abdomen pain


Well-Known Member
Ok so i just got home, and i was taking a shower. I dropped the soap and went to pick it up. When i bent over i had a sharp pain where my belly button is but to the left. It also happens when i breath sometimes. But more when i bend or twist. This just started about an hour ago. Sometimes its on the left sometimes its on the right. I guess it would be my left and right abdomen areas. I know i should go to the doctor but i wanted to see if anyone had any ideas of what it could be. I drink about once a week on friday, i dont usally get drunk. I also smoke alot of the k2/fake weed since im on probation.

Any ideas of what it could be? gas? liver? kidney? constipation?

o yea im 20 years old and dont lift anything heavy cause im lazy.

o yea and i smoke about a pack a day of menthols
Update, i just took a drink of cold water cause thats all i drink. I felt the cold go down my throat and when it hit my stomach i had some pain.
i have taken 3 dumps in the last 4 hours. I dont think that its constipation. IDK ill see how i feel after i woke up.
its prb aids......

jk lol, idk like you said it could be gas/constipation. I doubt its liver/kidneys as you would feel moore back for the kidneys and one spot for the liver. Do u work out? could be an intestinal hernia, ide seek proper medical attention if the pain continues.

This prb isnt the best forum for medical problems, but thats my 2c
he's prob right, you have aids
any unusual things in your diet? sometimes if you eat real rich food you will have that feeling
well yesterday i tryed this bath salt at my head shop. The guy basically said its like legal coke. It kept me up for like 12-16 hours, plus the 8 hours i had been awake before it. Anyways i didnt eat that whole time except a poptart. But now ive had some stuff to eat.
its prb aids......

jk lol, idk like you said it could be gas/constipation. I doubt its liver/kidneys as you would feel moore back for the kidneys and one spot for the liver. Do u work out? could be an intestinal hernia, ide seek proper medical attention if the pain continues.

This prb isnt the best forum for medical problems, but thats my 2c

yea i know this isnt the best, but i feel like i was looking for people who may have had this or similar.

the pain is bearable but uncomfortable when i bend down. Its not that bad if i stay still and lean back.
Some of you people sound like my last Doctor. I said, Doc, when I bend over it hurts ... he said .. don't bend over. Finally he examined me and found I had a slipped disc. He told me I shouldn't lift more than 10 pounds .... that was really great news, that meant I couldn't even take a leak!

Ok .. all jokes aside ... what did you eat tonight, or today if it's earlier where you are? Do you feel like you have to take a leak all the time but when you try you only dribble a bit? Do you feel like you might vomit? Does the pain feel more like it is in your front than in your back? You said it can be right side or left side, but is it one side or the other more often?
well i woke up and the pain was alot better. didnt have much trouble going to sleep. the pain today is there but hardly noticable.

what i ate was a poptart, 2 mcdonalds dollar fries and a pancake.

i feel like i have to take a leak more then usually but i have had no problem peeing.

i kinda feel like i might puke sometimes, but its like because of my empty stomach i think.

its in the front.

last night it was my right side that was worse.
i have taken 3 dumps in the last 4 hours. I dont think that its constipation. IDK ill see how i feel after i woke up.
I shit a lot to. Is that normal for you to be taking all those dumps? do you get a sweaty painful rash around your balls ass and legs?
Sounds like you may have pinched a nerve, or a hernia. Since you mentioned it getting better, i'd say the former.

But I would stop eating garbage. Your diet habbits sound like shit.
well i woke up and the pain was alot better. didnt have much trouble going to sleep. the pain today is there but hardly noticable.

what i ate was a poptart, 2 mcdonalds dollar fries and a pancake.

i feel like i have to take a leak more then usually but i have had no problem peeing.

i kinda feel like i might puke sometimes, but its like because of my empty stomach i think.

its in the front.

last night it was my right side that was worse.

WTF! GO see a doctor, tell him everything, get that shit figured out! He has a fudiciary duty to help you, and he will. Don't wind up dead at a young age cause you were too stupid to see a doctor! Your appendix could have ruptured for all you know and you could be dead from poiosn blood in 2 days. Not tryin to scare you but its better than acting like its fien and you wind up dead because of it.
WTF! GO see a doctor, tell him everything, get that shit figured out! He has a fudiciary duty to help you, and he will. Don't wind up dead at a young age cause you were too stupid to see a doctor! Your appendix could have ruptured for all you know and you could be dead from poiosn blood in 2 days. Not tryin to scare you but its better than acting like its fien and you wind up dead because of it.
Don't go to a doctor it's bad for your health. I have been shitting 6-12 times a day for 4 or 6 years and aside from a sweaty rash i'm fine it is a little anoying it's like having very sweaty slimy ass and balls but otherwise i'm cool. I tried to ask a doctor once and what a waste of my time and I probably got sick while I was their
i have taken 3 dumps in the last 4 hours. I dont think that its constipation. IDK ill see how i feel after i woke up.
Are you feeling better? I say drink a energy drink and take another dump thats what I did and I feel better