im tryin to hit the casinos my friendnah..400 aint' enough. i mean yeah if you're gonna eat mickey d's all weekend and have a few beers (IF you bring your own bud and not buy there). but you won't be able to gamble or anything with that doe...
say greyhoudn costs 50 (i have no idea how much it costs)...
you aint stayin in no hotel, you'll have to settle in a motel for 2 nights
a couple of beers or a bottle of whiskey or both...
you have no more money left to's not worth the trip if you only bringin 400 in my opinion.
what you tryin to do in cali?
do you think i would be enough for at least a week end in cali, like including a hotel
dam reality sucks I guess i shouldn't quit my dayjob anytime soon and stick to online poker thanx for the reality check everyone who postedNot to be harsh man, but you should just prolly save a bit more before making a weekend trip. 400 won't last long at all, especially if you get a few bad turns. A hotel is going to be at least 50 a night for anything half decent, then your bus ride is prolly going to be about 70 bucks each way depending on how far you're going. Not counting food and drink. So if you're going on Friday and coming home Monday morning your looking at 150 for hotel and 140 for bus ride. So you're down 290 before you even get to the casino at least.
yeah man...a trip with a 1000 should be good. just save up a few more cnotes playa.
if youre goin on the trip dont go dolo and bring a few friends..pool up some doe so you guys have enough for alcohol and bud. then hit the tables and have fun! if you're working i'm sure you can pull off saving 600 more within a few weeks/months. hope you take the trip soon man!!! i love casino trips!!! i been to macau twice this year and im going again next month!!!
Cool man im from vegas to. sucks to live here and be under 21 doesnt make any sense me but i guess i'll just have to live with iti live in vegas and i wouldnt fuck with that get caught doing some dumb shit like that and you get black listed from every casino here...
buddy I PLAY ONLINE POKER (full tilt) and I just don't, trust it some crazy shit has happened to me, I can take bad beats but when u see whats happened to me you'd be sayin the same thing
buddy I PLAY ONLINE POKER (full tilt) and I just don't, trust it some crazy shit has happened to me, I can take bad beats but when u see whats happened to me you'd be sayin the same thing
Plain envelopeswhats your name on tilt?
before i came back to riu, i wanted to start playing online poker while i had my charts open. i used to do that back in new york or i'd watch movies while trading (i used to trade at home)...but i went to and and guess what..its fucking blocked in my country. you're not allowed to gamble for real money online. instead in korea, they have online "gambling" but basically you cash in REAL money for FAKE money and you can't cash out for REAL money. where i come from that's called a fucking scam.
that must suck but online gambling isn't all its cracked up to be trust mebefore i came back to riu, i wanted to start playing online poker while i had my charts open. i used to do that back in new york or i'd watch movies while trading (i used to trade at home)...but i went to and and guess what..its fucking blocked in my country. you're not allowed to gamble for real money online. instead in korea, they have online "gambling" but basically you cash in REAL money for FAKE money and you can't cash out for REAL money. where i come from that's called a fucking scam.