Strange stem problem with pic


Do you have a fan on that thing?? YOu need to have a fan blowing on ur babies so that it strengthens the stems up enough to hold itself up now and later in life during flower..
The light is like 3 ft away 400w MH. And there are 3 fans in the room oscillating.

So did I do this or just bad luck. Can I save it by doing LST?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
The light is like 3 ft away 400w MH. And there are 3 fans in the room oscillating.

So did I do this or just bad luck. Can I save it by doing LST?
As far as I can see that thing is dead! I don't think it is worth the time to try and limp it back to health when you could just get another seed germinated. Sorry for the loss.
As far as I can see that thing is dead! I don't think it is worth the time to try and limp it back to health when you could just get another seed germinated. Sorry for the loss.
Yeah that's what I was thinking anyway I started 3 more seeds yesterday. Sucks I lost like 2 Wis though. I think my initial fuck up was I waited too long after the seed 'popped', it had more than 10mm in growth by the time I got to putting in soil
I have 18" clamp light with a 23w cfl. What color cfl do I want for seedlings? How many lights per seedling? Or would it be wiser to get 2 ft t5 and use them later in flowering also.

And I'm using miracle organic, the one meant for potted plants. I know I shhould use ff but I hate going to the hydro store cause I feel like the cops watch what cars go in. Last time I went I and left, there was a pig parked next to my truck and took off when I was getting in. So is miracle organic not okay for my first group, cause if its really worth it ill get some this weekend.


Well-Known Member
I have this problem that i notced now, and i think its going to screw me later on Tell me what I should do. I dont think it can hold weight like this and i dont know how it happened. The plant is going on like 17 days.

man,why on earth is the root system hanging out?? Get another 1/2 inch of soil in there, straighten it up and give it a water, should kick on.


Miracle Grow Organic is good soil..Dont let anyone tell you different for the price it cant be beat! If I was you I would put seed directly in soil under a cfl and just let it pop out, so you dont have to germ and then put in soil..I've always had good results with that.

Brick Top

New Member
Remove the plant from the soil. Use something like a narrow garden trowel and push it into the soil about 3 to 4 inches away from the plant, in a circle all around the plant, and then stick it back in and pull out the soil you just separated. You should not lose any roots, or at least not enough to make a difference. Then replant the plant deeper, so the lower leaves are around one quarter inch to one half inch above the level of the soil. Keep your light(s) as low as you can without causing heat issues and have a small fan blowing on the plant and as it grows the lateral motion of the plant will cause the stem to grow thicker and stronger.


Well-Known Member
it doesnt look dead to just needs to be buried deeper,a inch or so upto the bottom leaves.obviously be careful when doing it.then lower the light by a foot and a half.


Well-Known Member
it's a disease on the plant i cant thinkof the term off hand but that plant is dead my friend.


Well-Known Member
If the stem doens't have a kink I would just rebury that thing with just the leaves sticking out the top...

Brick Top

New Member
it's a disease on the plant i cant thinkof the term off hand but that plant is dead my friend.

You are likely thinking of damping off disease, but if it were damping off disease the base of the stem would be brownish and very contracted, very thing. When I first looked at the pictures I thought that was what the problem was but I cannot see any brownish coloring and without the damage from damping off disease that would not cause the plant to fall over like that.

The bottoms of the stems are thin, but not brownish, not looking like they are rotting just above the soils, so I doubt it is damping off disease.

When a plant has damping off disease it begins with over watering. The soil in the pictures do not appear to be over wet. If a plant has damping off disease the Cotyledons show on the soil surface can whither and die or healthy looking seedlings may suddenly fall over. Infection first starts right below the soil line; once attacked, the seedling and vegetative stage plants will start to rot, lower part of the stem will be soft, brown ans wither, become narrow, and or leaves will turn purplish hue and can yellow, brown and then fall over or shrivel up.

Unless that last part has begun to show up since the pictures were taken it is likely not damping off disease.