What in the World Are They Spraying? omg plz watch

These are not contrails folks. They often linger all day and spread into a haze. Over the last several months since starting back up after a strange absence for several months, they seem to be trying to make more random trails (fewer grids) by stopping and starting mainly. I have spent hours upon hours with my head in the clouds in the 80's...seen many contrails that are short and linger no longer than the short distance seen behind the plane before sublimating into the atmosphere...these chem trail planes are also much lower

Here is an interesting shot from a couple of weeks ago...since then there have been large circles twice...naysayers often claim they follow common paths of commercial jets...huh...




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what an idiotic conspiracy theory piece of trash that video is..

Can't believe a single person with any type of brain would even consider propagating such bs.

its public knowledge know adays that the elite want to kill off 3/4 of us and its pretty obviuse. and if u cant see this is just the next step for BIG BROTHER then your a blind ass sheep.Hitler would be proud seeing whats goin on these days.... makes me sick and i bet Orwell is just flipping in his grave
The goverment had sompthing to do with 9/11 there is proof. people who were in the pentigon said it was not a plane there was no plane parts or black box. also the room that was hit the day befor said they had lost 2.1trillion dollors. also there was thermite painted onto the walls or the twin towers so they would colaps. I dont want to pin the goverment but this aluminum is making us depend on the goverment we can no longer grow are own food get are own water. they are trying to make one goverment dont be blind stand up and fight for what you belive in!!! The reson they get away with it becuse people try and say it is not happening this video is full of people with degrees and have done research they have looked at the land run test it is clear what the goverment is doing we have to stop it befor people start dieing. dont try and play god when they are killing are enviorment and making iluminum resistant seeds.

Are you that nieve ? enjoy living in your paranoia filled life.
I doubt they'll close it. But what do you want to bet? lol I've got a few nuken seeds left :)
Anybody want to wager on when this thread gets closed?

the whole reason i started this thread is that if this stuff is falling on our crops it could be sum bad new. i wish i could get weed tested where i live but thats pretty much just cali and colardo. I didnt want to start sum political debate. if outdoor grows start getting contaminated then thats 75% of the usa's weed right there
Hey 420haze...is this your 3rd or 4th account???...I thought you just did anti-atheism threads???...or TRUTH in general?

the whole reason i started this thread is that if this stuff is falling on our crops it could be sum bad new. i wish i could get weed tested where i live but thats pretty much just cali and colardo. I didnt want to start sum political debate. if outdoor grows start getting contaminated then thats 75% of the usa's weed right there
For some reason the very mention brings out serious disinfo crap.

And although I understand ones concern for outdoor Marijuana...if there is an aerial spraying of industrial waste with Monsanto already producing Aluminum resistant seeds...really...the affect on Marijuana should actually concern most less than that of the worlds food crops and grasslands...or hell their personal health. I do not remember when I smoked outdoor weed (though my indoor gets it's air from...you guessed it!) but today alone I have had wheat, soy and corn...

Get your rain water tested and share results with public officials...spread the word about the movie.

History repeats its self... you should do a lil research.

Never stated it didnt.

I like to think my government works in the interests of my countries people, theres no pure fact or evidence to support this bs story as there isnt to discredit it, so why plant the seed of doubt in others minds, yay, lets spread the word and create a society of paranoid people wearing breathing apparatus's and goggles thinking there being rained on by alluminum, for fuck sake, find something more constructive to do, like maybe, uhmmm, jeez, i dont know, grow some dank weed !!!
makes you pretty pissed that their doing this to reflect the sun!!! ya lets poisen every one to block a lil sunlight!!!
Umm, I'd be happy to point out the instances where the government, IF not responsible, at LEAST knew what was going to happen. Bush was asked publicly and stumbled like a kid stealing candy. Yeah, im pretty sure they had something to do with it.

OMG seriously? You smoke too much weed dude.
The goverment had sompthing to do with 9/11 there is proof. people who were in the pentigon said it was not a plane there was no plane parts or black box. also the room that was hit the day befor said they had lost 2.1trillion dollors. also there was thermite painted onto the walls or the twin towers so they would colaps. I dont want to pin the goverment but this aluminum is making us depend on the goverment we can no longer grow are own food get are own water. they are trying to make one goverment dont be blind stand up and fight for what you belive in!!! The reson they get away with it becuse people try and say it is not happening this video is full of people with degrees and have done research they have looked at the land run test it is clear what the goverment is doing we have to stop it befor people start dieing. dont try and play god when they are killing are enviorment and making iluminum resistant seeds.

You too...
if your old enough back in the day late 70's early 80's we were told our weed in the field was being sprayed with paraquate Paraquat poisoning

we had a dj at our rock station called himself paraquate kelly KZAP...sacramento
The goverment had sompthing to do with 9/11 there is proof. people who were in the pentigon said it was not a plane there was no plane parts or black box. also the room that was hit the day befor said they had lost 2.1trillion dollors. also there was thermite painted onto the walls or the twin towers so they would colaps. I dont want to pin the goverment but this aluminum is making us depend on the goverment we can no longer grow are own food get are own water. they are trying to make one goverment dont be blind stand up and fight for what you belive in!!! The reson they get away with it becuse people try and say it is not happening this video is full of people with degrees and have done research they have looked at the land run test it is clear what the goverment is doing we have to stop it befor people start dieing. dont try and play god when they are killing are enviorment and making iluminum resistant seeds.

You gotta love the b.s. that gets spread thanks to the internet! There were plane parts. There are plenty of pics on that same internet that prove it. For some reason these stupid internet rumors just refuse to die. It's kind of sad really.:cry: