abdomen pain

You have AIDs. Call all that you love, you might only have minutes left if it's the Super AIDs.

Godspeed sir.
your giving horrible advice...i hope this sweaty rash ass is bad sarcasm
No it's literally a irritation that feels sweaty and slimy I think its from crapping alot or from dripping piss inside my draws but whatever it is its all sweaty and slimy and it rots holes in my underware and eventually through my pants i'm not really sure what causes it but I spray it with tough actin tanactin and sometimes that helps
i have a sweaty nasty gooch too. yea i think ill just improve my diet it does suck.

Heh, no offense, but remind me not to sit on a chair after you guys. My gooch is fresh and clean and smells an awful lot like flowers.
well i woke up and the pain was alot better. didnt have much trouble going to sleep. the pain today is there but hardly noticable.

what i ate was a poptart, 2 mcdonalds dollar fries and a pancake.

i feel like i have to take a leak more then usually but i have had no problem peeing.

i kinda feel like i might puke sometimes, but its like because of my empty stomach i think.

its in the front.

last night it was my right side that was worse.

Pay attention to what you eat ... if you eat greasy foods .. like french fries .. or maybe barbecue ... anything high in grease content, and then enough hours later that it is well into being processed by your body, or if the greasy foods were for dinner and then late at night you have pains on your right side, feeling not all that far under the surface but a bit higher up than an appendix problem would come from, and you vomit or feel like you need to vomit .. but then by morning, or a few hours or so later if during the day, the pain is gone, you might want to see if you have a gall bladder problem.

You might want to go to WebMD or some similar site and read the symptoms for gall bladder attack and see if they seem familiar.
Pay attention to what you eat ... if you eat greasy foods .. like french fries .. or maybe barbecue ... anything high in grease content, and then enough hours later that it is well into being processed by your body, or if the greasy foods were for dinner and then late at night you have pains on your right side, feeling not all that far under the surface but a bit higher up than an appendix problem would come from, and you vomit or feel like you need to vomit .. but then by morning, or a few hours or so later if during the day, the pain is gone, you might want to see if you have a gall bladder problem.

You might want to go to WebMD or some similar site and read the symptoms for gall bladder attack and see if they seem familiar.
The doctor said it was fungus so i've been spraying my junk with tough actin tinactin that hasn't cured it and its been months he didn't seem to have any answers for why I crap so much
it apears from what you have been reporting that you may have the preliminary stages of AIDS also known as HIV. most cases start just like you have reported. there is no point in goin to the doctor, he can t do anything for you.
it would be impossible for me to have AIDS/HIV so obviously thats not an option.
i was just kidding bro. but seriously, sounds like you need to change your diet and start exercising. eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean meats. stop eating shit. do some light cardio and then get into some weight or resistance training. oh and stop smoking a fucking pack of menthols a day. you feel like shit because you treat your body like shit.
it apears from what you have been reporting that you may have the preliminary stages of AIDS also known as HIV. most cases start just like you have reported. there is no point in goin to the doctor, he can t do anything for you.
Got to get tested again....I hope not. I asked last time and they took blood and didn't call back but they gave me a shot for gohnareah but didn't know if I had it just thought it would be a good idea they said the rash was fungus and told me to use fungus stuff but it didn't get rid of it kind of helps though it gets worse when its hot and I dont know if its from crapping to much or if im leaking piss I thought it might be a staff infection
Got to get tested again....I hope not. I asked last time and they took blood and didn't call back but they gave me a shot for gohnareah but didn't know if I had it just thought it would be a good idea they said the rash was fungus and told me to use fungus stuff but it didn't get rid of it kind of helps though it gets worse when its hot and I dont know if its from crapping to much or if im leaking piss I thought it might be a staff infection
i was just kidding about the aids dont go by my advice about it. but you can get rid of that rash by showering twice a day and keeping the area dry with gold bond or baby/talcum powder. get lamisil extra strength cream and apply after showering to the dry area before bed. sounds like you have jock itch aka athletes foot on you balls. do your laundry, take showers and treat with lamisil lotion (get the expensive one, it costs that much because it works!)
i was just kidding about the aids dont go by my advice about it. but you can get rid of that rash by showering twice a day and keeping the area dry with gold bond or baby/talcum powder. get lamisil extra strength cream and apply after showering to the dry area before bed. sounds like you have jock itch aka athletes foot on you balls. do your laundry, take showers and treat with lamisil lotion (get the expensive one, it costs that much because it works!)
Yeah i've been giving it the royal treatment, I spray it and use cream and it still gets bad especially when its hot.
Never hurts to see the old Doc. You will have much relief after talking with him. I had a pain by my liver and gallbladder. I thought I did damage cuz I used to take alot of prescription pills and drink alot. I kno hella dumb lol. But I got osme bloodwork done and everything came back good. It has been proven that if you get to a doctor early, and get treatment, whatever the problem is, is way esier to fix. Did that make sense lol? , I feel weird right now.
The reason I asked the questions I asked is much of what you said you experienced was just like what I experienced over roughly a week. I went to see my Doctor and within less than an hour I was in a hospital bed scheduled to have my gall bladder removed the following morning.

If it persists .. see your physician.