• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!


Active Member
Illegal now in Illinios, put in same list as cocain and heroine? Well I guess i am lucky stocked up and have what I consider a lifetime supply in glass vials, about 4 oz. wont sell em either, I mixed up all different one from various sources from 10x to 80x and came out with a one toke blast that last for about 8-10 minutes and is pretty intense, but not overly so. There goes another one due to some idiot who killed himself according to his parents because he used salvia, it should never be available to people under 18 anyway, just like pot, and parents these days seem to look for a reason other than themselves to blame for a kid suicide, ie , ozzy osbourne and judas priest, but this time it was salvia, but you can't sue GOD, so make it illegal. That kid had other problems and should have been brought in for counseling, but the parents did nothing. Now who is to blame, Salvia, I think not. "Over three months after Chidester's suicide, with no evidence of any trace of salvinorin being found in his system, Delaware’s deputy chief medical examiner, Dr. Adrienne Sekula-Perlman, altered his death certificate to include Salvia divinorum use as a contributing cause of his death. She has subsequently refused to comment on her decision." and furthermore...
Chidester was suffering from acne which has a general association with depression and thoughts of suicide. To treat his acne, he was also taking minocycline which can have side effects that may impair thinking or reactions.
His parents divorced when he was three. A study from the Research Data Centre program published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that children whose parents divorce show higher levels of depression, as well as higher levels of anti-social behaviour, than children whose parents remain married.
The parents have conceded that he may have been suffering from general depression."
But yet state after state continue to use this case as the main point to ban another GOD given substance. Me and my wife both suffer from sugar problems, But our government will not allow the safest, non toxic naturally accuring herb to be used as a sweetener "Stevia" which is 200x more potent then sugar and is derived unadulturated from an herb from south america, has zero calories, no glycimic index, and, (if refined correctly) no after taste, it can not be labeled a sweetener without the FDA closing down the company and confiscating all product, instead it can only say its an herbal supplament. Now the FDA lets chemical companies come up with sweeteners that cause cancer and many other various reactions, but one that does none of these things and is very easy to grow,(we actually grow our own and make our own extract) is not approved as a sweetener(Diet Coke in Japan uses it as its sweetener). But the main point here is that the sugar industry is scared and so is the chemical industry. I am sure if a chemical company came up with Salvia, for various uses, the feds would be happy to let them do trials on its affects. just my thoughts I am now off my Soap(um salvia)Box. Happy New Year All. And oh yeah I will probly do a hit or two salvia this weekend coming up, just not in the open on U_TUBE them f@@@ing idiots, they did not help either, kids filming themselves freaking out. Hmm Later


Active Member
i am truly blown away as i have no previous knowledge of salvia other than you can get it at a tattoo shop or head shop. the funny thing is is that all these disturbing experiences are so fucking similar to what was happening to me before i started taking meds for an illness called schizoaffective disorder. i used to have panic attacks that i was going to leave my body and that hell was made out of light and horrible cartoonish religious icons. and again these cartoonishness was like being a black and white image running away from these childlike cartoons very similar to a mario brothers video game made for kids. but this experience altered the very way i thought on a daily basis. anyway just wanted to say that ive never tried salvia but from others experiences i will stay the hell away from salvia.
Very wise choice, you dont need anything else to hurt your mind, seem you have problems and know about them, I too suffer from anxiety disorder and take xanax, just to keep my anxiety under control, and am very careful with salvia use, once in a while sometime once in 2 months or so. I still think it stems from alll the acid I did during my youth, still cant come up with a number for how many times i tripped. But for me, days after using salvia, I can decrease my xanax does by half. I dont think salvia would be a good replacement but a release every once in a while for me keeps me happy.


