The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Feckin hell don! What's to bet life is carrying on as normal for you guys. We get 1 flake and traffic stops. I've had 4 people pretty much tell me off for being crazy for not wearing a jacket around town this morning, bunch of pussies!

Livers looks very frosty and luscious :)

Well that was slightly nerveracking. Was just at work and there was a nice big power cut, only it was the entire neighbourhood, which well, just happened to include the power going to all my airpumps and carbon filter etc. Got home an hour or so later to still no power and to the most offensive stench! Ran up and down the stairwell with some tins of lynx doing all i could, which was nowt, luckily noone else was in the building but whew, that coulda been close :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha not really ive been workin from home since friday last week drinking and smoking, for all intents n purposes i could have been at work lmao. shit man i bet that was nervewracking, i know i was a stressed man when i had the stench hanging about outside

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Was a bit worrisome i'll admit :D Worse though was cashing up and such at work knowing i should be getting back asap, just started making number up in the end and jogged on home :D


Well-Known Member
My wife woke me up in the middle of the night and said, "I think there's something going on downstairs!"

"Alright," I replied, "get your fanny out, and we'll see."

"Not that you daft cunt, I mean I think there's an intruder in the living room!"

"I know what you fucking meant, but if there is I want to scare him off!"


Well-Known Member

A common kitchen-dwelling Homo sapien, member of the Homo genus of bipedal primates in Hominidae, the great ape family. They have been domesticated by humans and function well in human society, similar to horses and dogs.

They can be trained to fetch refreshments and sam-wiches, which involves leaving their natural kitchen-based habitat.

They are fickle in nature, and have a tendency to make loud high-pitched barks. Some have speculated that it is a form of communication that is as yet unknown.


Firstly appreciate what ever information I have read already via this thread.

I'm fed up of prick twat dum dealers thinking they can sell u 2grams on a score(£20) purely for profit.
Hence why finally i have come to the decision i am going to grow. Ideally I want 1/2 plants max- as I live in a halls like shared student accomodation (Electritity all inc within my rent) Pretty chilled out, as i smoke in my room like all the time, and my neighbours are overly kool with it.

My situation in regards to my space is not entirely massive however I believe perfectly capable for 1/2 plants.
I want to go with a hydroponic; system cheapest possible. my budget isnt amazing however want to get a good idea of all of my supplies so I can start collecting and compiling a decent system to begin. My aim is to not test grow or grow a weak strain. I want to grow the best and reliable to drown my sorrows in lolll remove such bulshit us smokers have to deal with, as my pledge is to stop smoking weed up to my plant has grown to save money.

I have looked and still scrolling thru this thread as its uk based, and will come across more answers to my questions however over would appreciate some guidence on what do i start buyin e.g I am aware i want to use LED GROW light to maintain less electricity use to lessen suspicion as this was my only ever fear.

I Will journal my whole procedure and do urgently require guidence and will reward any 1 who helps me. cheers cuz!


Well-Known Member
if ur only gonna grow 1 or 2 plants and want the best result get a 250 watt hps . go for an easy strain like the church or big bud, both easy to grow. if ur gonna go simple hydro do a dwc and make it yourself. btw u wont do it in ur room coz a hydro makes a lotta noise.


if i cant use hydro what do i use, as my only option is growing in my room?
and also the 250 watt lighting, is that bad on your electricity ?


Well-Known Member
Alright Folks! Gonna be one of those day's Eh! Snowed off work, bout the only good thing about this! Anyway, got plenty supplys in, my Purple Chiesel has dry enough pop to smoke and the smell! Can't wait any longer! Got some new Pic's up for those been following!

Stay In, Stay dry/warm but stay medicated!



Well-Known Member
Alright Folks! Gonna be one of those day's Eh! Snowed off work, bout the only good thing about this! Anyway, got plenty supplys in, my Purple Chiesel has dry enough pop to smoke and the smell! Can't wait any longer! Got some new Pic's up for those been following!

Stay In, Stay dry/warm but stay medicated!


Wish i could stay in today :( lol