Look, you have to pay attention. I won't do the work for you.I'm just saying if we were more transparent than everyone would take us more seriously.
I haven't seen anything about corruption except for in the Afghan government. Where did you read about all the corruption.
lol My point was that you don't know shit, cause I haven't read about all this corruption that you claim is happening. I'm not gonna look because I know their isn't any. YOU ARE THE DUMB SHIT who doe not know what he is talking about.Look, you have to pay attention. I won't do the work for you.
You really seem clueless.
It's all over the news, you moron.lol My point was that you don't know shit, cause I haven't read about all this corruption that you claim is happening. I'm not gonna look because I know their isn't any. YOU ARE THE DUMB SHIT who doe not know what he is talking about.
I try to be civil, but you make dumb shit claims that are retarded.
Look, open your eyes and see for yourself, or live in denial. It's your choice. I'm wasting no more time on you.You can say that, but that doesn't make it true.
http://www.informixx.com/wikileaks-exposes-russian-government-corruption/555/Anyone else read or hear about all this corruption. Post some links if you have.
The only corruption is is all this arguing RIUAnyone else read or hear about all this corruption. Post some links if you have.
That's pretty fucking corrupt, if you ask me.(02:26:01 PM) Manning: i dont believe in good guys versus bad guys anymore i only a plethora of states acting in self interest with varying ethics and moral standards of course, but self-interest nonetheless
(02:26:18 PM) Manning: s/only/only see/
(02:26:47 PM) Lamo: the tm meant i was being facetious
(02:26:59 PM) Manning: gotchya
(02:27:47 PM) Manning: i mean, were better in some respects were much more subtle use a lot more words and legal techniques to legitimize everything
(02:28:00 PM) Manning: its better than disappearing in the middle of the night
(02:28:19 PM) Manning: but just because something is more subtle, doesnt make it right
(02:29:04 PM) Manning: i guess im too idealistic
(02:31:02 PM) Manning: i think the thing that got me the most that made me rethink the world more than anything
(02:35:46 PM) Manning: was watching 15 detainees taken by the Iraqi Federal Police for printing anti-Iraqi literature the iraqi federal police wouldnt cooperate with US forces, so i was instructed to investigate the matter, find out who the bad guys were, and how significant this was for the FPs it turned out, they had printed a scholarly critique against PM Maliki i had an interpreter read it for me and when i found out that it was a benign political critique titled Where did the money go? and following the corruption trail within the PMs cabinet i immediately took that information and *ran* to the officer to explain what was going on he didnt want to hear any of it he told me to shut up and explain how we could assist the FPs in finding *MORE* detainees
(02:35:46 PM) Lamo : Im not here right now
(02:36:27 PM) Manning: everything started slipping after that i saw things differently
(02:37:37 PM) Manning: i had always questioned the things worked, and investigated to find the truth but that was a point where i was a *part* of something i was actively involved in something that i was completely against
First off take Osama's cock out of your mouth when you talk to me... Otherwise I will have to bang your girlfriend again.By the tone of your post, it's obvious that you are as aware as the rest of us that the rape charge was a fit-up, and was engineered by the CIA as a means to ensnare him and smear him. Your type are the fucking enemies of freedom and truth, not the "ememys" you referred to in your earlier post.
BTW, you still haven't replied to my post about your advocation of the murder of someone you believe is a CIA asset? Are you one of those terrorists we keep hearing about?
*sigh*An invasion by any country is unlikely, and one would never be successful. You say you were a servicemember, well, you should be aware of how large and expansive our military might is at the moment.
Would you really invade another country just because the brass tells you it's the right thing to do? IMO, this is what is wrong with today's solder. They only follow orders and don't think for themselves. (though I'm sure that's been a huge problem in the past too)
Can't argue with that..*sigh*
Anybody who has ever been in the military knows that you can't have soldiers questioning orders and "thinking for themselves". That said, the military taught ME the difference between an unlawful order and a lawful one. If the government says going to war with another country is the right thing to do and you disagree there are a number of options available to you. They may not be ideal, but nobody is forcing anyone to join up or fight for that matter.![]()