Well-Known Member
Me and about 7 friends got a half ounce of 10x. We went into the wood to smoke it, because the house had children in it. The trip was just wierd. I started talking like a baby, I couldnt form words. I just kept sweating, sweating worse than I ever have before. Everyone was watching me, and laughing except for the maybe 2-3 other people who had just got a hit and were tripping too. I remember looking up, and all the trees had form into a circle, and no tree was close to me. Then I remember jumping up really fast, very confused. I ran off somewhere, and came back to the circle with a big branch that had fell of a tree. By this time, I was starting to come down,but still feeling very wierd. When I got back to the circle, I just put the stick down, And tried to calm down. It also got me very pissed off at the people in the circle. Some of the guys were claiming they didnt feel anything. They didnt smoke pot all the time like me and a few others there, so I guess they didnt hit it right. My friend bobby kept telling us how his head had like a zipper, and he kept trying to pull the zipper and open his mind. >_>

Asthmatic Toker

Active Member
hey...I have one ounce of dry salvia leaves. I have had an awful time trying to get it to work, i.e. (grinding it and torching it in a bowl, chewing, etc). What's best means? I got zero results from dry leaves.


Well-Known Member
hey...I have one ounce of dry salvia leaves. I have had an awful time trying to get it to work, i.e. (grinding it and torching it in a bowl, chewing, etc). What's best means? I got zero results from dry leaves.
Look up some extraction methods on the net. My friend just recently bought 2 ounces of Salvia leaves, and for his first time with ANY extractions, successfully (and easily, so he says) made a few grams of 10x.

ѕψЫiмiиλ[Ł]™;466011 said:
WHere can you get some salvia cause i wanna try that shit....
i heard it was bomb and i want to buy some..:hump:
Smoke shops sell Salvia as incense, at least they do around here. Just ask an employee at the shop if they sell it. You'll probably want to get 10-20x for your first time, anything lower kinda sucks, and anything higher might be too intense.

I don't know if you can call it a bomb experience, but it can be awesome. Either you'll have a great mind opening experience, or a confused and weird experience, or a "i died and went to a crazy dimensional hell" experience.

Totally depends on your mood, set and setting, the people you're around, and if you're strong enough to not fear the feeling of being out of your body and completely outside your own reality. It's very weird :mrgreen:

My trips have all been pretty much the same, I've never smoked above 20x, and I don't think I want to. Every time I trip on Salvia, everything I look at isn't the same, I can't tell what anything is. So it feels like I'm walking around in an unknown land. My first time I smoked my friend put on a visualization on the computer for me to watch. I was watching it before the trip hit me, and when it did, I felt like I was inside the visuals, and it was moving all around me. I did enjoy every trip, but it's really.... really intense, so I always debate doing it. To be completely honest, I really do think you are put into a different dimension when you trip on this stuff.

But yea, go for 10x your first time, it's not too intense, but it is pretty crazy. You'll feel slightly out of reality, but you'll still have a grip, at least I did. Remember NOT TO DO IT AT PARTIES or with groups of people, it's best with 1 baby sitter. And do it in a relaxing room, with mellow lights, nothing too bright. And put on some chill music.

Have fun and don't do it without a sitter.


Well-Known Member
Salvia divinorum is a species of sage (the genus Salvia). There are approximately 1000 species of Salvia worldwide, but Salvia divinorum is the only vision-inducing species known. Salvia is a member of a very large family of plants known as the Labiatae. Because mint is a well-known member of this family, it is sometimes referred to as the mint family. Salvia divinorum makes a beautiful house plant, and it can be grown just for that reason, but most people who grow this plant are interested in its fascinating psychoactive effects.

