Well-Known Member
Sweet Id Love to see it In larger form ..Flowerin mom outside sounds like a great Idea But it's like -10 f here right now And our 12/12 season is only a month and a half long lol .....As for light proofing the buckets when I Started to get them all together I went out and bought some spray paint to opaque and white them out But I bought the cheapest shit and it didn't do a very good job of Opaquing And Actually started peeling off the buckets so I'm slowly buying the more expensive stuff that bonds to plasticsIm pulling up a chair for this one.... im currently designing a similar plan except i have a lil more room to work with so i am shooting for 2 plants a week
i got to say at first i though that flowering your mother would be a bad idea because of space issues but in the end i think it payed off for you... i plan on timeing it so when my moms get to big i can do them outdoors for max yield... (my moms will be in soil)
i love attitude i have ordered from them on a few occasions last 420 they gave out shirts and mugs haha
you might want to think about light proofing your buckets... like wrapping them in reflective duct tape... because any light causes root rot/bacteria (that light brown-ness on your roots) if you did that it would go away i bet
i cant wait to see you get back up and running after the shadowing incident from your mother plant... i cant wait