To Shantibaba and the babies at Mr. Nice Seeds

Super weak sauce, ban a person than insult them knowing they can't respond, like it's not easy enough for mods to get the last word to begin with if they so choose to.

What sets these guys apart is their insistence that they are somehow more spiritual and kind compared to other people and pot sites, still a mystery to anybody besides their flock why that is though.
This is a typical back and forth there and why I got banned

We are talking about Willy Nelson's recent arrest here.

"You know the faggot cop had a boner the entire time he was arresting Willie Nelson." - Ouchie

"Why on Earth would you want to use such homophobic language? Do the world a favor and change your language, nobody thinks it's cool, it's not acceptable anywhere 'cept the internet or in Texas. The cop is probably a lot like you." - Japanfreak who happens to love gay people, loves all people all shapes and colors

"There is a difference between hate speech (yes, nigger and faggot both fall under that) and attacking a person, he can call me an asshole all he wants, I don't mind. What I do mind is hate speech on pot boards all over the place. It diminishes the message that pot is about acceptance and understanding.

There has been more than one gay grower I know who has given up on pot boards for those reasons." - Japanfreak

"yeah but faggots deserve it , when God says dont do something and they just dont care then i dont care for them

and how is your calling Ouchie lazy and stupid not hate speech ? you dont know if he is either of these things , and dont start by saying its because he called some cop a faggot , it was his choice of words , simple as that" - BoB Bitching

Has anybody else noticed that a lot of pot boards seem to have a very strong redneck showing? Seems like every redneck and their pet pig grows grass and has internet access. But they ban the pot grower who is talking about love for all and keep the guy who says god hates fags. Nothing nice at Mr. Nice.
This is a typical back and forth there and why I got banned

We are talking about Willy Nelson's recent arrest here.

"You know the faggot cop had a boner the entire time he was arresting Willie Nelson." - Ouchie

"Why on Earth would you want to use such homophobic language? Do the world a favor and change your language, nobody thinks it's cool, it's not acceptable anywhere 'cept the internet or in Texas. The cop is probably a lot like you." - Japanfreak who happens to love gay people, loves all people all shapes and colors

"There is a difference between hate speech (yes, nigger and faggot both fall under that) and attacking a person, he can call me an asshole all he wants, I don't mind. What I do mind is hate speech on pot boards all over the place. It diminishes the message that pot is about acceptance and understanding.

There has been more than one gay grower I know who has given up on pot boards for those reasons." - Japanfreak

"yeah but faggots deserve it , when God says dont do something and they just dont care then i dont care for them

and how is your calling Ouchie lazy and stupid not hate speech ? you dont know if he is either of these things , and dont start by saying its because he called some cop a faggot , it was his choice of words , simple as that" - BoB Bitching

Has anybody else noticed that a lot of pot boards seem to have a very strong redneck showing? Seems like every redneck and their pet pig grows grass and has internet access. But they ban the pot grower who is talking about love for all and keep the guy who says god hates fags. Nothing nice at Mr. Nice.

That's some sad shit.
In before ban and lock,

It is sad indeedy. What I find odd in today's society is that it seems like the voices who actually stand up for what is moral are the ones that are silenced on pot boards for what people call "peace" which really means that assholes can say all the ignorant shit they want be it racist, homophobic, or what have you but nobody is supposed to talk out against they. They argue that it makes it worse but take a look around the net, it's filled more and more with people voicing opinions that they would never dare in real life, I don't see it getting better, only worse.

I only use the net for 2 things, porn and pot boards. My porn is racism free, my pot boards are overflowing with hate and racism. How fucked up is that?
thats why your here you can freely talk shit to everyone(except mods) and about everyone!!!!!! keep riu rolling!!!! hahahahahahha
It is sad indeedy. What I find odd in today's society is that it seems like the voices who actually stand up for what is moral are the ones that are silenced on pot boards for what people call "peace" which really means that assholes can say all the ignorant shit they want be it racist, homophobic, or what have you but nobody is supposed to talk out against they. They argue that it makes it worse but take a look around the net, it's filled more and more with people voicing opinions that they would never dare in real life, I don't see it getting better, only worse.

I only use the net for 2 things, porn and pot boards. My porn is racism free, my pot boards are overflowing with hate and racism. How fucked up is that?