The botanical name Salvia divinorum means "Sage of the Diviners." Under the right conditions, taken in the right way, Salvia produces a unique state of "divine inebriation." For hundreds of years, it has been used in religious and healing ceremonies by the Mazatec Indians, who live in the province of Oaxaca, in Mexico.
The effects of Salvia are very different from those of alcohol; but like alcohol, it impairs coordination. Never, ever, attempt to drive under the influence of salvia--doing so could prove fatal!
Salvia contains a chemical substance called salvinorin A. Salvinorin A is responsible for Salvia's mind-altering effects. It is not chemically related to any other psychoactive drug. Unlike most visionary compounds, it is not an alkaloid. Pure salvinorin A is extremely potent. Doses of only several hundred micrograms (millionths of a gram) will have an effect, and doses above 1 milligram (1/1000 of a gram) are too much for most people to handle comfortably. Because of its extreme potency, pure salvinorin A should never be used unless the dosage has been precisely measured with an extremely accurate chemist's scale. Fortunately, Salvia leaf is hundreds of times weaker than pure salvinorin A; therefore, Salvia leaf can be used much more safely.
Salvia leaf is physically quite safe. It is very gentle on the body. Toxicological studies have shown that salvinorin A is extraordinarily non-toxic. No one has ever died from a Salvia overdose. Salvia is not habit-forming or addictive. People who choose to use Salvia, tend to do so quite infrequently. Salvia is not a stimulant, it is not a sedative, it is not a narcotic, it is not a tranquilizer. Like many entheogens, at sufficiently high doses it can induce visions, yet it is quite different from other entheogens. Dale Pendell, in his book Pharmako/poeia, assigns Salvia divinorum to a unique pharmacological class, which he calls "existentia." This term alludes to the philosophical illumination Salvia seems to shine on the nature of existence itself.
This is important to understand. Salvia is not "fun" in the way that alcohol or Cannabis can be. If you try to party with Salvia you probably will not have a good experience.
Salvia is a consciousness-changing herb that can be used in a vision quest, or in a healing ritual. In the right setting, Salvia makes it possible to see visions. It is an herb with a long tradition of sacred use. It is useful for deep meditation. It is best taken in a quiet, nearly darkroom; either alone (if a sitter will not be used, see below for discussion of sitters), or with one or two good friends present. It should be taken either in silence or (sometimes) with soft pleasant music playing.
Salvia divinorum is a legal plant in most countries. Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Delaware are the only states in the USA that prohibit its use. Salvia divinorum is entirely legal in all other US states. Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, and South Korea are the only countries that have enacted legislation making possession of Salvia divinorum and/or salvinorin A illegal. Spain prohibits the sale of Salvia divinorum, but not possession or use. In Finland, Norway, Iceland, and Estonia, it is illegal to import Salvia divinorum without a relevant prescription from a doctor. Additional information about Salvia's legal status, and pending legislation that might affect it, is available at: http://sagewisdom.org/legalstatus.html.
Salvia experiences range in intensity from subtle to extremely powerful. This holds true for chewed leaves, smoked leaves, and for oral tinctures, such as "Sage Goddess Emerald Essence®." The strength of the effects will depend on how much you take, the way you take it, and your individual body chemistry.
Salvia experiences differ from those produced by other visionary drugs or herbs, and Salvia has many advantages:
  • You cannot take a fatal overdose of Salvia leaves.
  • Salvia is not habit forming.
  • Salvia is legal in most countries.
  • Its effects are brief in duration, so you quickly return to normal.
  • Salvia seldom produces adverse side-effects or hangover.
Noise and distraction will interfere with the experience. When on Salvia, watching TV is nothing but annoying; sitting around a campfire in the woods at night, is wonderful.

Because Salvia divinorum can alter perception and behavior, it must never be used in a public environment--doing so could draw unwelcome attention. When the effects are intense, people often become immersed in a dream-like inner visionary state of awareness. Sometimes people in this state will move around as if sleepwalking. For this reason, you should always have a sober sitter present when using strong doses. The sitter is there to make sure that you don't do anything dangerous, like knocking over lit candles, or falling over furniture.
When Salvia is smoked the effects come on very quickly, in less than a minute. The effects are only strong for 5-6 minutes, and then they quickly taper off over another 20-30 minutes.
When the leaves are chewed, the first effects come on at about 15 minutes and gradually develop to peak about 30 minutes after ingestion. The peak level of effects lasts 30 minutes to an hour, and then gradually diminish over an additional 30 minutes to an hour.
When taken as a tincture held in the mouth, the effects begin in 10-15 minutes, and quickly develop to a peak level that lasts 20-40 minutes. The effects then gradually diminish over an additional 30 minutes to an hour. To be on the safe side, it is important not to drive or use machinery for at least an hour after the experience appears to be ended.
Usually people feel clearheaded and mentally refreshed after a Salvia experience. Occasionally some people experience mild headaches after smoking Salvia. It appears that such headaches are the result of smoke-induced sinus irritation. Like tobacco smoke, Salvia smoke is probably somewhat irritating to the lungs.
Salvia experiences can be divided into various levels of intensity. The SALVIA Experiential Rating Scale has been constructed to rate the various levels of effects produced by salvia. Each letter of the word SALVIA stands for another level of effects. The scale describes six different levels of intoxication, each one more intense than the previous. The overall intensity of effects is scored according to the highest scale level attained during the course of the experience.


