Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal


Active Member
Lights: 400 watts cfl (Mixed spectrum 28,000 lumens)
Room: 2x6x7 (long and narrow)
Soil: Fafard (basic potting soil)
Nute: Jacks

This will be my perpetual grow journal. I will grow four plants per grow.

The following strains will be grown over the next year or so:

Sweet Tooth
G13 Haze
MK Ultra
Alaskian Ice
Super Lemon Haze
Hawiian Snow
Killing Fields

Its what Jesus wants :weed:


Active Member
This grows strains will be: Hercules, Cataract, Silver Haze and White Widow.

Im currently germing my Cat and WW seeds. Herc seeds have not arrived from the breeder yet.

Updated my grow room with two vent fans and some new stronger lights.

I plan on using LST and topping on this grow.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Lights: 400 watts cfl (Mixed spectrum 28,000 lumens)
Room: 2x6x7 (long and narrow)
Soil: Farran's (basic potting soil)
Nute: Jacks

This will be my perpetual grow journal. I will grow four plants per grow.

The following strains will be grown over the next year or so:

Sweet Tooth
G13 Haze
MK Ultra
Alaskian Ice
Super Lemon Haze
Hawiian Snow
Killing Fields

Its what Jesus wants :weed:
Hey bro, subbed for sure! ;) Not like I had to tell you that! I read your first post and was like HEY WHERE IS THE KUSH! LOL What kind of topping are you going to do? You going to do Uncle Bens? Oh and My LST didn't do as well as my topping/Fim'd plants so I am taking a break from LST for now. I am sure your grows will be great now with some good genetics in there! I am still excited to see the WW from Nirvana. It is supposed to be their best strain from what I read. Hope you don't pick the couple of seeds that hermi on you! " Knok on wood "


Active Member
Def subbed. Love to see perpetual grows. Nice cfl hood, should be good for your long, narrow setup
I agree. The room is so long and narrow, I think four 100 watt cfls would do as good, if not better, than 400 hps or even 600 hps. Hps seems to work best when the room is square: 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5. I've grown with this light setup before and got very good results. I expect this grow to be much better as the heat reduction and overall lumens to be greatly improved. In short, it will much more efficient and effective.

I have two hoods. Both the same. I like this setup b/c it allows me to group the plants by height, then adjust the lights for each group. Tall plants under one hood (by each strain or by height between pheno types), and smaller plants under the second hood.

Thanks for tagging along. Its going to be a while before I have anything good to show lol.


Active Member
Hey bro, subbed for sure! ;) Not like I had to tell you that! I read your first post and was like HEY WHERE IS THE KUSH! LOL What kind of topping are you going to do? You going to do Uncle Bens? Oh and My LST didn't do as well as my topping/Fim'd plants so I am taking a break from LST for now. I am sure your grows will be great now with some good genetics in there! I am still excited to see the WW from Nirvana. It is supposed to be their best strain from what I read. Hope you don't pick the couple of seeds that hermi on you! " Knok on wood "
I was planning on topping my plants (not fimming). One, it allows me to shorten the plant to the soonest possible time. Two, its an easy way to LST by basical splitting the plant in half. LST I think is important to my grow as I use cfl's, and its very important to keep the canopy level so I can get the most out of my lumens. Did you LST and top on your last plants (bubbas)?

I hope that damn WW works out. Its suppose to be a one hit and quite strain with very little yield. If it is not at least a two hitter I will be pissed! After all, if you cant get the potency to 50% of the original, then what the hell are you selling in the first place? If that plant doesn't hit me in the face, then nothing they have will lol.

I listed the strains I want to grow for the future first, then listed the plants I will be growing in the second post. Since this a perpetual grow, I just wanted ppl to know where I was going.

Hermies havent been a problem up to this point, but I have noticed alot of herms w/ N's seeds alot in the last couple of months. Shit, just thinking about it makes me want to to pull the WW before I even grow it lol. But I guess we will see how it reponds, b/c I'm going to grow some White "Mofo" Widow!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I was planning on topping my plants (not fimming). One, it allows me to shorten the plant to the soonest possible time. Two, its an easy way to LST by basical splitting the plant in half. LST I think is important to my grow as I use cfl's, and its very important to keep the canopy level so I can get the most out of my lumens. Did you LST and top on your last plants (bubbas)?

I hope that damn WW works out. Its suppose to be a one hit and quite strain with very little yield. If it is not at least a two hitter I will be pissed! After all, if you cant get the potency to 50% of the original, then what the hell are you selling in the first place? If that plant doesn't hit me in the face, then nothing they have will lol.

I listed the strains I want to grow for the future first, then listed the plants I will be growing in the second post. Since this a perpetual grow, I just wanted ppl to know where I was going.

