The Art of The Auto

lol... never thought I'd enjoy being kissed by another man so much first thing in the morning...
Talking about that....

I Hate christmas/new year kisses...everyone is laden with Flu/cold bugs..and they spread it..

not that I'm anti-social..

I am..I am..:roll: soon as I get hit by a bug now it brings on my Pain in big doses...
I have done really well up to now
but I was caught unawares by dirty Dave...
Lovely bloke..heart of Gold..but boy does he smell...

Thought I was gonna get away with a hand-shake..
but he caught me unawares and give me a Big Bro Hug...:hug:
then coughed in me ear...

Hugging and Kissing should be Bloody Outlawed...:?.....
Talking about that....

I Hate christmas/new year kisses...everyone is laden with Flu/cold bugs..and they spread it..

not that I'm anti-social..

I am..I am..:roll: soon as I get hit by a bug now it brings on my Pain in big doses...
I have done really well up to now
but I was caught unawares by dirty Dave...
Lovely bloke..heart of Gold..but boy does he smell...

Thought I was gonna get away with a hand-shake..
but he caught me unawares and give me a Big Bro Hug...:hug:
then coughed in me ear...

Hugging and Kissing should be Bloody Outlawed...:?.....

ughh! I know the feeling... may good karma be with you and the health and canna gods watch over you.
lol... well.. I'm sure you will... I do a lot of automated and compuiter controlled / robotics stuff as well as security camera systems... remote controlled with pan tilt zoom cameras and shit... its pretty cool stuff... also hidden remote-lock doors, irrigation and hydroponics controls... solar power, water power, and (some) wind power stuff.... always glad to share... just ask on anything technical and if I dont know I can probably figure it out riht quick.
Hold there JM..just bringing some infor for you off-site

Acidic 5-6

  • Poor digestion of food
  • Low immune system, increased possibility of illness
  • Less oxygen circulating around the body
  • Increased fat storage
  • Less cell rejuvenation
  • Optimum breeding ground for bacteria
  • Depression
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Organs over stressed
  • Possible muscle bone wastage
Alkaline 6-7

  • More energy
  • Immune system working at optimum level to fight disease and illness
  • Increased absorption of nutrients
  • Less fat storage
  • Stronger hair, skin and nails
  • Healthier mental state of mind
  • Increase your body's oxygen
  • Organs working at comfortable and optimum levels
When your pH is continuously between 6.75 in the morning and 7.5 by the evening, you’re functioning within a healthy range, as best readings from saliva and urine pH strips are slightly alkaline at a level of 7.43

This is from that PH diet thing for HUMANS..

does THAT not look EXACTLY the same as we have been doing with the Girls and the buffered water..
and we have SEEN what it does to the health on them..

FullD might have done more than he thought with those water Tutorials for Me..
he might have helped me towards a cure....:clap:

You told me about the PH it must be in your sphere of homework..
so have you actually Tried it..?
Has anyone ever had neem oil burn a plant? I went out of town for one day and when I got back one of my plants was just shriveled and crispy. I don't know what could have gone so wrong in a twenty four hour period. I also found out that in addition to the fungus gnats I have thrips. Apparently they like dry soil and the gnats like it wet. Dammed if I do dammed if I don't. I will keep using the neem oil on the soil only for now. wish me luck getting rid of these little fuckers.
damn! Thats a nice layout... I have not tried it mostly becase I found it a bit complex at the time (5 years ago) and just didn't have time to delve into it further... however... that seems like its right on par... now lets consider this... most plants like the 6-7 ph range... so if we keep our plants growing at optimum ph and oxygen... how much ends up transferedd to us in diet?

I have tried oxygen therapy... and that is HIGHLY effective... they are also using it to kill cancer and aids...

I have neither (fortunately) but I did have some aches and pains and knees problems as well as shitty breathing and oxygen levels (from my smoking) A few winters back I was laid off for 6 moths and totally broke... so I spent most of my time inside and depressed... this caused more ills than I had... so I did the oxygen therapy and some good excersie and got my shit back straight... but the oxygen helped me get back on top of it.

quick blip

the orginial video i found which led to further research
Has anyone ever had neem oil burn a plant? I went out of town for one day and when I got back one of my plants was just shriveled and crispy. I don't know what could have gone so wrong in a twenty four hour period. I also found out that in addition to the fungus gnats I have thrips. Apparently they like dry soil and the gnats like it wet. Dammed if I do dammed if I don't. I will keep using the neem oil on the soil only for now. wish me luck getting rid of these little fuckers.

