Hempy Buckets, yellowing on lower leaves, help please <3 [HQ PICS]


Hey guys, sorry to interrupt the fascinating battle but I wanted to report I've given my plants increased Calmag (last feed was 5ml micro, 10ml bloom, 5ml cal-mag). The back of the cal-mag bottle suggests 1-2ml per gal so this is quite a bit more...the reasoning (provided by shnkrmn) is that the RO water I'm using is completely devoid of the calcium usually in tap water so this calmag is meant to cover that. In a couple of days I'll take a few pictures and we'll see how they are doing!

Japanfreak - in regards to using the 0-8-16 formula for hempy during flowering instead of the 0-5-10... I quote from this page http://lucasformula.com/

Low light ratio, and flowering vs veg

Lucas Formula should be used in the same ratio throughout the grow. There is a misconception that one should use 5ml of Micro and 10ml of Bloom, when in veg, and switch to 8ml of Micro, and 16ml of Bloom, when flowering.

This was never stated by Lucas himself. He originally stated that the 0-5-10 ratio was for LOW LIGHT situations (fluorescent lighting like PL/L and CFLs, or HID lamps less than 400W), whereas 0-8-16 is for medium to high light (400W+)
Since this is a CFL grow I'll be using the 0-5-10 formula throughout. Correct me if this info is wrong please!

Profgerbik - My foliar spraying was done with only pure RO water....I had considered the burn spots as a possible result of the spraying but had long ago ruled that out with some testing. At this point the spray is for the sole purpose of washing off the plants in case any nutes got splashed on them. I may delve more into foliar feeding but not until I solve this problem...my intention is to remove as many variables as possible.

These are about to be planted into 2liters and promptly flowered once roots hit the rez. I wouldn't mind flowering them immediately after transplanting but I figure maybe letting them get established in the 2liter a little better would be wise.



New Member
Japanfreak - in regards to using the 0-8-16 formula for hempy during flowering instead of the 0-5-10... I quote from this page
I know what lucas says, but I'm telling you what growers do. There are many growers who prefer to use the flower reg alone and if you are interested in it you can read this homepage http://www.angelfire.com/cantina/fourtwenty/index.html which talks a lot about it, it's PH's (the grower, not the measurment) who came up with the lucas formula but obviously you can't call it the pH formula cause that would really confuse people.

From the original source....

"7.5M-15B-0G This formula has proven itself to be one that can be used for all stages of growth, under HID lighting of various intensities, and when using a variety of hydroponic systems with a reasonably good quality source water. What is most notable, however, is in the interest of efficiency, low maintenance, ease of use, fewer products to purchase, equally high yields and equally healthy plants. For expedience, that GH formula was rounded to 8M-16B-0G, which has become widely known in Internet cannabis circles as the Lucas formula."

In my experience hempy plants can take higher EC compared to other hydro systems. You might find that you can go higher than 8-16, let your plants tell you, not a pot site.


New Member
Hey guys, sorry to interrupt the fascinating battle but I wanted to report I've given my plants increased Calmag (last feed was 5ml micro, 10ml bloom, 5ml cal-mag). The back of the cal-mag bottle suggests 1-2ml per gal so this is quite a bit more...the reasoning (provided by shnkrmn) is that the RO water I'm using is completely devoid of the calcium usually in tap water so this calmag is meant to cover that. In a couple of days I'll take a few pictures and we'll see how they are doing!

Japanfreak - in regards to using the 0-8-16 formula for hempy during flowering instead of the 0-5-10... I quote from this page http://lucasformula.com/

Since this is a CFL grow I'll be using the 0-5-10 formula throughout. Correct me if this info is wrong please!

Profgerbik - My foliar spraying was done with only pure RO water....I had considered the burn spots as a possible result of the spraying but had long ago ruled that out with some testing. At this point the spray is for the sole purpose of washing off the plants in case any nutes got splashed on them. I may delve more into foliar feeding but not until I solve this problem...my intention is to remove as many variables as possible.

These are about to be planted into 2liters and promptly flowered once roots hit the rez. I wouldn't mind flowering them immediately after transplanting but I figure maybe letting them get established in the 2liter a little better would be wise.

to spare you searching through multiple posts i just added everything ive mentioned into one, i highly suggest you try it, it wont hurt and could possibly solve your issue.

well if you are for sure about the water spraying which i still think they are a bit too wet from the pictures just being honest being so close to those CFLs and i know yes CFLs are a lot cooler than other lights but still light is light, maybe cut back a little just to see and only spray them at night and see how that works out? anyways have you tried or already have Co2 being blown in your area? this can really play a huge part with almost all basic and unsolvable plant problems most people run into, i provided some links to make your own generators with basic household items and stuff from any store if you managed to sift through all of this, i am extremely sorry for getting so carried away too, im just that type of person. ill gladly admit when im wrong though.

the other thing i noticed was how big your babies are for being in those little styrafoam cups, have you tried moving them to a bigger spot earlier on? do you grow in these cups throughout everything vegging and flowering? if so that would for sure be a result of just lack of oxygen and not enough room for your roots, which can also cause the browning and yellowing of leaves.