Hermies havent been a problem up to this point, but I have noticed alot of herms w/ N's seeds alot in the last couple of months. Shit, just thinking about it makes me want to to pull the WW before I even grow it lol. But I guess we will see how it reponds, b/c I'm going to grow some White "Mofo" Widow!
Yeah I do suppose you would do better with lst with the limited space. My biggest thing is that I LST'd my bubbas and they wraped around a little over half of the pot. Then each new shoot that came up I tied them down and a week or so before flower I topped all the new tops and let them recover. Maybe I didn't let the tops recover long enough. It is a learning curve and to tell you the truth it isn't that hard to do. If HotPhyre can do it then anyone can! LOL

We will see how that WW comes out bro. I am sure it will be good enough to smoke. And I have done the research on Nirvana and their hermies. From what I have read with others experiances is that about 10-25 % of their fem seeds tend to hermi on people tward the end of flower. I am averaging about that with the seeds that I had from them. Some people were just looking at it as a cost of buisness and they were ok with it. I was thinking about it and to tell you the truth if you keep an eye on your plants and weed out the hermies and clone the good ones then i guess Nirvanas seeds can be good for you. But on the other side of the coin why not just get some good seed from Sannies or Attitude and get one good mother to rape for clones! No worries though bro, I am sure your grow will go really well. You have done your research.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow!!

"Well if HP can LST anyone can LST"soon to be famous words from the great deceased Howard Stern.

lol..thats awesome ya i dont top at all i lst pretty much until 5gal. containers are pretty much full. and thats it.

Now LST and topping i dont really think works to well together even though i have seen some people with bomb ass results.

I was going to top my next batch and not LST see what my results will get but, my good buddy at the hydro store said with my set-up its not worth it and i will yield only half as much of good usable bud to sell.

Who knows though i just tell people to do what works for them if there happy with there own results than anyone else can suck it :)

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Oh wow!!

"Well if HP can LST anyone can LST"soon to be famous words from the great deceased Howard Stern.
LOL I knew you would see that! ;) So you don't top all the new tops that grow from the side of the plant when you LST? I thought the best way to do it was tie the plant down and as each new top grew out keep them tied down also. Then when you are two-three weeks out from flower you top all the new tops so they can grow two colas out of each one? No worries like I said I didn't get good results from LST my first try so I really can't tell anyone how to do it. I took clones off my LST mothers and just topping them I got more bud off the clones than I did the mother LST ones. No worries though it is all a good learning experiance.


Well-Known Member
LOL I knew you would see that! ;) So you don't top all the new tops that grow from the side of the plant when you LST? I thought the best way to do it was tie the plant down and as each new top grew out keep them tied down also. Then when you are two-three weeks out from flower you top all the new tops so they can grow two colas out of each one? No worries like I said I didn't get good results from LST my first try so I really can't tell anyone how to do it. I took clones off my LST mothers and just topping them I got more bud off the clones than I did the mother LST ones. No worries though it is all a good learning experiance.
LOL ya I dont top at all i take a couple of clones of each one, never cut the original top just since that is the most established top so it usually has the most weight in bud since it has the most energy.

than i just tie down the new tops when they pop up. No 2 shoots wont pop up.

if u top, the 2 nodes behind it grow out to be tops. but when you LST if they were going to be a top they will grow out and be a top since you have the branch bent over, so it tricks the plant to make the other node sites to be tops instead of the main top.

So u gettin it....with toping a node you really just getting rid of future more tops.

Well thats what i think and my theory behind it LST and topping. IMO

But if you say TOP than LST the main branches i guess that would work lol.


Active Member
All I can say is, I just want my canopy level. Topping, I think, makes that a simplier task by dividing the plant in half. I will lst the the two main colas, then lst any cola that rises above the canpoy level. If the cola isnt above the canopy, then just leave it alone. Those are my thoughts on it. I just dont want to be bending plants around the the lights again b/c the damn plant outgrew my room lol.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
All I can say is, I just want my canopy level. Topping, I think, makes that a simplier task by dividing the plant in half. I will lst the the two main colas, then lst any cola that rises above the canpoy level. If the cola isnt above the canopy, then just leave it alone. Those are my thoughts on it. I just dont want to be bending plants around the the lights again b/c the damn plant outgrew my room lol.
The trick now is getting to know your strains and their stretch. Now that you have regular seeds you can decide when to flip them to flower. The sour Kush is stretching like a mother fucker on me! Way more than my bubbelicious so be watchfull of that bitch! I lst'd my cat kush so I can't tell ya how much that bitch stretched. I am sure once you get those sanni seeds you will find a strain that is good for you! Your problem last time was the fucking shit Nirvana seeds that didn't auto flower for ya!


Well-Known Member
I LSTed my Cat. Kush and she looks good so far but I don't think she stretches much, that's interesting about the Sour though, I bet it's the OG in her that makes her stretch.


Active Member
My Cataract germed in 36 hrs and is now in the soil and under the lights. WW didn't germ or crack. I added two more WW seeds to the germing for insurance. I just need one to crack and grow a tap root. No pics as its just dirt sitting under a light lol.


Well-Known Member
growing herc and kf myself. These things explode in 12/12. One of the KF pheno's more than doubled in height, and the buds are FAT! gl!