The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
hello ppl , thats me back , just got the net back in my house, wot a fuckin nightmare its been not havin web access!!! fuckin actually havin to talk to the g/f and kids, so that didnt last long and as a result im back livin in my own flat wankin away happily and takin a shit with the bog door open. fuckin bliss!


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd be a gent and hold the door open for a lady. Instead of thanking me she said "Fuck off you perv I'm trying to take a shite!"


Well-Known Member
hi brock, so wots evry1 growin. ive got ten on the go 6 orange bud, 2 rocklock, a ceres purple and a lemon haze. had a lotta probs about halfway thru, think i (possibly when wasted!), or sum other cunt, poisened them with nutes, only affected 5 outta the ten but ive manged to nurse them back and im around 3 weeks into flower. i i flushed my soils but one kept on retaining water and the fuckin smell of rot was horrific so i went nuts and washed all the soil off it, as gently as possible and then dropped it in a homemade dwc to see if it would survive. it has but it doesnt seem to be growing much , think its coz im not adding the rite amount of nutes, but fuck it ,its just a wee experiment to see if i can do dwc hydro anyway.


Well-Known Member
:p lol.

iv got a critical+ on the go getting some big pistols on her hopefully 4-5 weeks left
criticlal mass is a strain and half mine are 3 wks from chop n looking lovely, definatly a keeper. my last batch of cm i burnt with mollasses still yielded really well n smoked lovely.


Well-Known Member
nah mate, just got cut off the net and ive just got around to getting it back on. i wenta bit mental on the coke and booze and i was blowin hundreds a week on it, couldnt afford to get it put back on, lol, fuck me i'd put a months worth of sky tv, broadband, the phone and line rental up my nose in an hour but i was too skint to get the net put on, i'm a fuckin halfwit when it comes to booze and when i start i just cant fuckin stop. until my kidneys say .


Well-Known Member
good to have ya back m8 neways ive been a good boyo for ages now missus gave birth to me little girl a month ago well happy but fucked for life lol


Well-Known Member
lol, been there, congratulations. ive got a little boy, he's 19 months old and the fuckin funniest little bugger in the world, he doesnt talk much, but he started walking at ten months and now its like havin fuckin mini spiderman in the house, little bugger is ina bout every thing, doesnt give a fuck about toys but christ he watches everything i do and then copies it, scary as fuck. .......and you WILL change , you start really thinkin about whats goin on around you, it stops being theory and starts being relevant. also remember to keep your stash in their room, there not legally responsible till they're 8. for the first 15 months of my sons life he slept in a room where plants were growing.


Well-Known Member

new guy25

Well-Known Member
morning peeps just to say if anyone is thinking of getting a scope, I got one of these the other day - bargain for £6 delivered! does 20x - 40x and has a little stand that is detachable so you can hold it to plant and look or take a bit of bud off and use it like a proper microscope. Have a 60x times handheld but this is much easier.
This will be just as good

I'v got one


Well-Known Member
"Phone lines are closed. Please do not call as your vote won't count and you may be charged."

Well don't fucking charge us then! How the fuck can you if the lines are closed anyway? I don't turn up late at the metal shutters over the Argos entrance, and a 20 quid note vanishes out of my arse pocket, for the kettle I was expecting to purchase.


Well-Known Member
The diary of Hermione Granger age 14

Wednesday : 10:30pm
Can't sleep & very bored.
All I have to keep myself occupied is this magic wand thing with it's stupid bloody vibrating tip and.............. hold it a second !!





Well-Known Member
I'e just sold the 1 millionth download of my application, the iMirror for iPad users.

It's just a picture of a cunt that appears on the screen, but nobody has noticed yet.