Hay everyone.
Feel so dumb, your all sitting there with your mass homegrown stuff and im scared about a little stash like this :/. But none the less, i still have a problem. I bought this 5 days ago. It smelt fucking good. & now, literally just checked it about an hour ago. Next to no smell but its not just that, it also looks kind of ,well.. as if its struggling slightly to survive. A few tiny brown strands. Ive been reading up on mould and how dangerous it is, so i thought the best thing to do is check with you guys.
I have been searching for a while, cause i was skeptical of just waltzing in and demanding questions but i have no other choice now lol. I couldn't find a definitive answer has to whether A-Will the way it is now affect the amount of high i get/or if its even normal!?. & B-Will i die, jk, is there anything i can do to prevent this?
Read stuff about curing.. because my friend did say its still slightly damp :S. Any replies would be freaking awesome. Im pretty gutted at the moment about this.