anyone grown with l.e.d?

benjamin alexander

Active Member
yeah thats why i cant help but keep coming back to led, im only doing a small perpetual medical grow, little bits of lots of strains til i find the ones that work right for the medical conditions im trying to help lol might just get one and see how it does :)


Well-Known Member
yeah thats why i cant help but keep coming back to led, im only doing a small perpetual medical grow, little bits of lots of strains til i find the ones that work right for the medical conditions im trying to help lol might just get one and see how it does :)
I hear that. I'm with you there. My eyeballs are bleeding from studying strains and potential benefits.

But like Jason Wilcox says in his youtube videos, the medical benefits are largely unpredictable and vary widely among individuals.

edit: Ben- So you're downunder? I just noticed the comment you made about your brother. Are you in Adelaide, as well? None of my damn business.

Regarding LEDs. I learned some interesting technical facts from the kit guy in England. He says says many lights are vulnerable to power surges, and his design is much more sound. He uses two power sources so he can turn things down
some to keep it cool. Even with the fan, he says the lights will last much longer that way. I'm tempted to build one of his lights just for the lessons.

BTW- He offers a good warranty, and after warranty will work on them for a fee of 20 or25 quid (I don't remember exactly). If you scroll down on his ebay page for the kits and the lights, there is a wealth of good info.


Well-Known Member
viagro- yeah after looking around his kit does sound like a good idea, i think i could even modify it a bit :P oh and yeah im in adl, you r 2?
If you are going to scrog you will find it hard to implement a perpetual system, I tried it on a 8' x 4' screen with space for plants to flower then be harvested and just replacing and training etc. it was a lot of work and did not work unless each set of roots could be fed independently.

Send me a link to this UK based guy with the kits, have you got him to disclose the parts?


Well-Known Member
Send me a link to this UK based guy with the kits, have you got him to disclose the parts?
See page 4.


Ben- No, I'm not in Adelaide...must be nice.

I've reconsidered the cabinet idea. Rather than lining the walls, use something like this to augment an overhead panel.


Kessil lights are cool, too.



Well-Known Member
viagro- yeah after looking around his kit does sound like a good idea, i think i could even modify it a bit :P oh and yeah im in adl, you r 2?
From his last message to me:

I run the power supplies at half power for a simple reason, heat is what kills electronics and by running the lights at 1/2 power they only generate 1/4 the heat which GREATELY extends their life. I do this because the leds will run almost indefinately - although they are rated for 70% light output after about 11 years, the design of my light cools them to about 25C. As they can run much hotter than this (up to 100C) they will last longer than their rated life. The fan is a low speed fan which typically last 3 or 4 times as long as a normal fan, and I increase that by only running them on 10.5 volts instead of 12V! The whole design is about maximun life and reliability. By the way, the leds are more efficient and produce more light when they are cool.

If you want a light with 105 watts, I would simply make the light slightly larger and add an extra power supply. The cost would be £290 which is 1 1/2 times the cost of the standard light.

One last thing, please dont confuse wattage with light output, they are not the same with leds. High quality leds produce about 4 times the light for the same wattage as chinese leds!

A 600 HID (normal metal halide) light produces about 210 watts of light the plants can use (known a PAR light). Almost all of the output (about 95%) from one of my lights can be used by the plants, so one of my lights is equal to about 200 watts of a HID light.


Active Member
so im doing a new quality bubbleponics grow and was looking to go cfl's but has anyone had any experience with l.e.d panels blue/red dual spectrum set ups?
ive got a little bit of money to spend on the set up and was wondering if its worth the extra investment.?
i would spend your money on something else. LEDs are just way overpriced at this time. get a hps ballast and bulb for flower. then use a mh conversion bulb for veg so you dont have to get another ballast unless you're doing 2 rooms. you wont be disappointed. everyone i talk to seems to be disappointed with LEDs including people at my local hydro shop. however they do help for supplemental lighting. im also told you can use them for veg and they work alright. that dude on here with that pic is seriously the only one i've seen have excellent results. props to him if it's real. but until LEDs become more affordable and efficient, im going to say mh and hps by far! if you do decide to go with LED, good luck and please keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
im not a fan of led. my mate grew some shitty weed with leds, when i gave him a 400 watter his dope was pukka


Well-Known Member
That dosn't say a lot about how cannabis grows with leds. They are expensive and those plug in socket leds really are shite. strechy plants grow under them


Well-Known Member
i just looked at the prices on them and wow. thats a lot of wonga mate. Maybe if they where cheaper and i have personally seen good results with other growers then i would give it a go.


Well-Known Member
Check the budporn link I gave you.

You can have a decent, high quality led light for about 150 quid.


Well-Known Member
pretty nice lookin buds, maybe my mate had a shite brand. im prob gonna stick with what i know. Always the safe option with me


Well-Known Member
pretty nice lookin buds, maybe my mate had a shite brand. im prob gonna stick with what i know. Always the safe option with me
Sure, I'm not selling anything. Just interested in cool lights that don't have such a high risk of fire.

Many people have had bad experiences with leds, but that is changing.

Cheers, m8!