Shutn up about kush

Theexpress, don't forget to add that God commanded "aromatic cane" (cannabis) to be one of the ingredients in the Holy anointing oil.
You're wrong about kush being just indica it's usually mixed and sometimes sativa dominant and you're also wrong about the THC level because they definitely vary.

And a little extra about "the famous cannabis kush" in regards to sativas ....... Cannabis sativa ... female plant produce seeds for food and flower buds that can be used as a psychoactive substance because it has higher levels of the psychoactive delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), whereas Cannabis indica was primarily selected for drug production and has relatively higher levels of cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabinol (CBN) than THC.

So your beloved indicas, "the famous cannabis kush" among them, are famous for having LESS THC than sativas AND if that is not enough, no indica, none, not one produces THCV and THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) is found primarily in strains of African, Equatorial and Asian cannabis. THCV increases the speed and intensity of THC effects.

That is what makes them a rocket-sled ride to Mars rather than the Beavis & Butthead butt glued to the couch affects where you just sit and stare at videos and say; "Uh-huh-huh-huh cool."
You're wrong about kush being just indica it's usually mixed and sometimes sativa dominant and you're also wrong about the THC level because they definitely vary.

You are right if you are talking about modern day crosses but at a time Kush strains were pure landrace strains, and that is what I was talking about. Sativas were not natural to the areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan, etc. where pure Kush strains came from.

The title Kush refers to a subset of strains of Cannabis Indica. The wide variety of Kush cannabis strains originates from landrace plants mainly in Afghanistan and sometimes Iran, Pakistan, or Northern India, with the name itself coming from the Hindu Kush mountain range in between Pakistan and Afghanistan

What you are talking about is any cross that someone has used the name Kush in to try to make it more appealing.
I'm talking kush hybrids most bud these days are hybrids but don't act like all you smoke is pure landraces you're full of shit

You are right if you are talking about modern day crosses but at a time Kush strains were pure landrace strains, and that is what I was talking about. Sativas were not natural to the areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan, etc. where pure Kush strains came from.

The title Kush refers to a subset of strains of Cannabis Indica. The wide variety of Kush cannabis strains originates from landrace plants mainly in Afghanistan and sometimes Iran, Pakistan, or Northern India, with the name itself coming from the Hindu Kush mountain range in between Pakistan and Afghanistan

What you are talking about is any cross that someone has used the name Kush in to try to make it more appealing.
I'm talking kush hybrids most bud these days are hybrids but don't act like all you smoke is pure landraces you're full of shit

Stop being cunty kid. I never said or even inferred that all I smoke is landrace strains, though if I could get my hands on about six or eight of them that would be all I would ever smoke again.

What I do mainly smoke, and greatly prefer, are strains that are 100% sativa. They are sativa crosses but still true sativas nonetheless and not crosses with indica. I am a purest when it comes to cannabis and I laugh at those who see anything that is even just slightly more than 50% indica being called by then an indica by them and anything that is even just slightly more than 50% sativa being called a sativa by them. It is as if they believe the words cross or hybrid have become meaningless and every thing is either indica or sativa.

Your reply came after I had just posted a long list of the genus cannabis, a list of the history of pure cannabis species and subspecies, and after mentioning a subspecies, rasta, that some researchers accept as a separate subspecies and that some do not. Rasta is just like Ruderalis in that some researchers do not accept ruderalis as a genus cannabis subspecies and instead categorize it with hemp in that it is practically devoid of THC and its only real use has been for fiber. Still among the oh so learned and experienced cannabis experts on RIU Ruderalis is most definitely a genuine subspecies, regardless of some expert researchers not agreeing with many RIU'ers. People here like to decide for themselves what things are and what reality is, too them anyway, and totally reject what expert researchers may or may not believe or agree on.

I was talking about landrace strains, pure strains, and not just any cross that some little clown shoe pollen chucker decided to add Kush to the name of to sucker in the Beavis & Butthead types and increase sales.

Maybe you just totally misunderstood what I had been writing about, something not all that uncommon among many people here once I begin to get technical, but the reply about some Kush strains being mostly sativa was about as opposite from what I was writing about as is humanly possible to achieve.

The statement of some Kush crosses being mostly sativa goes to show how typical marketing practices have taken over the naming and marketing of strains. There was a time, for many years in fact, when if something was named a Kush it was a cross of all Kush strains or at most has a very small percentage of some sativa in it, like possibly as much as up to 10%. The same went with Haze strains. If you saw Haze in a name it was all sativa or almost all sativa, and the sativa strains in it had to be certain sativas used, real "Haze strains" for to be called and considered to be a Haze.

Now it is largely a case of just naming something in a way that will best catch the suckers eye and capture the suckers attention and then get the suckers money.

