holy shit!! need advice ASAP


Well-Known Member
HOLY shit! *rubs my eyes quickly*
I think the bank just made a bank error - in my favor.

Does ANYONE know what the laws are for bank errors or wrong transactions? cuz I swear to fucking god my work paid me twice today! I never requested vacation pay or holiday pay or anything (and even if I did I only have like $300 in vacation pay saved up) but I checked my bank account this morning because it's pay day and HOLY FUCK!! I got double paid!!

Does anyone know my legal obligations? Do I have to inform my work of this problem? I'm figuring they're gonna figure it out sooner or later... because they'll see two proccesses for the same chequing account... obviously I'm going to say something so it doesn't happen again... but am I under ANY legal obligation to give this money back? can I just claim I didn't notice until it was too late? What if I spend all the money quickly so even if they "request" it back... I can just be like... "uhh shit I spent it all, it's not my problem I thought that was my money"

or is this just my luck fucking day????? I'm not even butt fucking kidding!! :hump::hump::hump:

I think I got someone elses cheque deposited into my account or some shit. :neutral:

Dec 17, 2010 Balance 2505.22
Dec 17, 2010 PAYROLL DEPOSIT 1457.52
Dec 17, 2010 PAYROLL DEPOSIT 1047.70


Well-Known Member
I would guess it was just a simple mistake and wouldn't touch the money.

A few employers I've worked for had issues with direct deposit and peoples money going into wrong accounts.

Pretty sure they'll notice when the other guy says he didn't get paid today.


Well-Known Member
I'm also sure its just a simple mistake, but I would like to know what legal obligations I have if anybody knows. I'm in canada if that matters.
Fuck that withdraw it and hold it.Its not your fault they paid you twice if it is a problem then you will be given time to pay it back..
You will not be arrested or sued if you think that.

insane 559 jc

Well-Known Member
they switched checks with my bro and me they voided old ones but direct deposit... at worst withdraw and hold suspect funds.
if they dont take the money thru your bank maybe you got away clean


Well-Known Member
You should probably notify them if you want to keep your job.

but notifying them doesn't mean you'll have to give the money back.
Like i said its not your fault so you are in the clear if any problems you will be asked to pay it back and given some time to do so.


Well-Known Member
Sounds shitty... Imma just withdraw the suspect funds and bring them back into work as a money order payable to my work I guess.
Sounds shitty... Imma just withdraw the suspect funds and bring them back into work as a money order payable to my work I guess.
Damn i wish i dropped a 1000 dollars in front of you you good samaritan you.Ill probably get 1050 back being you are such a nice guy..lmao


Well-Known Member
Like i said its not your fault so you are in the clear if any problems you will be asked to pay it back and given some time to do so.

yea, then they will fire your ass for takin their money AS SOON as u pay it off tho. LoL!

come on SUPGEE, u need long term money WAY more than the right now..i can guartee that.

PS, i miss ur old avatar.


Well-Known Member
Damn i wish i dropped a 1000 dollars in front of you you good samaritan you.Ill probably get 1050 back being you are such a nice guy..lmao
you don't gotta be a douche, the only reason I'm not keeping this money is because it's not worth the legal hassle and I'd rather have my job than a temporary $1000 bucks... as you can see my checks are $1400 every two weeks so why lose that over an extra $1000 :roll:

yea, then they will fire your ass for takin their money AS SOON as u pay it off tho. LoL!

come on SUPGEE, u need long term money WAY more than the right now..i can guartee that.

PS, i miss ur old avatar.
I doubt they will fire you for them making the mistake.Thats a era they made not you.Its your bank account THEY deposited in which will make it thier respnsiblity.They will not fire you for that.Like i saaid they will ask you to pay it back at most.Thats a civil suit if they fire you for the mistake they made.
you don't gotta be a douche, the only reason I'm not keeping this money is because it's not worth the legal hassle and I'd rather have my job than a temporary $1000 bucks... as you can see my checks are $1400 every two weeks so why lose that over an extra $1000 :roll:
excuse me for even giving you some advice there will be no legal hassle


Well-Known Member
well considering there is written facts that indeed he did know he had 300 in his bank and now it went to this? they would find out, render u un-credible, and u my freind would be jobless in no time at all!:mrgreen:

dont take it from me tho, i am my own boss.:hump:



given your pay, I'd wager that you can live without touching the extra money..... leave it alone and in the bank, and if there is a problem that arises, its a few simple keystrokes for some bank worker somewhere..... Your job will not come to you first, they're gonna go to the bank with their inquiry, as that's most likely who fucked up. If you've heard nothing from the bank or the job, I'd say you're golden.


Well-Known Member
I really can't afford to lose my job, especially because I'm going to be assuming the manager position in the middle of January so... I'm just going to do the right thing and forfeit the money. It wasn't mine to begin with, and as your right gogrow I don't REALLY need it but it would be awesome... It's like a week before christmas.... who wouldn't want an extra $1000 bucks to play with... hah. but I need to think long term.


Well-Known Member
given your pay, I'd wager that you can live without touching the extra money..... leave it alone and in the bank, and if there is a problem that arises, its a few simple keystrokes for some bank worker somewhere..... Your job will not come to you first, they're gonna go to the bank with their inquiry, as that's most likely who fucked up. If you've heard nothing from the bank or the job, I'd say you're golden.

HAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA!! aside from it all
dont mind to piss you off

funee shit GOGROW!


I had a girlfriend that happened to once. She worked at a mall, the whole mall uses the same payroll company. It was only like 350 or something if I'm not mistaken. She asked me what she should do...I said wait a couple days if it's still there withdraw it. If you get asked just play pretty and stupid. I don't check my bank account?
Long of the short is she did get away with it. But who's to say if all payroll people are that stupid.

In any event, honesty will always get you through things man. I'd be phoning my work and asking them what they did if it were me. I'm not cute or stupid enough to steal a grand lol!!
I mean who knows maybe you just got a REAL christmas bonus man?

Merry Presents from Those Who Pretend To Love You day!!!
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
dude they have the keys to your account, they can take that money out even when you have $0 available, and then you are pretty much fucked untill you get their $300 back to just get to a zero balance again...