Well-Known Member
The SALVIA Experiential Rating Scale
Level - 1 "S" stands for SUBTLE effects. A feeling that "something" is happening, although it is difficulty to say just what. Relaxation and increased sensual appreciation may be noted. This mild level is useful for meditation and may facilitate sexual pleasure.
Level - 2 "A" stands for ALTERED perception. Colors and textures are more pronounced. Appreciation of music may be enhanced. Space may appear of greater or lesser depth than is usual. But visions do not occur at this level. Thinking becomes less logical, and more playful; short-term memory difficulties may be noted.
Level - 3 "L" stands for LIGHT visionary state. Closed-eye visuals (clear imagery with eyes closed: fractal patterns, vine-like and geometric patterns, visions of objects and designs). The imagery is often two dimensional. If open-eyed visual effects occur, these are usually vague and fleeting. At this level, phenomena similar to the hypnagogic phenomena that some people experience at sleep onset occur. At this level, visions are experienced as "eye candy" but are not confused with reality.
Level - 4 "V" stands for VIVID visionary state. Complex three-dimensional realistic appearing scenes occur. Sometimes voices may be heard. With eyes open, contact with consensual reality will not be entirely lost, but when you close your eyes you may forget about consensus reality and enter completely into a dreamlike scene. Shamanistic journeying to other lands--foreign or imaginary; encounters with beings (entities, spirits) or travels to other ages may occur. You may even live the life of another person. At this level you have entered the shaman's world. Or if you prefer: you are in "dream time." With eyes closed, you experience fantasies (dream like happenings with a story line to them). So long as your eyes are closed you may believe they are really occurring. This differs from the "eye candy" closed-eye imagery, of level 3.
Level - 5 "I" stands for IMMATERIAL existence. At this level one may no longer be aware of having a body. Consciousness remains and some thought processes are still lucid, but one becomes completely involved in inner experience and looses all contact with consensual reality. Individuality may be lost; one experiences merging with God/dess, mind, universal consciousness, or bizarre fusions with other objects--real or imagined (e.g. experiences such as merging with a wall or piece of furniture). At this level it is impossible to function in consensual reality, but unfortunately some people do not remain still but move around in this befuddled state. For this reason a sitter is essential to ensure the safety of someone voyaging to these deep levels. To the person experiencing this the phenomenon may be terrifying or exceedingly pleasant; but to an outside observer the individual may appear confused or disoriented.
Level 6 - "A" stands for AMNESIC effects. At this stage, either consciousness is lost, or at least one is unable to later recall what one had experienced. The individual may fall, or remain immobile or thrash around; somnambulistic behavior may occur. Injuries can be sustained without pain being felt; on awakening, the individual will have no recollection of what he/she did, experienced, or said in level 6. People cannot recall what they experience in this very deep trance state. This is not a desirable level, because nothing can latter be recalled of the experience.
Salvia is never taken by injection. There are many different methods of use. Several will be discussed here.
