Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

so basically, go by some either spring water or reverse osmosis water? spring water i can find but does a grocery store sell reverse osmosis water? and will my ph test strips for the pool work the same testing this stuff? id imagine they would, just checking.
anyone? i just want to know what i gotta do here? whats the best water i can go buy and use for right now? being that i dont have a reverse osmosis machine, that water is out of the question. just looking for some help
I think that plant is a little young for molasses. I don't use it til a month in flower. I don't know what liquid karma is. I don't think I'd try that on a plant that young. I use Schultz 10-15-10. Cheap. Find it anywhere. 7 drops every quart of water. If you need to water everyday, they get a lot of food. You can also eat vegetables the day after feeding with it, so it must be non-toxic. I use SuperBloom every 10 days after they flower, but until flower I'd give them a regular food like Schultz and let 'em grow. You gotta have like L.A. water to worry about Ph in my opinion.
good news, the spotting seems to have ceased, its still the same as in the picture but hasnt spread. also the plant has not slowed at all. if anything it is growing faster. i trashed the distilled water and got spring water. holding off on the molasses for another 2 weeks, plants are about 19 days in. liquid karma was highly recomended by a close friend, but i was also told i didnt need to use it yet but couldnt wait. im not sure exactly what it is or whats in it other than a bunch of good things such as seaweed, humic acid, and some micronutrients. heres the description.

Bio-catalyst Plant Stimulant
Formulated by a PH.D.Plant Physiologist

The introduction of LIQUID KARMA ™ represents a major and significant breakthrough in plant nutrition. This is because LIQUID KARMA ™ contains a full complement of metabolically active organic compounds not found in regular plant foods or supplements. These unique compounds are absorbed immediately and act as regulatory signals, activators or catalysts to produce synchronized and accelerated growth under all conditions. LIQUID KARMA ™ functions as a growth engine because its high metabolic activity produces a large amount of energy which is immediately transformed to growth.

Benefits of Using LIQUID KARMA ™
Extensive research and field trials indicate that LIQUID KARMA ™ produces beneficial results during every phase of plant growth. Starting with seed germination and following through to vegetative growth, budding and flowering, the continued use of LIQUID KARMA ™ ensures optimal plant growth at every stage.

Application Rates
Seed Germination 5 ml/gallon
Vegetative Growth 10-15 ml gallon
Flowering 10-15 ml gallon
Transplanting 15 ml gallon
Rooting 15-20 ml gallon

Liquid Karma information


LIQUID KARMA ™Bio-catalyst Plant Stimulant (FYI)
Product description and Benefits....

The introduction of LIQUID KARMA ™ represents a major and significant breakthrough in plant nutrition.
This is because LIQUID KARMA ™ contains a full complement of metabolically active organic compounds not found in regular plant foods or supplements. These unique compounds are absorbed immediately and act as regulatory signals, activators or catalysts to produce synchronized and accelerated growth under all conditions. LIQUID KARMA ™ functions as a growth engine because its high metabolic activity produces a large amount of energy which is immediately transformed to growth.

Biochemical Composition
LIQUID KARMA ™ contains seven major groups of nutrients based on their specific effects on plant growth and development:

A. Fermented Compost Solution – prepared by exhaustive bacterial and enzymatic fermentation of fish meal, composted seabird guano, spirulina, sea kelp, and soybean meal. In order to enhance the fermentation process and obtain a product which contains the highest possible biological activity, the fermentation is carried out in different stages in the presence of humic acid, citric acid, raw sugar cane, complex carbohydrates, glucose, fructose and over 72 trace elements. Fermented compost solution prepared in this manner is used by an increasing number of organic gardeners to obtain luxuriant vegetative growth, huge flowers and flavorful fruits and vegetables.

B. Amino Acids – LIQUID KARMA ™ contains essential amino acids which are derived from casein hydrolysate and soybean protein hydrolysate. Amino acids are important plant nutrients because they serve as building blocks for structural proteins and enzymes. In addition, amino acids are also involved in the activation of transfer ribonucleic acids (t-RNAs) and DNA synthesis.The following amino acids are present in LIQUID KARMA ™:glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, serine, threonine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, asparagine, glutamine, lysine, arginine, histidine, cysteine, cystine, methionine, proline, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan.

C. Vitamins – All of the vitamins used in this formulation are extremely beneficial for plant growth because they function as co-factors for enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and the biosynthesis of macromolecules. LIQUID KARMA™ contains significant amounts of riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine and all of the other B-complex vitamins obtained from fermented yeast extracts.

D. Plant Extracts – LIQUID KARMA™ also contains aqueous and ethanolic extracts of etiolated wheat seedlings and Zea mays. These extracts contain high levels of the plant hormones known as auxins and cytokinins. For successful plant micropropagation (tissue culture), the crucial requirements for an auxin and cytokinin are well documented in botanical literature.

E. Humic Acid – In addition to the ingredients indicated above, LIQUID KARMA™ contains optimal levels of humic acid and fulvic acid derived from leonardite. These substances are known to stimulate the growth of roots, shoots and flow-ers, by maintaining the proper osmotic concentration in cells.

F. Seaweed Extract – LIQUID KARMA ™ also contains a high proportion of seaweed extract obtained from North Atlantic Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum). Kelp extract contains metabolically active carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, minerals such as cobalt, strontium and iodine, and growth substances that are known to be beneficial for plant growth.

G. Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are included in LIQUID KARMA ™ because they are the direct or indirect precursors of virtually every metabolite. Their presence provides the added burst of energy required to assimilate and metabolize all of the other wonderful ingredients present in LIQUID KARMA ™.

Benefits of Using LIQUID KARMA ™
Extensive research and field trials indicate that LIQUID KARMA ™ produces beneficial results during every phase of plant growth. Starting with seed germination and following through to vegetative growth, budding and flowering, the continued use of LIQUID KARMA ™ ensures optimal plant growth at every stage. In addition, because of the presence of high concentrations of B-complex vitamins and plant hormones in LIQUID KARMA ™, the product has been shown to be very effective in protecting plants from transplant shock, and in promoting the rooting of cuttings. The seven nutrient groups used in the formation of LIQUID KARMA ™ act synergistically to produce optimal plant growth.

sorry for the long copy and paste, and by the way the Himalayan blue diesel is thriving, for a plant that isnt supposed to be to hearty and tolerant this thing is gorgeous. thanks all
BTW katwoman i took your advice on the schultz but did a little research and didnt realize it was 10-15-10, since im already rockin the miracle grow i cant mess with that much nitrogen, but once i get some different soil for another grow ill probably go with that, thanks again.
ahhh..i was wondering why a couple of my lower leaves were yellow, i just pulled them, thinking the plant didnt need them anymore ^_^''' i am enlightened!
ahhh..i was wondering why a couple of my lower leaves were yellow, i just pulled them, thinking the plant didnt need them anymore ^_^''' i am enlightened!
need alot more info man
what growing medium
feed str
how often water
what lights
room temp
photos etc....
This free online guide appears to be really good. You can pay good money for the exact same, if not, not as good information. This is a must read. Thanks so much. I really enjoyed reading that guide and will go back to read it again many times I am sure.
I would agree. I've posted that one to a lot of people looking for help. It's the best one I've ever seen for sure.
Hello folks, so my situation is this...
himalayan blue diesel auto, and white dwarf auto. Both in miracle grow, (say what you want, but for a first grow and not a lot of cash its done great), 1 gallon pots, broke soil nov. 7th. they have been on a 20/4 light cycle and just got moved out of a mini fridge stealth box due to their rapid growth. himalayan blue is 18 in. and dwarf is 15 1/2. problem is the browning on the leaves of the dwarf. shown in pics. no browning on blue. in the last two days, the bottom two nodes on the blue have began drooping. no color loss or yello, just drooping.they have been on 2 tsp liquid karma per gal. and a week ago i started botanicare's hydroplex everything 3rd watering. used spring water for first two weeks have sinced switched to tap water left out for two days, and Lights are 4 x 42 watt 2700k cfls. the big bud in pics is dwarfs main, please help me out. they are only about a month out of harvest, possibly less on white dwarf. thank you everyone, all thoughts and advice is appreciated greatly.

"one good thing about music, when it hits, you feel no pain..."-----bob

ps. first five pics are white dwarf, last one is the blue himalayan diesel, mmmmmmmm yeah.


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Are you using the organic MG or regular? I'm not familar with the stuff you are giving them but I did look them up. They are both boosters and not meant as regular nutes. but you should be getting them from your soil. Looks to me like a micro nute problem and not macro but of course I could be wrong.
Hello folks, so my situation is this...
himalayan blue diesel auto, and white dwarf auto. Both in miracle grow, (say what you want, but for a first grow and not a lot of cash its done great), 1 gallon pots, broke soil nov. 7th. they have been on a 20/4 light cycle and just got moved out of a mini fridge stealth box due to their rapid growth. himalayan blue is 18 in. and dwarf is 15 1/2. problem is the browning on the leaves of the dwarf. shown in pics. no browning on blue. in the last two days, the bottom two nodes on the blue have began drooping. no color loss or yello, just drooping.they have been on 2 tsp liquid karma per gal. and a week ago i started botanicare's hydroplex everything 3rd watering. used spring water for first two weeks have sinced switched to tap water left out for two days, and Lights are 4 x 42 watt 2700k cfls. the big bud in pics is dwarfs main, please help me out. they are only about a month out of harvest, possibly less on white dwarf. thank you everyone, all thoughts and advice is appreciated greatly.

"one good thing about music, when it hits, you feel no pain..."-----bob

ps. first five pics are white dwarf, last one is the blue himalayan diesel, mmmmmmmm yeah.
It's just regular miracle grow. Thanks for the tips on diagnosis. Any idea on what I can do about it? BTW the Himalayan blue had some drooping of the bottom leaves but they all perked up with last nights watering. But still have browning on white dwarf. Just hoping she holds on for another month so I can pull a fat yield. Please. Anyone with tips , advice, etc please help
I am about 3 weeks into flowering and one of my babies has starting wilting like crazy in the past two days. Any ideas of why this could be.

Last watering and nuting was 3days ago, and was with 10-20-10 miracle grow flower booster. IMAGE_080.jpg
Or I guess she could look like that from over watering also. All of the plants in the same size container ? And the others look fine ?
Yeah all the same and look great. The particular plant was damaged and bent but showed a full recovery until now. I have been trying to increase the humidity during flowering, and this plant is near the humidifier.

I'm worried, any ideas