holy shit!! need advice ASAP

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I'd keep it in your account for 3 weeks. If you hear nothing, withdraw it.. if anything comes up, "Oh I didn't notice.. According to your paper that happened like 3 weeks ago I didn't catch it, I just thought I had $xxxx.xx in my bank account so I withdrew $xxxx.xx to buy something on craigslist, but the guy never called me"

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I'd fire anyone that "got an extra grand" from me the minute after they repaid me.
Do you run a buisness?

If you don't you have no room to say that. Don't think you can fire someone for not noticing YOUR mistake. I mean you could, but then you'd get sued. I don't know though I'm not well versed in law.


Well-Known Member
Do you run a buisness?

If you don't you have no room to say that. Don't think you can fire someone for not noticing YOUR mistake. I mean you could, but then you'd get sued. I don't know though I'm not well versed in law.
I can fire someone for a whole slew of reasons. Performance, lateness, long lunches, poor attitude.

"At-will employment is a doctrine of American law that defines an employment relationship in which either party can break the relationship with no liability, provided there was no express contract for a definite term governing the employment relationship and that the employer does not belong to a collective bargaining group (i.e., has not recognized a union). Under this legal doctrine:
“ any hiring is presumed to be "at will"; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals "for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all," and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work.

Unless you are in a union or we have a contract for a length of employment...good luck in trying to take ANYONE to court for firing you. Sexual harrassment can be tried of course...but if both parties are male and not ghey...good farqing luck.


Well-Known Member
Ah maybe I see the confusion: I meant I'd fire someone who did not tell me about my mistake within a reasonable time. Let's say 2 weeks. But to the person that told me right away? I'd promote them if possible or put them into training for the new role if it could be done w/o too much difficulty.
I got over paid once. They tried to take the money back out....my bank wouldn't let them, So the employer just took it from the next paycheck. Except mine was a much larger mistake.....somehow all 350 employee's were paid for 3pay periods!! SO my check was like 3 times what it shoulda been......
They will notice....and they will do whatever they do.....you didnt do anything wrong. It depends on your bank whether or not they can get the money back....unless you withdraw it real quick.....


Well-Known Member
Dun dun dun...

so like I said yesterday it was a straight up blizzard so I really didn't do much of anything yesterday.. let alone spending any money..
So today I called into work to speak to my manager (i'm the assistant manager at the moment) and I was talking to her, and then I brought up about what happened... That I was almost SURE I got double paid.... and she started laughing.... I was confused.... and then she told me that it was INDEED our christmas bonus!!! I was like what the fuck!!! No-one told me I got a bonus, and nobody said anything that it was going to be the week before christmas.... but then she told me that she purposely didn't tell me because she wanted to see what I would do... Well hell fucking yeah!! I guess christmas miracles do happen, to some people.... My bonus was $1000 fucking dollars!!! you know what she said? Her bonus was almost 3 grand!!! I was like holy fuck.... good thing I'm taking over the manager position in January.... then I get a $3000 bonus at christmas!!!