The two traditional Mazatec methods are quite inefficient in that they require many more leaves than do the other methods. But they are very safe. Traditionally the leaves are taken in a semi-darkened room as part of a healing or religious ceremony. At least one sober person is present to watch over the people who have taken Salvia. A water-based drink made from ground-up fresh leaves is one of the traditional Mazatec ways of using this herb. It requires a lot of leaves and tastes somewhat unpleasant, so this method is seldom used by non-Mazatecs. Salvinorin is very poorly absorbed from the stomach so it requires enormous amounts of leaves to make the drink effective. But it does work, and the effects last longer than from any other method. Chewing and swallowing a large number of fresh leaves is the other Mazatec method. When this is done the leaves are nibbled slowly for about 1/2 hour. Although the chewed-up leaves are swallowed, most of the effect is due to salvinorin that is absorbed through the tissues of the mouth during the chewing. This is a less efficient way of chewing Salvia than the quid method (see below). Most people find chewing and swallowing fresh leaves to be unpleasantly bitter, and for some, it causes gagging.
A ball or cylinder of rolled-up leaves is made. This is called a quid. It is to be chewed. The leaves are chewed slowly--about one chew every 10 seconds. They are kept under your tongue between chews. For half an hour keep the quid that is being chewed, and the juice that forms, in your mouth. If you can, hold it in your mouth without spitting or swallowing. Then, after the half-hour chewing time is over, spit it all out. Have a bowl to spit into, and a towel handy. Salvia juice stains carpets and other fabrics, so be sure the bowl won't tip over.
Quids can be made from either fresh leaves or dried leaves. Those made from dry leaves are less bitter. To make a quid from dried leaves, weigh out 2-8 grams of dried leaves. A gram scale accurate enough for this can be purchased for under $50. If you have no scale, count out 8 to 28 large whole dried leaves. Place the leaves in a small bowl of cool water for 10 minutes. Once the leaves are wet and have been soaking for about 10 minutes, remove the leaves from the water, squeeze the excess water out of them, and ball them up into a quid. Some people skip this soaking step when they are in a hurry, but chewing on brittle dry leaves may be unpleasant. If you wish, you can sweeten the quid with sugar, honey, Stevia extract or an artificial sweetener like Equal®. This will make it less bitter and more pleasant to chew.
If fresh leaves are used instead of dry ones, you will need from 8 to 28 large fresh leaves.
The effect of Salvia quids can probably be increased by first treating your mouth in a special way to increase its ability to absorb salvinorin A. To do this you will need a toothbrush and an alcohol/menthol containing mouthwash such as Cool Mint Listerine®, (or any other brand that contains alcohol and menthol). Gently brush the lining of your mouth, including the tissue under your tongue, and the top surface of your tongue. This removes layers of dead cells normally present. Do not brush hard enough to cause bleeding. Then rinse with the mouthwash for at least 30 seconds. Be sure to get mouthwash everywhere in your mouth, including under your tongue. Then spit out the mouthwash and rinse once with water.
You will experience very little in the first 12 to 15 minutes of chewing. Don't be misled by this. Full effects are usually felt by 30 minutes (the time you spit out the quid). They remain on this level for about 30-60 minutes more, then start to decrease. The whole experience seldom lasts longer than an hour and a half, but this varies.


