Apartment inspection next week!!!!help!!!


Well-Known Member
I have five plants, all about 14" tall. I have a space in my other closet behind a dresser that would be perfect to hide them. My only problem is hiding the smell.

I need suggestions plz!!!

The best thing I can come up with is putting them in big black trashbags, maybe even two for each plant. Also, going to buy a small plug-in febreeze filter to try to put a dif smell in the air.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You or a friend have a car you could stick em in? Even if it was just parked out front, no one will be inspecting inside the car.


Well-Known Member
Bake something!

Put a pot with water and a cut up lemon and simmer.

Put a drop or 2 of vanilla extract on a warm light-bulb.

Fry bacon and eggs, liver and onions they all have heavy smells that linger.

Go to a chip stand and put lots of vinegar on the chips and take them home and leave them on the counter, whole house will smell like them in about 10 min.

Get an auto spray freshener they run about 10$ from Fabreez @ the grocery store.

Borrow a wet dog.

Burn a candle that smells get some incense.


Well-Known Member
Bake something!

Put a pot with water and a cut up lemon and simmer.

Put a drop or 2 of vanilla extract on a warm light-bulb.

Fry bacon and eggs, liver and onions they all have heavy smells that linger.

Go to a chip stand and put lots of vinegar on the chips and take them home and leave them on the counter, whole house will smell like them in about 10 min.

Get an auto spray freshener they run about 10$ from Fabreez @ the grocery store.

Borrow a wet dog.

Burn a candle that smells get some incense.
Man, I've used most of those plus a few more......what is quik and most effective is boiling a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water.....


Active Member
If you have inspections often then its not worth even trying to grow if its just once a year I would throw em out and start again its not worth anything to have those even near you or your place man


Well-Known Member
I hate to throw them away man, but then again I'd probably be wishing that I did if I get caught. IF. You guys don't think the double black odor block trashbags would work along with the filter and maybe an inscent?


Active Member
Take a massive shit and don't flush it. Leave the bathroom door open.

Take a gallon jug of water, empty 1/4 of it, and add a few tablespoons of molasses. Poke a few holes in the lid and a day later it'll be the only smell in the place.

Put the stopper in your sink and pour in a cup of bleach and 4 cups of hot water.

Go to Wally World and buy a bottle of Odaban. Spray the entire carpet until inspections are over.

Keep the plants in the trunk of your car with a couple of bags of trash in front of them.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Burn insense.
When he asks you whats up with it.
Say it was how you were raised and it calms the human soul.


Well-Known Member
For'real just act weird.. hang a Buncha Buddah pics up with little trinkets here and their Burning incense all day.. With a Meditation pad on your floor and all.. They wont ask shyt

Burn insense.
When he asks you whats up with it.
Say it was how you were raised and it calms the human soul.


Well-Known Member
Move to Los Angeles and get a med card ? Sure nice not having to hide your shit out here. Heck I leave my bongs vape ect on the table when they come. They could care less.

Or spring for 50$ and get a carbon scrubber. Hell, its hard to make a good one with as much quality carbon in it for as much as they sell for for now.


Well-Known Member
True.. Cops in Cali would feel stupid to bust anyone under a FULL SCALE HOUSE/WAREHOUSE OP. they dont want anything less than a few hundred plants. but trust. ^^ 100 will do you in just fine. My point is no cop is going to care for 10 plants -_-
Move to Los Angeles and get a med card? Sure nice not having to hide your shit out here. Heck I leave my bongs vape ect on the table when they come. They could care less.


New Member
or get herbs indian people have which makes it smell very strong and nasty in my opinion no offense i think its called curi or something


Do everything they said above. Then get a friend to come over (one who doesnt know you grow weed but does know how it smells) and see if he/she notices something. If so, get rid of the plants. If not i guess youre safe...