2 Growers, 1 STRAIN...BLUE WIDOW dual grow.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, definitely loving this strain. If i look at my jock horrors wrong they wilt, droop or something lol.


Well-Known Member
Blue Widow LST 22 Days in flower...
Well there still a lot smaller then I was expecting them to be, but beautiful none the less. Im hoping they put on some size in the next 5 weeks. Not bad for 2 plants though and my first grow.



Well-Known Member
its gorgeous. i see pink pistils. looks great, whats that plant in front without buds?


Well-Known Member
its gorgeous. i see pink pistils. looks great, whats that plant in front without buds?

Not the clones yet, thats 1 of 5 jock horrors im getting ready to start flowering. I will be setting them in there 1 to 2 weeks apart so i have a nice spread out harvest from them. The clones are doing good. 3 of 6 of the clones of the above plants now have roots and are in some dirt under a t5.


Well-Known Member
Here is my 2 BW's 32 days into flowering. Looking good, had a small temp spike and my room hit 84, but everything is back in the high 70's again.

if the big pictures bother ya guys let me know, I personally like the images large but I have a fat internet connection.



Well-Known Member
Here is a update of my 2 Blue Widows that I LST'd. They are 35 days into flower. Wondering when I should cut nutes. Im guessing another week or 2. Anyone feel like guessing finished weight, lol. The other plants in the pics are 1 easy ryder( super lame ass strain imo) and 3 Jock horror's.



Well-Known Member
them shits is frosty mate!

they look different from my bw buds. they look better!! what day ya on?


Well-Known Member
Blue Widows comping along...

43 days into flowering, leaves are starting to turn yellow with brown spots in the centers, not sure if i should worry or not, so I gave them a good flush just incase.



Well-Known Member
SO my BW's are having there first issues. IM thinking nute burn as in introduced ChaChing about 3 weeks ago and accidentally gave them full dosage multiple times in a row thinking i was giving them .25 dosage. I have flushed them and it seems to just keep going and getting worse. The plants are 45 days in flower and I dont want to jack these things up.

I also at the same time switched from a hybrid bulb doing MH and HPS to a pure super HPS light.

Does this look like severe nute burn to you?



Well-Known Member
i would guess its P defecient. have you fed much P?i know my line of nutes dont have enough P so i boost with budswell.


Well-Known Member
i would guess its P defecient. have you fed much P?i know my line of nutes dont have enough P so i boost with budswell.
I have been using the FF line, but also supplementing with molasses, which is about 500mg of P per gallon. But I ran out about 2 weeks ago and havent been able to get any at the store until this week. So I leached the soil and just gave them a blast of molasses. I think i will just keep them on water molasses from this point on. What do you think about that since they only have a few week left?


Well-Known Member
thats quite the toxicity u got goin there hell!

see how she does with the flush and molasses. one recomendation i can help with (ive been using it on some plants in soil of mine alot)

Eathworm castings!! i use about a 1 inch layer over the top of the soil 4th week flower to keep her nice and green...its werking well! but just somethin ive been tryin, cant go wrong with molasses tho.

i use Humboldt nutrints Honey (ES & Hydro) RELIGIOUSLY, molassess is the main ingredint to theis nutrient.


(ps LOVE the frost those buds got from the slpit spectum bulb,IMO i wouldnt change a damn thing with that)


Well-Known Member
yeah they look great, those buds. i like your idea but i would eliminate the molasses any more than one or two feedings is a waste i think. i personally would feed plain water till their dead in a few weeks.