Big Budda's Chiesel


Well-Known Member
An Ozwald...not heard that in ages, lmao....

I've no got any Diggies to weigh anything, this plant was kept in a small pot rootbound as it did'nt look too good as seedling plus for space reasons, then when I decided to flower it anyway I didnt move into a much bigger home, So it just grew that one cola and they other bits hanging and popcorn. All in I reckon there will be an Ozwald easy, its rock solid, so giving a better run I think she will deff. yeild ok!

Nice one wi that cut bro! Dont know what it means to me! (don't mean to soung gay lol)


Well-Known Member
Sup, DST. Aye the good old Ozwalds Eh! lol. Cheers for blowing up my Pic's mate, still no got it sussed!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looks dripping that jambo lad. crystals everywhere, just out of interest do you always dry with the sugar leaves on? i tried it once but it took a lot longer to dry n didnt make much difference to the taste, that i could tell!?


Well-Known Member
I take off all fans left over, then hang with the suger leaves for 3-4 day's then trim down and start jarring! No theory to it, im sure someone once said or i read that they cover the bud and protect it from dust n hairs! Prod does take day or 2 longer but works for me!
Yeah, the Chiesel, both, have suprised me! You'r comments mean alot Man!

Oh wow man, I just read through all this (My poor eyes...), and I must say I´m impressed with the chiesel, I´ve got a pack o´ those lying around.
I haven´t grown before, and would like some tips on how to do it, and you do seem to be the one with the most chiesel experience I can find ;)
Wonder what happened to WBW, I must admit, I´m kinda worried about him too, he seemed to check in regularly, hope he didn´t get busted!
Can´t wait to hear the smoke report! Oh, and GOOD JOB! I almost forgot to say that ;P
well, best of luck from Denmark!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I take off all fans left over, then hang with the suger leaves for 3-4 day's then trim down and start jarring! No theory to it, im sure someone once said or i read that they cover the bud and protect it from dust n hairs! Prod does take day or 2 longer but works for me!
Yeah, the Chiesel, both, have suprised me! You'r comments mean alot Man!

i heard it helps bring out the flavour was what id read butt god knows if theres any truth to it.... slower the dry the better really .


Well-Known Member
Oh wow man, I just read through all this (My poor eyes...), and I must say I´m impressed with the chiesel, I´ve got a pack o´ those lying around.
I haven´t grown before, and would like some tips on how to do it, and you do seem to be the one with the most chiesel experience I can find ;)
Wonder what happened to WBW, I must admit, I´m kinda worried about him too, he seemed to check in regularly, hope he didn´t get busted!
Can´t wait to hear the smoke report! Oh, and GOOD JOB! I almost forgot to say that ;P
well, best of luck from Denmark!
Thanks CYBER, yeay hope all is ok with WBW. When you come to popping those beans feel free to ask away mate!
When you come to popping those beans feel free to ask away mate!
Will do!
Just need to find somewhere to live... (Got kicked out of my old appartment.) :wall:


Oh, and do you think it´s possible to grow theese bad boys in an lst growbox? If so, then how big should I build the box? (I was thinking of doing something similar to the side table ones.)
I must admit, this is going to be my first grow, and I can´t wait!

I was thinking about sealing off an entire room with a bookcase door, and remote locks on the inside (I´ve done similarly in the past...), but I can´t seem to find a cheap 3-room appartment anywhere where there might be the slightest amount of jobs around...


Well-Known Member
Just gonna chill back wi a Chiesel and some hash i pressed from the bottom of my grinder. got one of those Bolt like compressers, does the jod quick and the resulting hash put's you out!


Well-Known Member
Alright M8, How you doin? On the night-shift lastnight? I sat in wi a few Tins and woke on couch wi big hole in my brand new joggies, good job the weed was still sticky and j must have went out before i got tosted but my bottoms are fooked! Mind you were asking about that Pineapple i have, and how i was trying to explain how it came about, dont know if you mind the story of the grower but just found out he stayed in the Toon for a bit or ? But down your neck. Prob. doesnt mean nothing to you, just thought I'd say since you were asking bro! Well, have a good one, don't do too much work! Got to take it easy old yin! lol


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet lad! aye am sound, just deciding if i can be arsed to trapes to graft. its friggin bitter out -3. might make the afernoon shift.... might...

hahah you fall asleep with a jakey in your mit or in your lap rather lol been a while since i did that one... interesting you say bout the pinapple cut coming from the toon. you got any pics of it dried. it might and i mean just might be cinderella thats very popular down here from a few sources. the cut smells like pineapple sherbert, big yeilder too.

aye laddy have agood un yaself man, i think a bacon butty na stella might be in order!


Well-Known Member
weed 2 123.JPG This is GHS Kings Kush, Ive finally got round to giving it a chance. Looking good n healthy! 3 weeks 12/12

