definatly haha . its even bigger now too ha two tops
, even has a tinted smell ... lol i opened my box to have my mouth water [anyone else's mouth water when they smell dank bud ?]
ill take some pictures after the sun comes up , but ill actually be going to texas for 8 days , and im not going to be able to water so my plan is to put it outside in my nabors old backyard and have my other nabor water it for me ,
i know it seams sketch , but its my only option right now cause i leave for the airport tomorrow ,
its most likly going to get into shock cause the light schedual and wind and temps .... mostly the light ... i had the schedual on from 1pm til 7am in the morning so i took my plant out side today at 2'30 am to gett it used to the new light change cause i have to put it out today
so yeah , ill keep you posted