Fbi surveillance van?


Well-Known Member
why don't you go knock on the window and ask what the fuck they are doing there? It's not illegal to ask questions. hahaha


lmaooo broooo, FBI wouldn't be after you if you have a small little grow under 10.
Second it would b local police doing the watching or dea.

If you still worry, you have the right to walk by the van and check it out.
Do it!


Well-Known Member
bring them coffee.. tell them they look cold.. fuck with them if you actually think they are the fbi..
call the police from a payphone reporting a pedophile van..
But honestly, they have much bigger fish to fry then you or me my friend..


Active Member
hey valle you're not that paranoid, my internet company (charter) watchesd what we do, they sent me a letter to stop downloading bootleg movies,


Well-Known Member
How would visiting riu on a phone make it Any different than your home computer where you grow op is. Dumbass. Visiting riu On A phone would be more legit then sitting there surfing on your laptop watching your girls grow. Your is a location noted and logged by your modem ip. My phone connects to a wireless tower. So what that does is allow the police to track you via cell towers. But they narrow it down to a geographic area instead of your house. Before you guys think about tryna diss me for putting up such a thread. What would you do if you saw a wireless bandwidth that says FBI Surveillance van #26? That is a legit worry in my book, sorry man.

Oh and you Brandon.? I don't get you. You come here just to post the fact thatyou almost shit yourself. Well. Way to go man id give you a prize if you were here for being a retard.b
You're just dumber than I gave you credit for then. Use some logic dude. If you're under surveillance why the fuck would they broadcast their signal lol. Here's a tinfoil hat I made for you. :rollseyes:


Global Moderator
Staff member
bring them coffee.. tell them they look cold.. fuck with them if you actually think they are the fbi..
call the police from a payphone reporting a pedophile van..
But honestly, they have much bigger fish to fry then you or me my friend..
If it is the FBI, why would he purposely put himself on the radar?
The FBI does not investigate this type of crime, but don't you think they might have DEA on speed dial?
And, ever hear of "interfering with an official investigation?", thats what he would be doing.


Well-Known Member
What ever dude. (brandon)I accept the fact that any and everything is possible meaning the fact that i caught a brief glimpse of the signal while lurking a marijuana website uploading pics. Dude I will tell you my legit reasoning. I work for qwest telecomm. Ever heard of em. If you Have you know that they are now one of THE BIGGEST TELECOM COMPANIES IN THE NORTHWEST HEMISPHERE due to the merge with century link. So any who I get these customers that call in and say hey my Internet is off but there is a message that Says the service is off due to malicious activity. So they contact their ISP their ISP reports them to the gov and bam you are in court for copywrite infringement like it's a daily thing. So my reason are that exactly ISPs let alone google let alone msn let alone any search engine. Any thing on a massive intranet is tracked and recorded due to the patriot act which enables the gov to enforce and step all over the line of whats legal and what's not so don't sit here and tell I'm Fucking paranoid. It's a legit thing. So what I'm pretty much saying is that everything we do is recorded somewhere . There are security cameras all over the streets everywhere in every major city all over the globe inside the NSA. Maybe CIA. Maybe DOD. maybe DEPHOMLANSEC. it's somewhere . We are all fuxking slaves if you live in the US. How do you trick an entire population into being your slaves. .... Tell em they are free and they will pretty much do anything and everything for you for the validation of that freedom. Give them tons of options to play with. Aka technology cars clothes money jobs homes electricity gas cabletv when you go to the mall and buy makeup (if you are female) buying anything brand name makes you apart of why we are slaves. I admit vie done it. Purchase items of a certain nature that reflect corporate needs and profits. But I do it in a veil. My moddo. Infiltrate destroy rebuild. It will happen ladies and gents see for yourself. All of you who are every where all over the world. This involves you.
Go to YouTube

Put in the search bar the Obama deception in HQ full length.
Here is a link


Active Member
Hmmm . . . can any joe blow name his wifi band by any title? Do you think the FBI would name theirs "FBI"? You dont think the FBI has secured encrypted channels?

If you answer: no, yes, no . . . then you are being followed . . . but its not the FBI . . . its an agent in the Matrix!

But dont worry, a bald headed black man, in a gigantic electric shaver, flying through the sewer system, is on his way to save you. Dont panic, he will rescue you from that large nutt-sack you've been growing in for the last thirty years.

I love posts like this . . . I'm here if you need anymore help bro lol.


Active Member
Haha, I knew you would have a good sense of humor about this . . .

Weed is known for making ppl parnoid . . . cut back on the weed and the FBI will disappear lol.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
How would visiting riu on a phone make it Any different than your home computer where you grow op is. Dumbass.
I should report you to the State Police for rudeness. I hope they break your doorjamb as they knock the door in with the battering ram when the SWAT team comes through to take you away. "State Police Squad #35." Keep an eye out for it. It'll be a big helicopter with red and blue lights on the tail and will be landing in your front yard tonight. Beware. They're quite stealthy. And as someone mentioned earlier, the Black dude from 'The Matrix' WILL be in attendance, so bring your DVD and a Sharpie so he can sign it.

Don't call me a dumbass, buddy, keep looking at weed sites on the clock and on your phone. Pfft.