My plants + NEW 400w HPS! (pics)


Well-Known Member
Well..... I finally took the plunge at bought a 400w HPS for $75.00. Great deal. Installed it tonight. I'm testing the waters to see how how my grow room gets. Here are some pics.... 2 Dutch Dragons and 2 Hawaii x Maui Waui. Can't wait to see their sex! They are still vegging for now. Days 39 and 32 (DD's were rootbound and growth stunted by 2 or 3 weeks). I'm going to veg for about 7 more days and then all 4 of them are going into flower. Can't wait.



Well-Known Member
WoooooooooooooHaaaaaaaaa,,Donnie frikkin Osmond,,,,,welcome to the world of growth,,you will see major differences daily,,cheeeers and congrats

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Haha thanks.... I just moved the fan onto the wall to evenly blow on the canopy. I took out 2 more 3 gallon buckets and used them to prop the little plants up closer to the light. I'll probably transplant them within the next few days to their final resting spots.


Active Member
i am using a 400 mh clear white light bulb is that ok? or does it have to be specific for growing weed the light bulbcosted me 30.00 so i dont know if that is tooo cheap new at this some help please:cry:


Well-Known Member
I mean if it's a MH bulb/ballast that's great for the vegetative stage but when you start to flower you might want to switch to HPS. But lots of people grow with no problems in both cycles with just the MH bulb.


Well-Known Member
i think you should be using HPS bulbs in an HPS ballast unless your MH is a conversion bulb.


Well-Known Member
Congratzzz, i remeber how happy i was when i got my hps, it makes a world of difference from CFLs....

Congratzzzz cant wait to see your journal!!!


Well-Known Member
This thread is old man, someone brought it back from the dead, lol. My grow is long since over with :) Thanks for the encouragement though!


Well-Known Member
haha yeah. Actually it didn't turn out that well but ya know, it was my first grow and I wasn't expecting a miracle or anything. The next one will be awesome though. For now I gotta bum my weed off ol' VV... appreciate it bud.