because of so many post i bet its confusing at this point so ill try to keep it all in one this time, for future maintenance try lollipopping your plants, when they show signs of dying leaves near the bottom it can also be simply due to the fact that the light is not penetrating far enough, you can just trim them all of leaving the bottom stem bare and save your plants a great deal of energy and it will actually give you a higher yield especially when they get taller. you growing for your 3rd time should have seen first hand, that the leaves near the bottom tend to get droopy and you will only yield little popcorns of buds on the bottom, it just a waste of energy and space for you to leave them on, you can check on youtube and just type in lollipoppin plants and it will probably come up if you not for sure how to do it safely.

i agree you should stop using RO water, just go to a store buy a purifier and use tap and make gallons of water and store them around the house, same thing really as buying gallons of purified water from the store which i used to do stupidly.

seeing as your plants seem to be pretty fine, and it really doesnt appear to be a lack or nutes or even too much, i think you should just stick to the amount you are using already, i know that it isnt always the best idea to follow the directions on the back of things as they werent made for growing pot, in regards to that i usually check out the actually website of whatever nutrients im using and play around with the calculator, hopefully your brand provides one but it helps a great deal to know and see how much you are putting in exactly, then you can decide if it looks like too much and cut back.if this calmag doesnt work within the week try all these things i mentioned first to see if it provides any better results i cant promise it will happen within a week but seeing as they are still young there is no better time than now, all the things i mentioned you can try for at least a couple of your plants too just to see if it makes any difference i promise you it will not kill them. nothing ive suggested is that dangerous.

but if you do not have Co2 running in your space i highly suggest making a generator, you will see a huge improvement in overall heatlh growth and yield and it spares you the worry knowing they are growing as strong as they possible can. if you dont want to sift through and find my links ill gladly Pm them to you or post them again here.

i noticed you said it is only sprayed with pure RO water, which can also be the problem, try some of the foliage sprays that mentioned like flora shield and diamond nectar by GH, or if you want to find what one you like best thats fine, just make sure that next time your using a solution that can help the foliage soak it in better as well as protect the leaves from damage, the problem with water these days is there is so much in it, its just so hard to know exactly what your spraying on your plants especially if your just using water only, so make sure to try that also.

lastly i am almost lets says 80% sure that it could be due to lack of Co2, your cups size versus the size of the actual plants you have or just the over watering the foliage, another reason i keep bringing this up is because when you over water the leaves, they will krinkle up like putting drops of water on a piece of paper i can see this in your photos they krinkle up at the vein lines and thats a sign of them having too much water on the leaves.

hope i helped. good luck ill check back when you post your calmag solution, hopefully that just fixes it, i cant stress though how important it is to have Co2 with your plants, its something they survive on and convert to energy it really helps a lot. heres the links again.




Well-Known Member
Wow....that ended up lasting pretty long....Hah....grow up and grow!!! I know...I know..he started it or whatever...so many dif. methods of growing and styles and personal opinions...shit people.

Hope you end up with a solution to the problem BucketGirl



New Member
Many different methods of growing, one would hope that one actually has experience in the method they are giving advice about though. Otherwise you waste the persons time giving irrelevent and wrong advice.


New Member
I'm not acting like you don't know anything, going by the much repeated grow advice you give I know you've done your homework. I'm saying you haven't grown in Hempy so you shouldn't give advice on it when there are thousands who have and ready to give advice.

If you read the "I don't give a shit" thread and stopped to think a bit you wouldn't even bring that up. Think...don't repeat.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Messages from one individual to another that have no relevance to the topic should be kept as Private Messages so that other people don't need to sift through 6 pages of malarky.

Seriously, stop hijacking the thread for your personal drama. Address each other personally, like adults, and stop dragging this out through the muck like children.


New Member
Unless the content could help the OP in which case I think it's cool, but hey everybody has different opinions, at least we are offering advice as well.


New Member
Since you mentioned everything under the sun including Mosiac Virus I bet it's one of them as well. Just stick to giving advice on styles you have grown with. Not that hard. There are hempy growers in this thread,,,you are not one of them.


New Member
sorry i dont read grow books buddy, all the information i have is from seeing it first hand and from professional growers themselves.
First hand would be growing in hempy and giving your advice based on experience. I know you think it's all the same, but it isn't.


New Member
nitrogen def yellowing from the bottom up is usually a indicator of N def.. it looks like a lock out problem.
At the E.C. she is feeding them it's unlikely that it's lock out. She's just a bit over E.C. of 1 excluding the cal-mag. There are other things like clone health and transplant shock which could prevent them from eating properly but as long as you have a good food balance going in with hempy they can handle really high E.C.s in the style.

I wouldn't have dreamed growing at an E.C. of 2.5 in my other hydro systems but my hempy plants can take it depending on strain.


New Member
didnt make sense but yea keep talking, please while i respectfully delete all this bullshit.

the next time you want to talk to me do it personally please this is beyond ridiculous already. you can easily leave your short bewildered comments on my page, do so. for fuck sakes.
Just stop talking about a style you haven't grown in for fuck's sake. Seriously. I got nothing against you other than that. I've been using the nutes the OP uses for the past 9 years and growing in hempy for the past 3. I've earned the right to give advice, you haven't done shit in this style yet. Experience talks posers walk.