I'm using on soil... as well as beneficial nematodes... I'll throw the link when i find it...

yes... neem must be applied prior to dark period for at least 4 hours of darkness minmum... higher intensity light causes further photo-toxicity... stay with the soil treatment and get sumerlius guys like i mentioned I'm getting.. and some nematodes

also, use very small amounts of neem... not much and mix a few drops of soap to get it to emulsify...

I use 5 ml neem for 1.5 gallons water

only 1 treatment for me... but if you need multiple they should be 2 weeks apart
most plants like the 6-7 ph range... so if we keep our plants growing at optimum ph and oxygen... how much ends up transferedd to us in diet?
No..we have to Buffer Our intake same as the Girls..and measure our run-off...and You have the PH Meter to do it....

In it's simplest form...if your run-off is have a problem..and need to re-dress the balance..

I'm gonna be trying it as soon as I get a meter sorted out.

This could be the Key to 6 years of research for me.

Increase your body's oxygen

That could be the oxygen I NEED to stop my nerves screaming.
Morning teflon..I was gonna say same as JM...lights have to be Out when spraying...until the leaves are dry.

How Bad are they...?
lol... well.. I'm sure you will... I do a lot of automated and compuiter controlled / robotics stuff as well as security camera systems... remote controlled with pan tilt zoom cameras and shit... its pretty cool stuff... also hidden remote-lock doors, irrigation and hydroponics controls... solar power, water power, and (some) wind power stuff.... always glad to share... just ask on anything technical and if I dont know I can probably figure it out riht quick.
Wowsers.....I knew we should have put Tech Spec in your Team badge....
Brilliant stuff M8...appreciated..:mrgreen:.

No..we have to Buffer Our intake same as the Girls..and measure our run-off...and You have the PH Meter to do it....

In it's simplest form...if your run-off is have a problem..and need to re-dress the balance..

I'm gonna be trying it as soon as I get a meter sorted out.

This could be the Key to 6 years of research for me.

That could be the oxygen I NEED to stop my nerves screaming.
Morning teflon..I was gonna say same as JM...lights have to be Out when spraying...until the leaves are dry.

How Bad are they...?

Well I've got an article on it here somewhere ... I'll dig it up... it goes into pretty intimate detail about cell health... and even explains about how sugar when burned by our body produces like 1/3rd the energy that we normally produce from metabolizing food... this probably also effects our body's ph and I would even venture to say drastically... cuz when we are not breathing deep enogh (like emphezima) we get high CO2 concentrations in our lungs, and cnsequentlky in our blood stream... and if you know anything about co2... and I'm sure you do... co2 is Carbonic ACID....
Wowsers.....I knew we should have put Tech Spec in your Team badge....
Brilliant stuff M8...appreciated..:mrgreen:.

I've been thinkin about that... I encompass alittle more than air and fog... but didn't want to be an arrogant sob or asnnoy anyone with my abilites! lol

also... you say when we buffer our intake... do you mean fluids only? or solids too? because this can become complex initally... until you kinda resolve which foods are in your ph range.. or least figure out how to make foods buffer each other.

not sure if this is the exact same article... but it def paralells it
I've been thinkin about that... I encompass alittle more than air and fog... but didn't want to be an arrogant sob or asnnoy anyone with my abilites! lol

also... you say when we buffer our intake... do you mean fluids only? or solids too? because this can become complex initally... until you kinda resolve which foods are in your ph range.. or least figure out how to make foods buffer each other.

not sure if this is the exact same article... but it def paralells it

I can fix that badge anytime you want JM, I'm pretty handy with graphics myself.
1.1.2011 017.jpg1.1.2011 019.jpg1.1.2011 008.jpg

I've never had a plant start budding quite like the one in pic#3...
At first I thought it was a hermi but she isn't...
The striped plant is still producing new growth thats striped as well...
I can fix that badge anytime you want JM, I'm pretty handy with graphics myself.

thatd be great... bu only with mossys permission... as FD is not here to confer with as well :)

NC... you and mossy must be the luckiest growers on the planet ... and BH... you guys get all the cool anomolies! Now thats a water mark!

heres a link to the visual watermark program for you guys... full copy... for free torrnts!
Have you guys saw a plant start budding like that?
I damn near pulled the bitch thinking she was a bastard a couple days ago...