how do you deal with heartache?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
geting wasted is a nothefucker of moherfuckers. feels great sure, feels great enough that ou can almost get past the depression sometimes. But it can go terribl badly. I still drink and well, i sill suffer depression. Alcohols bad m'kay

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
geting wasted is a nothefucker of moherfuckers. feels great sure, feels great enough that ou can almost get past the depression sometimes. But it can go terribl badly. I still drink and well, i sill suffer depression. Alcohols bad m'kay

Yes... this is why I would reccomend sitting down and just smoking a blunt to yourself... you wont hurt yourself but you will achieve the same exact effect

Alcohol just makes sorrows worse, or masks them.. while cannabis shines a new light on life & heals you..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes... this is why I would reccomend sitting down and just smoking a blunt to yourself... you wont hurt yourself but you will achieve the same exact effect

Alcohol just makes sorrows worse, or masks them.. while cannabis shines a new light on life & heals you..
Few srains do i for me which aong with my ather high tolerance, i drink a lot and smoke a shed load. Still jus about on top of it all tohugh :)


Well-Known Member
oh I'll be breaking out the cannabis, no doubt about that...I've got about 6 firecrackers ready to pop in the oven, a big ass cannon rolled (no blunt papers on hand, just zig zags), and a bowl of crystal for my gravity bong. I think that should give me a pretty good buzz hahaha :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
oh I'll be breaking out the cannabis, no doubt about that...I've got about 6 firecrackers ready to pop in the oven, a big ass cannon rolled (no blunt papers on hand, just zig zags), and a bowl of crystal for my gravity bong. I think that should give me a pretty good buzz hahaha :)
for real


if you can, make butter with a crockpot... google cannabutter crockpot and youll find instructions

the crockpot part is seriously stinky, smells amazing though.. the actual cooking into brownies or cooking isn't that smelly and airs out in an hour or so if you leave a window open

but yeah fire crackers are good, but not the most efficient compared to cannabutter.... firecrackers are easier though :) be sure to seal the crackers in tin foil so none of it vaporizes out into the oven


Well-Known Member
oh I'll be breaking out the cannabis, no doubt about that...I've got about 6 firecrackers ready to pop in the oven, a big ass cannon rolled (no blunt papers on hand, just zig zags), and a bowl of crystal for my gravity bong. I think that should give me a pretty good buzz hahaha :)
Dam. that sounds so good. i think im in love. haha. how could anybody not find that sexy.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I appreciate it :)

and I not only like edibles I luuuurve them.:mrgreen:
Who doesn't :)

what can i say. im very impressed by a lady who knows her herbs.

Not to be creepy to gafoogle... but I had to chime in on this... SERIOUSLY nothing sexier than a girl who knows her herbs... like dude if I ever heard a fine lady utter the words "high pressure sodium " into my ear I would probably have an erection. :lol: I know I'm not the only one!


Well-Known Member
Not to be creepy to gafoogle... but I had to chime in on this... SERIOUSLY nothing sexier than a girl who knows her herbs... like dude if I ever heard a fine lady utter the words "high pressure sodium " into my ear I would probably have an erection. :lol: I know I'm not the only one!
Seconded. In a non-creepy way, lol!
I don't know about "High Pressure Sodium," though.
Maybe, "let's talk Cannabinoid Biosynthesis, big guy" :) :) :)

Anyway, lol, glad to hear your spirit's are lifted!


Well-Known Member
Thank you Verde. thats the shit right. when i tell a chick to talk dirty to me i want her to say a bunch of weed and halluciongen shit. for that a chick would be rewarded greatly. in a non-creepy way that is. hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
no, not heartburn. heartache. :cry: you know the kind where it feels like someone you really liked ran you over, beat you with a 2 by 4, stuck you in a freezer, pissed on your corpse then kicked your dog?

for a while now I've been distracting myself from this by getting high, but a forced sober weekend has forced me to reexamine if this plan is working. its not. it's getting to the point where I'll smoke and instead of a high, it's just really intense depression. not always, but about 30% of the time

any suggestions on how to get over this? at this point a reunion with the shit dick who did this is not looking likely and no matter who I meet (hotter, nicer, richer, available, etc), I'm just not interested in them at all.

someone make me laugh at least. haven't smoked since thursday evening and wont be able to for 16 more hours..:(:(:(
How do I deal with heartache? Easy, realize it for what it is. There is no magical force that is love, It's a brain state. I just move on. It sounds cold, but it really is that easy, with a shrug of the shoulders and good thought session, it's gone. Ready for whatever happens next.
How do I deal with heartache? Easy, realize it for what it is. There is no magical force that is love, It's a brain state. I just move on. It sounds cold, but it really is that easy, with a shrug of the shoulders and good thought session, it's gone. Ready for whatever happens next.
honestly it might take time but nothing a nut wont fix