To Shantibaba and the babies at Mr. Nice Seeds


New Member
From Shantibaba

"Hi All

well i do not see too many people causing problems just a few who seem to thrive from it. I expect Nevil is the best to make the call for banning as I never did it before, but this seems to be an absolutely waste of time to read and therefore not really a relevant thread in any form for this forum.

All the life one chooses his or hers decisions. After people even ask nicely to go to a forum that makes you feel a part of the community and you fail to find one it may be time to re evaluate what you are doing to disrupt perfectly good discussions. If one does not agree and voices it that is fine but to continue to voice it to the point of disruption means you are the deaf one not hearing the message. Japanfreak I do not feel threatened or fear from anything on our forum, if you have to even state that you are the one with issues.So either go and talk to someone who cares about you to get some reality checks or cease to post on the forum as your input is neither educational, relevant to others here or even wanted, as you do not know when to stop slapping a dead fish. Social skills need a little work, and the facetious remarks show you have some serious chips on your shoulder, all your doing as you decide everything you do.

Sorry for doing something so out of character but it is well over due for the few, and totally unnecessary for the masses. Be well and let sleeping dogs safe and well Sb"

Well Shantibaba I know it really pisses you off when people aren't down with your version of reality. For example people at Mr. Nice Forum claim that they are all about respect and yet you guys have thread after thread to talk shit about Arjan and Greenhouse seeds, more shit talking about other people's seeds then actually talk about your own seeds. But of course I can understand that considering far more people actually buy their seeds than yours.

I reject your premise that your members are fine decent kind people as well. Yeah maybe I made a little mess when I called out that homophobe redneck over his faggot comments but when your core members are saying shit like "god hates gays" you can't make the claim that your members are kind.

You can't make the claim that you are asking people to kindly move along when what you are really saying is fuck off. It's the message that counts not the language.

You also can't make the claim that I disrupted your site in any way, I was only active in 3 threads, all of them started to do nothing but talk shit, not my problem that they were the only threads at your site your members seemed interested in (they don't really seem to like talking to each other that much). It's not like I went to grow threads and made your growers look like idiots, I went to threads called "For Japanfreak" and "All the angry people around here" and made your core members look like idiots.

Here's the thing, you're site supposedly has never banned anybody and you put me on a one week ban, probably because you're too much of a pussy, hard to ban somebody when you claim to be about free speech (as long as they agree with you and pimp your seeds). So when the one week ban is over I'm going to go right back and continue to say what I like, even if that happens to point out shit that your members are saying.

Oh yeah, anybody who has ever bought a pack of green house seeds and actually liked them, you need to get your ass over to Mr. Nice Forums and let them know, they need a little bit of a reality check and it's funny to see them bitch and cry when they don't win anything.
Oh and Nevil, you're an asshole. It's very easy to understand why people would have business issues with you and why you're one of the biggest reason there is so much fighting around the pot business with people like you who are more interested in trying to convince people of your version of the truth.
ugh... what?

edit: give us some background on this

Mr. Nice Seeds is another pot forum run by Shantibaba and Nevil, like many pot sites they have their agenda but unlike other pot sites they claim to be about free speech as long as you're bashing their competitors, you're not allowed to talk shit about them or their seeds, which of course I didn't, to get them riled up all you have to do is point out that they are talking shit.

See all these breeders are basically little brats who not only want to charge you ridiculous amounts of money for their seeds, they also want you to revere them and to this end each of them has their version of "indoor breeder history" which puts who ever is telling the story at top. It's about egos and if you refuse to bow down to their ego or even refuse to play the game, hold up a mirror to show they got on no clothes, they will ban you.
Im also lost here...explain what this means...EDIT..DOES THIS MEAN YOU GOT BANNED FROM AND OTHER SITE...
Are these people also members of this board?

They might be but in a recent thread there one of their members put up a quote board of stuff I've said all over the net. It's incredible stupid, I wouldn't do it, but these guys actually come check out what I say and then report back there like good little bitches. So what I say here is heard over there, I would gladly say it there but you know how mods like those are, they will ban you first and then make a post like the one at the top of this thread so you can't respond.

Their site started off with their core members who are seriously in love with them, it's like a wanker fest with old people, but recently new members have started showing up and they don't like the fact that they are actually the minority on their own site. For ever meat head over there who posted "oh japanfreak, you're such an angry person" there were 2 who pm'd me saying, "finally, somebody standing up to them." They are going through that period of growth where a pot site moves out of the "our little club of the soggy biscuit" to "world wide web where people have different opinions that might not jive with the line you're trying to sell."
Im also lost here...explain what this means...EDIT..DOES THIS MEAN YOU GOT BANNED FROM AND OTHER SITE...

I got a one week ban which I'm sure will be quickly followed by a perma ban because I'll just point out that they banned a person for the simple reason of not agreeing with them. And the funny thing is all I had to do was point out that they are the ones who were talking shit about other breeders, other sites, basically anybody who doesn't agree with them.
I got a one week ban which I'm sure will be quickly followed by a perma ban because I'll just point out that they banned a person for the simple reason of not agreeing with them. And the funny thing is all I had to do was point out that they are the ones who were talking shit about other breeders, other sites, basically anybody who doesn't agree with them.

how are you pointing out something.... when nobody that's involved is even looking :-|
how are you pointing out something.... when nobody that's involved is even looking :-|

Of course they are looking, it's the first thing that some are going to do today is check to see what I said here and once they read this they will turn a little red from embarrassment for being so predictable and turn off their computer and run into the other room like it didn't happen.
Is this neville like neville's haze neville?

That's the one. Sadly their site has more trash talk about other hazes than actual talk about his.

Him and Arjan split ways but Arjan sells way more seeds so Nevil's site is more about attacking people for the good of the cannabis community as they put it, because none of us would be complete people if we didn't pick a side of their lover's quarrel.
Woah...I'm pulling up a chair for this one. I'd better make some popcorn first.

Nothing like a good knock-down drag-out.
No man, they don't actually talk shit openly at other sites, they prefer to talk shit at their own site where they have some feeble old people who got's their back. There will be no throw down slappy fight here, they will just read this and know that they got weak sauce flowing through their veins.