Well-Known Member
Dried leaves can be smoked in a pipe. They need to be smoked hot and the smoke must be inhaled deeply and quickly to have an effect. Because salvinorin requires high temperatures to vaporize, it is best to hold a flame immediately above the leaves, drawing it down into the leaves the whole time you inhale. The leaves can be smoked in a short-stemmed tobacco pipe, in a bong, or in a "steamroller" pipe. Fill up a medium size bowl with leaves. Use a hand-held butane lighter that will go out when you are no longer pressing it, not a match. Have a large ashtray or tip-proof bowl to set the pipe in when you feel you've had enough. Remember that when you are immersed in the experience you may forget you are holding a lit pipe. You could drop it, causing a burn or a fire; therefore, it is best to have a sitter present when smoking. First effects will be noticed within a minute of inhaling. After 5-6 minutes the effects will gradually begin to subside. The total duration of the experience may be less than 30 minutes or as long as an hour.
Extract-enhanced leaves can also be smoked. Extract-enhanced leaves can be very strong and should only be smoked when a sitter is present. It is possible to vaporize leaves or extract in a special vaporizer that heats up material without burning it. Vaporization can be deceiving. Because very little smoke is produced, it is possible to inhale a very large dose without realizing it. Anyone trying vaporization absolutely MUST have a sitter present. Many commercial vaporizers made for Cannabis will not work for Salvia. Special Salvia vaporizers can be built easily, but vaporization is not for those new to Salvia.
Vaporization of pure Salvinorin A is also possible, but it is not recommended! Unless the dose has been measured very precisely, this is extremely dangerous, as it's very easy to vaporize too large a dose. To be done safely, vaporization of salvinorin A requires weighing the dose on a very precise chemical balance capable of weighing in micrograms (millionths of a gram). These analytical balances cost well over $1000. There are now available standardized doses of Salvinorin A on leaves, using such preparations enables one to inhale a known precisely-measured dose of salvinorin A. This makes it possible to experiment with salvinorin A without having to buy an analytical balance, and it greatly reduces the risk of overdose.
There is now a commercially available Salvia tincture. It is marketed by Daniel Siebert as "Sage Goddess Emerald Essence®." This fluid extract of Salvia divinorum is intended to be kept in one's mouth until its salvinorin content has been absorbed. While it can be taken undiluted, it is quite irritating to the mouth if taken in this way. The irritation is due to its high alcohol content. It is better to take it diluted with hot water. The amount of alcohol taken even in a large dose of the extract is not sufficient to produce alcohol intoxication. The effect of the tincture is that of Salvia, not that of whiskey. The alcohol is in the tincture solely as a solvent. The tincture comes with two droppers, one for the tincture, and a different one for the hot water. And comes with detailed instructions regarding its use and appropriate dosage. A simple method of using the extract is to dispense the measured dose into a small glass such as a shot glass and then add an approximately equal volume of water that has been heated to the temperature at which one drinks coffee. Immediately after mixing the two, sip the contents of the shot glass, and hold it in your mouth without swallowing. Keep your tongue elevated above the floor of your mouth to allow the sublingual tissues (those under the tongue) to absorb the salvinorin. This means keeping the liquid in your mouth until either the desired effect has been reached or 1/2 hour has passed. Then swallow it or spit it out, whichever you wish.
There are pros and cons to each method. Some people report that the quid method produces a deeper, more visionary experience than smoking. Others report that chewing doesn't work for them at all, but smoking does. For those who get little effect from either method, the two methods can be combined. First chew a quid, and then, after spitting it out, light up. If you already smoke tobacco or Cannabis you will probably be comfortable with smoking Salvia. If you are a non-smoker you will probably prefer the quid method. Bear in mind that smoking anything, even Salvia, can't be good for your lungs. Unlike smoke, orally consumed Salvia does not irritate your lungs.
It requires quite a bit more dried leaf when taking the leaves as a quid than when smoking. Smoking is the most economical way to use the leaves.
The quid method produces effects that come on more gradually and last longer. They are better for exploring Salvia's world. They are better for deep meditation.
Salvia tincture (e.g. "Sage Goddess Emerald Essence®") has the same effects as a quid method, however the dosage can be adjusted more precisely, the effects come on somewhat faster, and holding the not-unpleasant tasting tincture in one's mouth is much nicer than holding chewed up leaves in your mouth. The only side-effects reported that are unique to the tincture have been "burning" of the lining of one's mouth. This occurs if the alcohol in the tincture has not been sufficiently diluted. It may leave one's mouth mildly sore the next day, in much the way that it would be if you drank soup that was scalding hot. This problem can be prevented by diluting the tincture with enough water.
Generally speaking, it is best to avoid overly-concentrated extracts, vaporizers, and pure salvinorin A. Chewing quid, using tincture, smoking leaves, or smoking mild to medium-strength extracts will produce sufficiently strong effects for most people. There is no need to experiment with stronger and more dangerous ways of taking Salvia.
There are some people--albeit a minority--who, even after many experiments, find they remain "Salvia-hardheads." They never experience more than a slight Salvia effect from smoking, or from a quid. Some of these hardheads will get satisfactory results if they chew a quid, and then immediately smoke after spitting out the quid. Others will find even this ineffective. For them, extract-enhanced leaves are necessary to produce effects. See how sensitive you are before experimenting with stronger forms of Salvia. With a little practice, quid chewing, or smoking, or combining the two ("boosting"), works quite well for most people. Many people find it takes several meetings with Salvia before a "breakthrough" experience occurs. So don't label yourself a "Salvia-hardhead" too soon.


