huge "Garden center" sign and tons of new stores that are full of happy workers (With nice cars parked in the lot)

And if any one thinks medical is to expensive then ask a grower to help if they are sick and cant grow. My neighbor asked me and my neighbor helps me out also!

Making it regulated and allowing industrial farming would put cash in a few peoples pockets and flood the market, essentially collapsing an economy the size of Brazil over night and all the tax would be sucked up by the state with no county tax.

Can you imagine job training for out of work 215 workers because the jobs went ?

Not to mention every single hydro shop go under?
Regulation It would need to happen over a 5 year period.