Murder you, not even. I'd never want to interfere in your fucked up life. Anyone as miserable as you deserves a long long life, although it would give me great pleasure to knock you on your ass, just for fun. I'm 70 years old and would gladly through down with your pathetic ass. You are the pussy that always runs to the mods, "hey mods, Medicineman is pickin on me, he called me a name". I remember when you were on the "elite" squad, you always gave me doses of negative reps, what a fucking joke you are. I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire. Yeah, I'd really like to meet you in an alley. You would definently have some major bruises, I doubt I'd have to pull my gat, In fact, I'd probably have to chase you for the coward you are. Big internet tough guy, what a joke you are.