Well-Known Member
A sitter is absolutely essential if you are taking doses on which you may freak out, become confused, injure yourself, fall, or do anything that might harm others. Have a sitter present if you are new to Salvia, are experimenting with a stronger form than you have used before, or are using a more effective method of ingestion.

An experienced Salvia user who is chewing a quid, may often choose to do it alone, and may be quite safe in doing so. But having a pleasant, sensible, sober sitter is an absolute must if you are trying vaporization, smoking high doses of extract-enhanced leaves, or using pure salvinorin. Smoking leaves usually falls in between in terms of risk. Many people do so without a sitter, but a sitter is never a bad idea. Use sound judgment.
The sitter must remember that no matter how strangely the person acts, the effects of salvia are short lived. don't take the person to the emergency room (unless, of course, there is a true medical emergency). Keep the person safe and wait it out. If you can't keep the person safe, get help. Otherwise keep the matter private. Within an hour or so (usually much less) the person will be back to normal. It is very reassuring to hold onto this knowledge if things get messy. It helps to have experienced Salvia yourself before sitting for another person. Experience with other visionary materials may be only partially helpful. The sitter should know that Salvia is different from these. Touching to "ground" the person works for some people on some entheogens, but may be frightening for someone on Salvia. If you plan on touching, clear it with the person BEFORE they begin their experience.
The sitter has three essential jobs. The most important of these is to keep the person, and others who may be present, safe. This comes before all else. The main danger is accidental injury. Your job is to be a gentle guardian. Be as unobtrusive as possible, but remain alert in case the person should suddenly start moving about recklessly. Do not use physical force unless nothing else will do. Use of physical force may result in injury. It could be misinterpreted as an assault. NEVER LET SALVIA BE USED WHERE FIREARMS, KNIVES, OR OTHER DANGEROUS OBJECTS ARE PRESENT. Take the person's car keys for safe keeping before the experience begins. Keep the person safe from falls, head banging, sharp objects, walking into walls, walking into furniture, walking through windows, wandering out into the street or other public areas, open flames, hot surfaces, and breakable objects. But let the person move about in a safe area. Do not grab or try to physically restrain him/her, unless absolutely necessary. Redirect. Speak softly. Gently take dangerous objects away. Use the minimum touching necessary (in their altered state, the person may think your touching is an assault and react to the imagined danger). You may have to handle unexpected intrusions of strangers and other awkward social situations.
The second job of the sitter is to reassure. Often, simple repeated explanations may help if they appear frightened, e.g. "You're safe, I won't let anything harm you." "You're just having a Salvia experience, you'll feel better in a few minutes." "Your name is........." I'm your friend ........" If speech is not called for, be silent. Silence is often less threatening to the person than trying to decipher what a sitter is saying.
The third job of the sitter is to help the person to later recall the details of their experience. There are several ways. Use a notebook and record the person's actions. Later you can ask about these. This may help jog the person's memory about what was experienced. Another technique, if the person is not too far gone to talk during the experience, is to ask repeatedly "what are you experiencing now?" A notebook, or a tape recorder, can be used to record responses. Since some people will prefer that you remain silent and don't record, clear it with them in advance.
One should be particularly cautious about combining salvia with other drugs. As is the case with most drugs, some combinations may interact in unexpected and possibly negative ways.

Many people who are taking regular medications do use salvia with no adverse effects. Although salvia appears to be relatively safe when combined with many medications, there probably are some drugs that it should not be combined with. It is important to remember that each individual is unique. The fact that some people do not experience problems with a particular combination does not guarantee that that combination is safe for everyone.