Today someone could make a triple cross of two sativas and one Kush strain, where the Kush strain made up a very small percentage of the cross and they would call it a Kush and the puppies of today would instantly get wood over it because it would be called a Kush and when the sativa potency sent them to the moon they would say that's the Kush influence in it that causes that because they wrongly believe that Kush is another spelling for potency and quality.

The old dogs know better.

Its long been known, that is among anyone who actually knows about cannabis, that landrace Kush strains, and landrace indicas in general, are higher in CBD and CBN but also most are lower in THC levels, and in some cases much lower, in THC, than landrace sativa strains and that landrace sativa strains are lower in CBD AND CBN and higher in THC, and in some, mainly African Asian and Equatorial sativas there is not only THC but also THCV, something not found in any landrace indica, landrace Kush or otherwise.

Even among the few landrace indicas, landrace Kushs included, that did have fairly high percentages of THC the percentages of CBD and CNB toned down the affects of the higher THC and they do not produce the same kind of mind warping high that landrace sativas will.

Look through the list of Cup winners, even just Indica Cup winners and you will find very few strains with the name Kush attached to them. They are not the cat's pajamas like so many puppies of today wrongly believe they are.

Check out the genetics of one of the few winners with Kush in it's name, 3rd place, 2009. Notice all the sativa in it? Without it Headband aka "Sour Kush" would never have won

Reserva Privada - Headband .. "Aka: Sour Kush ... Headband Kush ...."

What made Kush strains, and other indica strains popular to breeders was shorter flowering periods, large yields and heavy resin production, that does not insure high percentages of THC, only large amounts of resin, but to assure their crosses had real octane in them they made sure there was enough sativa in them or else the crosses would have fallen flat on their faces.
cunty, although its not a word, the only thing cunty round here is your avatar.

While "cunty" is not a true word it is something I found to be humorous that was used by "Paulie 'Walnuts' Gaultieri" in "The Sopranos. The show used a lot of non-words and a few characters, like "Little Carmine Lupertazzi in particular, did a lot of the old Leo Gorcey/Muggs McGinnis total butchery of the English language, which I found too be very amusing.

As for my avatar. I am sorry if you do not like how the late Alan Ford, the actor who played Brick Top in "Snatch" looked. But since he played Brick Top and I do go by that username I see it as fitting that I use his picture. Also being the sweetheart that I am I made sure I found a picture of Alan Ford from "Snatch" that best captured his kind loving understanding nature.

Your avatar on the other hand is indeed very original and rather impressive. For someone too be able to come up with the astonishingly original idea of using a picture of a cannabis plant on a cannabis growing site is indeed mind staggering. It must have taken all your incredible powers of deep thought and unimaginable originality to come up with something so unique too use on a site dedicated to growing cannabis. I salute your incredible achievement.
[ QUOTE ]While neither have a lot of indica in them they still have some indica in them so therefore they are not a "true sativa."

True Sativa eh ? !00% Pure Sative Named: Destroyer. <<-- got 10 feminized seeds :D

i got it at my place right now , and im keeping it low till i can get rid of this bunch of weed, then ill start mixing and all kind of stuff with my destroyer & all
[ QUOTE ]While neither have a lot of indica in them they still have some indica in them so therefore they are not a "true sativa."

True Sativa eh ? !00% Pure Sative Named: Destroyer. <<-- got 10 feminized seeds :D

i got it at my place right now , and im keeping it low till i can get rid of this bunch of weed, then ill start mixing and all kind of stuff with my destroyer & all

Destroyer is one of the MANY strains I like to point too to use as an example of the quality of pure Mexican sativa strains. Many people totally believe that all Mexican strains have always been low quality but if they research MANY of the very best crosses of today they will learn that there is one or more pure Mexican strains in them.

Not all Mexican strains are or were like the low grade Mexican brickweed that most tokers of today believe Mexican strains always were. The "Haze Brothers" worked heavily with pure Mexican strains. New York City Diesel got its heavy hit from a pure Mexican strain. AK47 relied on a pure Mexican. Neville's Haze relied on a pure Mexican. Almost every Skunk strain has at least one pure Mexican strain in it.

Most HTCC Winners have at least one pure Mexican strain in them. The same cannot be said about any Kush strain or strains.

Connoisseurs of cannabis know and love sativas and they greatly appreciate the incredible influence on many of the very best of the very best strains that pure Mexican strains have had over the decades.

Good luck with your Destroyer!
p.s i loved the movie Snatch .. hope they make a second one soon ( or did they O.O ) ?

"Snatch" was not a movie where a sequel could easily be made and have it work. Some of the main characters in the film were killed in the film, like Brick Top, and he, Alan Ford, died in real life. "Turkish," Jason Statham has become a big star and would be difficult to get for a sequel. Guy Ritchie has moved from low budget films like "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" to making big production high dollar films like "Sherlock Holmes," so he would be less likely to want to go back and make a sequel.

