Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post


Well-Known Member
yo micro thanks for your service and keepin us safe and free bro. i try and thank any person i see in the service. lil rep for ya haha



Well-Known Member
me neither smelly... lol... and yeah pit... im surprised myself at how good she looks... anyways..

not much of an update really.. i have like thirty piks i wanna upload, plus two vids, but dont have my memory card adapter on me... so... yeah... shitty, but...

i have bought some mollases... unsulfured... i also picked up some super bloom nutes... 12.55.9 ... not bad.. big ass jar of it for 8.50... i notice my lady yellowing quite a bit in some spots now so i figure the lil bit of in cant be bad... i gave it 1/4 strength dose of those nutes last night topped with a table spoon of molasses per gallon, with a pinch of epsom salt... while giving her the molasses and schults african violet nutes two days prior.. i have noticed substantial frost production since... i have also noticed the buds starting to swell up nicely... so i am guessing she likes the new food...

i am curious if instead of increasing her nutes, add the same strength to each watering... it says at full strength only to feed every week to two weeks for container plants... i guess i.ll experiment and see what works best for her...

my homie says the clone off her is doing great, so hopefully, i will have a clone of my own shortly... itd be nice... get this lil lady perpetual...

so, when i come back on tomorrow night, i will have hella piks and videos... so be ready fam... lots of swolen bud porn...
Yea man I'm hammering my KK right now but shes in her last few weeks of flowering! If shes taking the nutes then don't be scared to increase it a little at a time!


Well-Known Member
hell yeah.. imma try it.. but needless to say.. imma bout to upload my piks and vids... give me a few minutes homies....


Well-Known Member
so yeah... everything i said earlier... lol... heres some entertainment...


enjoy fellas... i need to get back into the routine of daily updates again... i miss being away from this site as much... always a good conversation to have with any of you on here just about... lol... not like i can talk to my real friends about growing anyways...



Well-Known Member
Lookin damn good from here in cali my bro! u gotta drop by my thread and lamme wat u kno? its in the sig if ur interested my bro.


Well-Known Member
"MoNk0- Damn micro she's looking good bro.. "
thanks homie... and like wise...so is your lady

"FuZZyBUDz-Lookin damn good from here in cali my bro! u gotta drop by my thread and lamme wat u kno? its in the sig if ur interested my bro"
preciate that bro... i have ur thread pulled up now homie.. youve came along ways since we met on this site...

"homer371-looking fantastic micro, great update. i can almost smell those buds! how's the aroma?"
the aroma is pungent... so pungent that i am buying a live xmas tree to mask the smell... got family coming down forr the holidays... thank god its around xmas... lol...

"SmeLLyTreeZ-Shes dead sexy! +REP Homie !"
thanks man... this grow has amazed me... first time really getting any kind of yeild worth talkin about...

"gumball-looks great micro!!! so what about 5 more weeks huh?"
i actually am shootin for around four weeks... its been four weeks since pistils popped, so im hoping shes gonna be an eight week strain... i counted like tennish amber trichs on my more matured bud that hasbeen poppin pistils sincethe revert back to veg...

"Archminister-Whoa micro...that grow is amazing. On the home stretch now!"
for sure man.. im pretty excited... it was aug 14th when she popped soil... seems like forever... but all experimental 12/12from seed and switching back to veg slowed it up a lil... she didnt grow for shit in 12/12... she was actually only one node tall when she sexxed... and to your other post... sorry.. no bud porntoday... didnt havetime to take piks this mornin...

"Potentrx7-Coming in nice man! Great update!"
thanks... i will keep em coming when i can...

well thats all for today fellas... thanks...


Well-Known Member
the aroma is pungent... so pungent that i am buying a live xmas tree to mask the smell... got family coming down forr the holidays... thank god its around xmas... lol...
well, when my girls were at their most pungent, it helped a lot to have an ona jar and a self-spraying lysol can. and throw around some dryer sheetw for good measure. good luck bro, i think you're gonna have an awesome harvest.


Well-Known Member
lol.. i have considered all that,but honestly, im not too worried about the smell any other time beside when family is down... the xmas tree should work perfectly...


Well-Known Member
well, when my girls were at their most pungent, it helped a lot to have an ona jar and a self-spraying lysol can. and throw around some dryer sheetw for good measure. good luck bro, i think you're gonna have an awesome harvest.
lol.. i have considered all that,but honestly, im not too worried about the smell any other time beside when family is down... the xmas tree should work perfectly...
I am fortunate to have an area that is actually separate from the main house. Directly under it but separate as it was once a single br rental unit. I do keep the room that my grow is in closed off because its already getting smelly and it does smell soo gooodddd. The rest of that area stays pretty much clear of odor. I may get an ona jar anyway as it is only going to get worse and I never know what may happen and who may wander down there when I am not looking..relatives that is.



Well-Known Member
im tellin ya... go for a xmas tree... lol... smell is totally masked in my house now... lol... who woulda thunk it... i get piks to put up so.... leggo...