If you must combine salvia with another drug, you should always do so cautiously. Start with an extremely conservative dose so as to reduce the risk, should a negative reaction occur. If no negative reaction occurs, you can try increasing the dosage slightly on subsequent attempts. Provided that no adverse effects are experienced, you can increase the dose until you obtain the desired level of effects. One should always have an alert, responsible sitter present when experimenting with new combinations. It is important to have someone on hand who can help you, should the need arise.
We are aware of one individual who reported that his breathing became somewhat constricted and labored for several minutes when he smoked salvia following a high dose of GABA. While it is not certain that this reaction was due to an interaction of the two drugs, it would be prudent to avoid this combination.
Salvinorin A has been identified as a potent, highly selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist. Experimental evidence indicates that the psychoactive effects of salvinorin A result from its activity at these receptors.
Salvia divinorum is a remarkably safe herb, provided that it is used in a safe manner. It can produce fascinating experiences that are deeply enriching, provided that it is used intelligently. Please pay careful attention to the following basic safety guidelines:
  • Choose the time and place of your salvia experience carefully. Privacy and safety are essential. Be very careful about heights, and open flames such as candles. Do not take Salvia when you may be interrupted by phone calls, visits, pets, children, etc. Turn off your telephone and set your answering machine to silently record incoming calls. You can return the calls in a couple of hours once you are sober.
  • Give careful thought to how much you will take, and how you take it.
  • After all smoking material is safely out, lie down in bed, on a couch, or on a carpet. You are much safer lying down than you would be stumbling around. Stay put for the rest of the experience. The visionary effects are best perceived with eyes closed.
  • Have a sitter (this is especially important if you are new to Salvia, taking a high dose, smoking a strong extract, or using a very strong delivery system (such as vaporization).
  • Volunteer to be a sitter for others.
  • If you have mental health problems, don't take Salvia without first discussing it with your therapist, or doctor.
  • Practice and encourage responsible use. don't give Salvia to minors, or to violent or unstable people. Don't share it with strangers. Know who you are giving it to and know why they want to use it.
  • Never take Salvia while at work or in public. Keep it private. It's not for concerts. It is not for raves. It's not for large noisy parties. Better to use it in a quiet safe private place in the company of a close friend.
  • Mixing Salvia with other drugs or large amounts of alcohol may cause out-of-control behavior, or terrifying experiences. While experienced Salvia users have experimented with combinations, these are not for Salvia beginners, and are certainly riskier than just using Salvia by itself. While there are no known toxic drug-drug interactions between Salvia and anything else, this has not been studied scientifically (see above for a discussion of a possible toxic drug-drug interaction of salvia with GABA).
  • Be extra careful of flames (candles, lighters, fire, etc.) when using Salvia.
  • Be very careful about using vaporized extracts, vaporized leaves, or smoking high-potency extract-enhanced leaves. These require a sitter to be present. Chewing quid or smoking leaves is much less likely to produce out-of-control behavior than these are.
  • Never use pure salvinorin A unless the dose you are taking has been weighed with an ultra-accurate balance that can weigh out doses in micrograms, and you know exactly how much you can safely take. Even if you do meet these requirements, you still should have a sitter present.


Well-Known Member
hope no one minds but i think it is better to load up on knowledge on foriegn things and have your guns loaded before you get loaded.........


Well-Known Member
Wow I have never had that bad of a trip on salvia. Every time i have done it i was sitting on my couch in front of the big screen. I start to feel like i am sinking into the couch and then makes you feel like what's going on the TV is very vivid you are really there. Talk about HD lol. It is a hallucinogenic and should not be taken lightly. It is used by medicine men for vision quests up in the mountains in Mexico. Start out smoking less so you dont freek out.


Well-Known Member
Wow I have never had that bad of a trip on salvia. Every time i have done it i was sitting on my couch in front of the big screen. I start to feel like i am sinking into the couch and then makes you feel like what's going on the TV is very vivid you are really there. Talk about HD lol. It is a hallucinogenic and should not be taken lightly. It is used by medicine men for vision quests up in the mountains in Mexico. Start out smoking less so you dont freek out.