I would say that "Snatch" will remain a one of a kind flick.
Destroyer is one of the MANY strains I like to point too to use as an example of the quality of pure Mexican sativa strains. Many people totally believe that all Mexican strains have always been low quality but if they research MANY of the very best crosses of today they will learn that there is one or more pure Mexican strains in them.

Not all Mexican strains are or were like the low grade Mexican brickweed that most tokers of today believe Mexican strains always were. The "Haze Brothers" worked heavily with pure Mexican strains. New York City Diesel got its heavy hit from a pure Mexican strain. AK47 relied on a pure Mexican. Neville's Haze relied on a pure Mexican. Almost every Skunk strain has at least one pure Mexican strain in it.

Most HTCC Winners have at least one pure Mexican strain in them. The same cannot be said about any Kush strain or strains.

Connoisseurs of cannabis know and love sativas and they greatly appreciate the incredible influence on many of the very best of the very best strains that pure Mexican strains have had over the decades.

Good luck with your Destroyer!

actually my foriegn friend..... the mexican bud of today is a greaaaaaaaaaat deal stronger then the mexican bud of back in the day...... i would copy and paste the proof to you but this information can easily be read with a google search..... and the fact is that those strains like acupolco gold, mexican red hair, zecatecas purple, guerrero gold, michocan spears, ect. were nowerenear has good has lets even say canadian single a beasters................. you are right about mexicans having a strong backbone in many of todays strains, but that can be said about lots of other landraces... like indians, thais, afghani, ect..

the mexicans were used in breeding because they were sativa dom and bloomed faster then other tropical sativas from s.e. asia, and columbian pannama, ect, w/o changing the sativa dom high that much...
there were and are some BOMB mexican strains. you are kidding yourself if you think mex was only used for flowering times. Mex get the short shrift because the vast majority that comes across the border was handled and grown poorly. but it is mostly "up" weed with little body, so some will say it's's just that they are sativas. ya'll believe the hype about the "dangerous" increased has increased across the board, but the exceptional strains of yesterday would still stack up well against todays for potency....if the buds are a bit wispy that's another story lol.
"Snatch" was not a movie where a sequel could easily be made and have it work. Some of the main characters in the film were killed in the film, like Brick Top, and he, Alan Ford, died in real life. "Turkish," Jason Statham has become a big star and would be difficult to get for a sequel. Guy Ritchie has moved from low budget films like "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" to making big production high dollar films like "Sherlock Holmes," so he would be less likely to want to go back and make a sequel.

I would say that "Snatch" will remain a one of a kind flick.

geez it must feel nice to be a knower of everything...

Your avatar on the other hand is indeed very original and rather impressive. For someone too be able to come up with the astonishingly original idea of using a picture of a cannabis plant on a cannabis growing site is indeed mind staggering. It must have taken all your incredible powers of deep thought and unimaginable originality to come up with something so unique too use on a site dedicated to growing cannabis. I salute your incredible achievement.

yes i am on a cannabis cultivating website and my avatar is of a cannabis plant. ya got me with that one;)
geez it must feel nice to be a knower of everything...

No, I don't know everything. I am just a very avid follower of films and actors and producers and directors and realize that no matter how well received a film is there are times that there is no going back, for various reasons. Loss of key/important characters/actors, either in a script or in real life will be enough to keep a sequel to be made, at least until enough years have passed that a new generation of viewers who would not miss the original cast members would be the main audience and new actors would work in their place.

Other times actors who took roles in low budget films and then become big stars will not go back to making a low budget film and earn far less than what has become the norm for them and often times a low budget film does not work when remade in the way a big budget film is made.

Sometimes actors do not want to reprise roles for fear of being typecast/stereotyped.

Sometimes directors and or producers do not want to reprise films for fear it appears they have run out of fresh ideas and do now want to be seen as trying to go back in time just to keep their names fresh. C

Sometimes the age of an actor or actor will keep something from being remade or something new made because they will no longer fit the role. Kenneth Branagh wanted to make his epic version of "Hamlet" for many years and finally it got to the point where if it were not made he would no longer be young enough to play Hamlet, he would have been too old for the role.

As for a couple things I do not know. I am still trying to wrap my head around why that orange stuff forms on the top of chili and how Pauly Shore ever became more than a burger flipper or a night manager at a Denney's.
Granted I have not smoked every new strain out there but I do remember having a joint of Acapulco gold, the thickness of a matchstick and it getting me and 5 friends absolutely fried from one toke. The rumor that pot today is 20 times (or whatever X you like) greater than back in 1970 is pure BS. I smoked some dope back then that I literally tripped on, and I hasten to say that I did about 60 hits of acid back in the day, not to mention psilocybin and mescalin, so I know what tripping is all about. You have not lived til you've dropped a hit of acid, smoked a BUNCH of good pot, dropped a hit of psilocybin (mushrooms) then crush up and snort another hit of acid. Up until snorting the last hit of acid it was all great.