Help! I dont want sally to die.


I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil with Fox Farm Organic Big Bloom at the rate of 1/2 cup per gallon of water every other watering. Shes been on 12/12 forDSC01064.jpg almost three weeks and everyday when the lights come on more of my leafs look like this. Mainly black in the center, or brown, and more greenisDSC01065.jpgh yellow around the edges. My worry is that the upper leafs are starting to do this. Any help would be much appriciated. Merry Christmas to all.DSC01066.jpgIts a Fem purpple haze plant if that helps


Active Member
Hmmmm.... I used Tiger Bloom my last grow but recently bought some big bloom and it works wonders

Those leafs look like there lacking nitrogen but is normal for the lower leafs(how high are these yellow leafs going?), If you have some some grow big I'd mixed a tsp with some big bloom and test it on a tester plant

check out my grow in my sig


Active Member
what is the PH
and 1/2cup per gallon sounds like alot to me.. but i have never used that product.

This does NOT look like N def to me.


N .003 p.3 k.3fox farm bloom booster derived from earth worm castings, bat and sea bird guano, and norweigien kelp(seaweed) no way to burn. Water once a week with 1/2 cup per gallon. The othe watering is straight water. I water twice a week. Some times three.


The Ocean Forest Soil as Oyster Shell in it to control ph so i dont test it. i have a tester; i will do first thing in the morning and let u know.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I use FF OF and BB no problem. 1/2 cup per gallon may be too much but in all honesty the stuff is very weak and diluted anyways. I only use it as a supplement really like 2 tablespoons to a gallon, often less sometimes every watering. You will need some other fertilizer for the main nutrient source. I personally use FF dry organic fertilizers because it's so easy to use. Happy frog fruit and flower is super cheap, I just add it to the soil before bloom and add more 4 weeks later. It works for me I just wish I had a reverse osmsis machine...someday soon. (tiger bloom is not organic if that matters to you and I hear it's pretty hot)I would do what TMPH said and check your PH that seems more likely the culrit thn the Big bloom.


Weed Modifier
you have to flush your soil with 3 x amt of Ph'd adjusted water @ 6.4-6.8 ( best for soil) have a lockout due to too much nutes...mostly P !!! FLUSH NOW! not later, then after she dries give about 1/2 recomended dose of nutes and it is not 1/2 cup more like 1/2 teaspoon!!! not trying to be mean just to the point!!! hope this helps you....

and if you want pics of your leaves from other sources i can post one that looks just like yours ....too much P causing lockout of other nutes which appears to be a def but it is not!!! Peace,hope this helps ...thank fab for posting the link in my thread for me to help!


Weed Modifier
added with the ff soil and a 1/2 cup anything is out wack rec dose 1/2 - 1 teaspoon big bloom not 1/2 cup ...but hey he could just up the dose for a def....but i doubt it will help without adjusting ph!!!

and his have the signs of a P overdose/def....who know what else he is putting in too and every day?wtf....something is out! maybe me but just my thought...


New Member
thanks bro sounds u got that shit down

added with the ff soil and a 1/2 cup anything is out wack rec dose 1/2 - 1 teaspoon big bloom not 1/2 cup ...but hey he could just up the dose for a def....but i doubt it!!!

and his have the signs of a P overdose....who know what else he is putting in too and every day?wtf....something is out! maybe me but just my thought...


Weed Modifier
but you can look at it either way....bottom line ph is out causing a lockout either way ....need to check your ph and make sure you are adding correct amouts of nutes to water before adding to soil!

if it is a def ph is locking it out!
if it is toxic from too much or ph it is locking nutes out best thing to do would be flush and add recommended dose of nutes.

Is op using tiger bloom as well???

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I can't tell what is supposed to be an example of deficiency and what's an examle of an overdose from that pic. Also, thos damn guides never helped me much anyways.

All I'm saying is I use OF, BB and dry fertilizer and my plants aren't burned. The BB is .01-.3- .7 and my dry fert in the soil is 5-8-4 and i've fed BB @2 tablespoons per gallon every watering and never had burning occur. If you read the label it says it's safe for every watering and you can even soak roots in it, I have given it to small seedlings too. The BB is not an all purpose fertilizer these recommended dosages are recommended to be used in conjunction with tiger bloom. If I didn't just use the last of that bottle I would put 2 cups in a gallon of water and feed it to my clone because I don't think it's very powerful at all. I'm not trying to argue with you I'm just saying.


Big Bloom is 0.01 N. Thats One Hundreth. Its 0.3 p and 0.7 K. I dont think im burning anything. it says one TABLESPOON per quart if u want to feed every water or 1/2 cup per gallon once per week for what they call heavy feeding. Not to heavy since its derived from, like i said earlier, earthworm castings, bat and seabird guano, and norwegian kelp(sea weed). The NPK is so low i dont think thats it. i just went up and more r lookin bad. its black in the center of the leaf,only on top of the leaf,and the leaf overall has a healthy feel. Hope this helps.