It definitely is a mad world.
Listen to this dip-shit

" we should come up with a test about canna and canna history, and then test everyone on there knowledge, and if you get less then a 70% sorry go somewhere else... thats way to far out i know, but it would thin out the herd. maybe one day i will make a test for you guys on the history and see who knows there facts from fiction's... would be a funny forum." - Dr. SuperBud

According to them, Nevil and Shantibaba are everything that pot is about. Maybe I was banned because I mentioned that none of my history books on pot even mention them. It sickens me that these people are suggesting that they are anything but a drop in the rich history cannabis has going back as far as recorded history, and it really pissed them off that I suggested their version of recent history is lets just say on the bias side.
japanfreak, fucking chill out man,, cant be arsed with the in and out about what went on, but these guys have done some really good shit lately, and i doubt howard would give him them his blessing if they hadnt, ,,
So let me get this straight, you got thrown out of THC Farmer and then Mr Nice? Those sites have some of the best breeders in the world on those forums, pretty sure i know where the problem is. Aloha All
japanfreak, fucking chill out man,, cant be arsed with the in and out about what went on, but these guys have done some really good shit lately, and i doubt howard would give him them his blessing if they hadnt, ,,

I don't care about pot celebrities. It's a bit like caring about Paris Hilton or something and I doubt any of them have a video with head as good as she gives.
So let me get this straight, you got thrown out of THC Farmer and then Mr Nice? Those sites have some of the best breeders in the world on those forums, pretty sure i know where the problem is. Aloha All

Are you pretty sure?

A super-mod at thcfarmer used his mod powers to edit a banned members posts to make him say, "Hi I'm a douche" and I said it wasn't cool, an abuse of mod power and got banned for it.

It's interesting that you people seem to think being a good breeder equals being a good person. Guess you didn't hear about the gun toting white supremacist guy who got a lot of your monies.

But as you know where the problem is, people speaking their minds and disagreeing with "mods".

So far this site the mods seem pretty cool, a lot like how the old PG was but everybody on a pot board knows how some mods are and how easy it is to get banned from a site if you stand against them. So you can look at me and say, "look he got himself banned again," but I look at the number of views a thread gets where the mod has abused their power and just feel sorry for all the people who look but stay silent because they are afraid of a little banning. A large portion of pot board members are whipped.
Here japanfreak...some tips...

1. Please don't make a thread bitching about how your dumbass is getting banned from some respected sites. Soon you'll be gone here too. And how is making a tread about bitching about gettig banned from other sites on here goin to help? Going out of your way to care makes you look like the "baby". FYI. You seem to be the common denominator in these bans. I fail to believe your innocent at all. Can we see these posts Shanti refers to? I've only seen one side...yours.

2. Seriously dude its the internet. Get the fuck over it already?

3. I didn't read your insanely long unnecessary post but I'm sure there was some hate and punctuation errors. Not to mention the fact this thread is so immature I can't even comprehend it. Please leave this dead horse dead. Stop trying to fuck it to death...its already dead. You lose.

4. ??

5. Profit.

P.S. It's good I'm not a mod...I'd push for a perm ban here....this is retarded...really dude how old are you?

"Shanti your so mean to me!!! Waaaaaaaa. I'm gonna go tell rollitup...they might care..." NOT!

Stop being so sensitive you big girl. I can overnight you a tampon...? Lemme know.
1. Please don't make a thread bitching about how your dumbass is getting banned from some respected sites. Soon you'll be gone here too. And how is making a tread about bitching about gettig banned from other sites on here goin to help?

Just a message to them and they are hearing it. You can ignore it.

2. Seriously dude its the internet. Get the fuck over it already?

You're in a thread that doesn't effect you in the least giving opinions on stuff you don't know about. Yes it certainly is in the internet. But the thing is, it's the internet, there is nothing to get over to begin with. I'm just voicing opinions and thoughts.

3. I didn't read your insanely long unnecessary post but I'm sure there was some hate and punctuation errors. Not to mention the fact this thread is so immature I can't even comprehend it. Please leave this dead horse dead. Stop trying to fuck it to death...its already dead. You lose.

You play world of warcraft or some stupid shit don't you?

"Shanti your so mean to me!!! Waaaaaaaa. I'm gonna go tell rollitup...they might care..." NOT!

Stop being so sensitive you big girl. I can overnight you a tampon...? Lemme know.

Didn't say Shanti was mean anywhere. Don't need any of your tampons, thanks, keep them.
Weird. I use proper spelling and I must play world of warcraft. Oh wait I go to college and prefer to be educated. On top of working 30 hours a week. I've never played wow...but I do rock some call of duty often. Grow up dude. No one cares about you or your problems. Your an ant in a colony bro. I'm sorry I didn't give you the reassurance and attention you were looking for. It's ok though because I'm sure you posted this on grasscity or some shit too. I believe no one would care there either. You can leave now and save fdd the trouble of having to ban you eventually.


You sure bout that tampon? My girl just got some..I'm sure she could spare one. Maybe 2 if your flow is heavy.